Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What a beautiful week we’re having in the country! I am thankful for every blessing, great and small. We had a great Sunday yesterday, February 26th at the Enola church of Christ with 143 members and guests gathered together for worship and fellowship. I hope that you were encouraged and challenged by the time we spent together.

This Sunday, March 4th (I can’t hardly believe that it’s March already) will be one of our very special Sundays at Enola. We will meet for Bible study at 10:00 and for worship at 11:00. Immediately following our worship hour we will walk over to the fellowship hall for a luncheon together. Right after we get everything put away, we will walk back over for our “evening” service in the afternoon. We will then break for the day. Please be reminded of this very special Sunday and make sure to prepare enough food for your family and our guests. Cindi and I will certainly do our part. Our house always smells so good on a “pot-luck” Sunday morning.

Our new sermon series will continue this Sunday with the second question God asked Adam in Genesis chapter three: “Who Told You That?” Some people will say, “I feel that such and such is just fine” when it comes to religion. Well, who told you that? It wasn’t God. God has given us the Bible to help us to know, not feel what is “just fine” when it comes to our relationship with Him. Some people say, “A person doesn’t have to be baptized to be saved.” Well, who told you that? Certainly God didn’t tell you that. God tells us that those who believe and are baptized will be saved (Mark 16:16). Some people say, “One church is just as good as the other.” Who told you that? God certainly didn’t. Jesus built His church. The Bible speaks about Christ’s body, His church not many, but one. We will think about several ideas that Satan has planted in the minds of too many people in the world today and ask, “Who told you that?”

On Sunday afternoon following our luncheon we will consider a series of sermons entitled “God is Able.” Our biggest issue is not God’s ability, but our choice to trust and obey Him. Faith or Fear – Which Will It Be For Me? We are often tested, tempted, and tried. God asks His children to follow Him beside the still waters and sometimes into the raging waters. He asks us to follow Him into green pastures and also into areas of barren wilderness. He asks us to follow Him in life and also through the valley of the shadow of death. We must not be afraid, because He is always with us.

Have a great week. Get out and enjoy this beautiful spring weather. Look up to heaven to thank the Lord for His grace and providence toward us all.

Monday, February 20, 2012

What a wonderful week we are enjoying in the country, warm sunshine in February, buttercups blooming in the yard, calves in every pasture, one at a time and sometimes two, and the temptation to start our spring garden work and lawn work. But wait. It could be that winter may have one last romp before spring rushes in. God is good. We are thankful.

Our lesson series “Seven Steps from Darkness into the Light” or “Seven Steps Out of a Rut” has come to an end. I hope you have been challenged and encouraged by these lessons from God’s word. I am very excited about what we will be studying next. If you would like to read ahead, read the Biblical account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden just after they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil – Genesis 3. We will consider the four questions God asked Adam and Eve:

Lesson/Question 1 Where are you?
Lesson/Question 2 Who told you that?
Lesson/Question 3 Have you sinned?
Lesson/Question 4 What have you done?

This Sunday, February 26th Cindi and I will host our monthly Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at our house immediately following our Sunday evening service. If you or a member of your immediate family has a birthday or an anniversary in February, please come and enjoy the good fun and fellowship with your fellow Christian brothers and sisters. If you would like to bring your favorite finger-food, please do. We will provide the cake, drinks, and utensils. We certainly enjoy having you in our home.

Mark your calendar for our quarterly Church Luncheon on Sunday, March 4th. We will meet for Bible study at 10:00, worship at 11:00 then following our worship hour we will walk over to the fellowship hall for a lunch together. I know that Cindi will be probably cooking her fabulous chicken casserole, some “angelic” eggs, potato salad…Mmmmm! After our luncheon together we will meet back in the auditorium for our afternoon service and dismiss for the day. Please prepare enough food for your family and our guests as I know you always do. Our ladies are definitely the best cooks in Faulkner County.

Some of our fellow Christian brothers and sisters are having some difficult times presently. Let us remember these in our daily prayers to God. Let us also commit ourselves to having a greater appreciation for God’s provision for our needs every day. By this shall all know that we are his disciples, if we have love for one another as Jesus loved us (John 13:34-35).
a wonderful week we are enjoying in the country, warm sunshine in February,
buttercups blooming in the yard, calves in every pasture, one at a time and
sometimes two, and the temptation to start our spring garden work and lawn
work. But wait. It could be that winter may have one last
romp before spring rushes in. God is
good. We are thankful.
Our lesson series “Seven Steps from
Darkness into the Light” or “Seven Steps Out of a Rut” has come to an end. I hope you have been challenged and
encouraged by these lessons from God’s word.
I am very excited about what we will be studying next. If you would like to read ahead, read the
Biblical account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden just after they ate from
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil – Genesis 3. We will consider the four questions God asked
Adam and Eve:
Lesson/Question 1 Where are you?
Lesson/Question 2 Who told you that?
Lesson/Question 3 Have you sinned?
Lesson/Question 4 What have you done?
This Sunday, February 26th
Cindi and I will host our monthly Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at our
house immediately following our Sunday evening service. If you or a member of your immediate family
has a birthday or an anniversary in February, please come and enjoy the good
fun and fellowship with your fellow Christian brothers and sisters. If you would like to bring your favorite
finger-food, please do. We will provide
the cake, drinks, and utensils. We
certainly enjoy having you in our home.
Mark your calendar for our quarterly
Church Luncheon on Sunday, March 4th. We will meet for Bible study at 10:00,
worship at 11:00 then following our worship hour we will walk over to the fellowship
hall for a lunch together. I know that
Cindi will be probably cooking her fabulous chicken casserole, some “angelic”
eggs, potato salad…Mmmmm! After our
luncheon together we will meet back in the auditorium for our afternoon service
and dismiss for the day. Please prepare
enough food for your family and our guests as I know you always do. Our ladies are definitely the best cooks in
Faulkner County.
Some of our fellow Christian brothers and sisters
are having some difficult times presently.
Let us remember these in our daily prayers to God. Let us also commit ourselves to having a
greater appreciation for God’s provision for our needs every day. By this shall all know that we are his
disciples, if we have love for one another as Jesus loved us (John 13:34-35).

