Thursday, September 24, 2015

Everything okay? There is a better way to go. Jesus is the Way.

Hello on this beautiful day (September 24th) in Louisville, Kentucky.  I hope you are having a great week.  We are.  The church of Christ at Watterson Trail has a lot going on right now.  We are hosting a very special one of a kind “Fall Vacation Bible School” on Friday evening and Saturday from 10 to 2, October 1 and 2.  Something different!  Come by 9607 Watterson Trail and look for the “village of Nazareth” as you pull into the parking lot.  I’ll be dressed as a carpenter in the carpenter shop.  There will be several other shops to visit as we travel back in time to Jesus’ hometown.  We are so excited about our VBS.  Come and see. 
Last weekend we had a booth at the Jeffersontown Gaslight Festival and enjoyed having so many people visit with us.  We talked to everyone and handed out almost 500 invitations to our fall VBS.  All the children who stopped by our booth enjoyed playing the knock-the-cans-off-the-ledge game while the parents and adults watched and laughed.  You don’t have to spend a load of money to have fun.  Line up a few soup cans on a board and try to knock them down with a beanbag or ball.  You’d be surprised just how much fun it is.  The Christian life is the best life to live.
We are just about ready to appoint an additional elder and two additional deacons at Watterson Trail.  God has blessed the church with so many wonderful servants.  It is truly a blessing for me to work alongside Christian brothers and sisters who love God and one another.  Come out on any Sunday (9:30/10:30/1:30) and on any Wednesday evening (7:00) to see for yourself just how good and pleasant it is when people dwell together in unity.  We plan on appointing Dan Isenberg to the eldership and Bryan Montgomery and Eric Ritter as additional deacons on Sunday, October 3rd.  We are so thankful to God for His rich blessings to us.
Our Sunday morning sermon series is entitled “God’s Questions – Man’s Answers.”  We are studying from Genesis 3 where Adam and Eve disobeyed God.  God asked them four questions:  Where are you?  Who told you that?  Have you sinned?  What have you done?  We are on question #2 this week (27th).  Who told you that?  We must ask this question when we are faced with doubt about an issue we are facing as a Christian.  Who told you that?  Who told you that baptism is not essential for salvation?  Jesus didn’t.  He said the exact opposite.  The apostles didn’t.  The Bible doesn’t.  Who told you that it doesn’t matter when and how we worship?  Who told you that marriage is defined as anything other than one man and one woman for life? The SCOTUS may have handed down a 5 to 4 decision on an attempt at redefining marriage, but God set the order of marriage in the very beginning and will hold every human being accountable for how we live life.  Who told you that the government’s job is to provide a living for humanity?  Oh, how strong America would be if every citizen decision to work for a living.  Who told you that the church you are a member of didn’t matter?  Christ only built one church, His.  Who told you that there is plenty of time to make things right with God?  We may have many years to live and love on this earth.  And yet, today may be our last day to live.
May God bless you and yours and ours is my prayer.  How are you doing?  Is he life you’re living working out for you?  Are you happy with your life?  There is another way to go.  There is a better way to live.  The Christian life is the best life on earth.  Come and see.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

We are the light of the world. Are you shining?

We’re doing just fine in our old Kentucky home, ours for the past 10 months.  My, how time and life keeps moving ever forward.  Only 10 months?  So short, yet it seems that I have been in our great commonwealth of Kentucky serving as minister and friend at Watterson Trail for much longer.  May God give us many more years of service together for the furtherance of the gospel in the J’Town/Louisville Metro community.

It has been my pleasure to support our local Jeffersontown High School Charger football team the past two Friday nights.  One loss and one win so far.  The team has a lot of potential this year.  We have a new coach and he and his staff are doing a fine job teaching a new system.  The team seems to be picking up on the new system well.  I am enjoying the Charger band (It seems only yesterday that I was on the field with my trumpet or directing the band as drum major).  Their half-time show is getting better and better.  It is good to see so many from the J’Town community supporting the school and the team.  I am also enjoying meeting new friends, taking every opportunity to show and share the love of Christ.  To every Christian and especially to our fellow Christian brethren at Watterson Trail:  Get out and see what God can do through you.  Opportunities are all around us; next door, across the street, at school, in the stands, at the store, up, down, all around.  Live.  Laugh.   Listen.  Learn.  Love. 

I can almost hear Jesus saying it.  

“You are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” 

He did say it and Matthew wrote these instructions down in Matthew 5:14-16 in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  How about it?

This Sunday morning at Watterson Trail we will conclude our series “More Than Conquerors” with a lesson that asks, “Where am I going?”  Do you know where you are going in your life?  If you continue on the path you are currently on, where will you end up?  Will you be okay there?  Is it where you thought you’d be?  Will those following you be happy about you led them?  I have found that if I don’t know where I’m going, people, circumstances, and things cause me to be tossed here and there.  Isn’t if foolish to live your life without a direction?  What was it that someone said?  “If you don’t know where you’re going, then any road will do.”  Remember the old adage, “If you aim at nothing, you’re sure to hit it.”  Where do you want to go?  Find out.  Take aim.  And get going!  Sunday afternoon at Watterson Trail is special this Sunday (6th) because we will be singing together psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with melody in our hearts to the Lord.  Come join in.  Have a great rest of the week.  Show some TLC today and every day to those you love and to those who love you.