Monday, February 13, 2012

We had a little bit of winter today; some snow, a little ice, and cool at 32 degrees. The weather didn’t keep our monthly Preachers’ and Men’s Meeting from taking place here at Enola. We had the pleasure of hosting a meeting of area preachers, elders, deacons, and faithful Christian men in the central Arkansas area. Thank you to everyone who came out in the cold to share in a time of fellowship and Bible study. We had a great meeting. Next month (March) our meeting will be hosted by Brother Charles Bane and the Harding Street congregation in Morrilton on March 12th at 10:00 a.m. THANK YOU Enola ladies for providing lunch for us: beef stew, corn bread, and desserts. Mmmm! Thank you to Cindi, Beverly, and Sherry for your sacrifices in being present to serve.

This Sunday morning we will conclude our series “Seven Steps Out of a Rut.” Can you remember the steps? I hope these lessons have been encouraging and challenging to you. It has been a great pleasure to share the grace of Jesus Christ in these lessons. Sometimes we are not where we need to be in our lives. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is the Way. He is the Truth. He is the Life. We can come to the Father by Him. Come on.

Step 1 – Take _______________ for your life
Step 2 – ___________ you can change
Step 3 – ___________ your needs
Step 4 – Stop ___________ about people
Step 5 – ___ _______________ bold and dramatic
Step 6 – Stop waiting for _________ circumstances

Wednesday Evening at Enola at 7:00 is a very special time for the church. The adults are studying a series entitled “The Deep Things of God.” Last Wednesday we looked at the question “Does God Exist?” This week we will consider the question “Who is God?” Every member of the class is given a study sheet each week to take home and complete. We bring our completed study sheets back for some lively discussion. If you are not currently involved in a Bible study on Wednesday evenings, please make the short drive out to the country to Enola and meet with us. If you are not a member of the church of Christ it would be my pleasure to talk to you about the Lord’s church and how you too can have the salvation in Christ Jesus, the Son of God.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What about the beautiful weather we’re having? Thank you for being a part of the wonderful service we had together this past Sunday. It certainly is good to see that many of our brothers and sisters who have been sick lately are feeling better and are able to get out for worship and fellowship with the church. We had 164 in attendance, the largest crowd since Cindi and I made the move from the city to the country. God is good and continues to bless us with His richest blessings. We still have some who need our prayers and care. Let’s continue to pray to God for His will to be done in our lives, both personally and collectively. Our elders are doing such a fine job being our shepherds and leading us always toward Christ. Our deacons are doing a fine job carrying out their specific duties. Our Youth Minister, Brother Brandon continues to faithfully attend to the needs of the growing number of young men and women in our youth group. What a great joy it is for me to be your minister and friend, to work along side you to fulfill our mission to “Go” and reach whomever we can for Christ.

This coming Sunday morning we will take step 6 in “Seven Steps Out of a Rut.” Bartimaeus didn’t wait for ideal circumstances before coming to Jesus for what he needed in his life. We need to follow his example of faith in our Lord and Savior. Too many people are waiting on the weather to be just right. Maybe we wait for the “right” feeling. It could be that we are waiting on the “right” people before we come to Jesus to receive the blessing of forgiveness. It could be that we’re waiting until we get everything “straightened out” before we come to Jesus for what we need. Well, stop waiting for the ideal circumstances. Just come to Jesus asap and let Him work everything out. This is His invitation (Matthew 11:28-30). If you are member of the Enola church of Christ you can probably quote this passage. You have heard it so much over the past 7 months. “Come to Me” Jesus said. What about it?

On Sunday evening we will consider the brevity and the volatility of life. James writes about life in James 4:13-14. “Life is even as a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” We will look at other places in the Bible to see pictures of life. Life is a shadow, a runner, a fading flower, a handbreadth, a sigh, as yesterday, and others. I look forward to looking at life and then making sure that I live every day with these pictures in mind.

This Wednesday evening, February 8th we will begin a new lesson series entitled “The Deep Things of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; “But as it is written; ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, THE DEEP THINGS OF GOD.” In this study we will look at God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Angels, the Resurrection of Christ, Death, Satan, the Body, Soul, and Spirit, Heaven, and the Book of Life. I hope you will make plans to be here for these lessons taken from God’s word. The Bible furnishes us the answers to life’s most important questions.

We will be hosting the Areawide Preachers' Meeting here at Enola on Monday, February 13th beginning at 10:00 a.m. This is a meeting of preachers, elders, deacons, youth ministers, and men from all around Central Arkansas. Brandon and I will be presenting a program entitled "Guarding Our Integrity." The ladies at Enola will be providing lunch for us. I hope you will mark your calendar to attend.

Remember to check in on our website – http://www.enolachurchofchrist.com and stay up to date on the activities of the church. Get involved. It’s great to be a Christian and a member of the church of Christ at Enola.