Wednesday, April 29, 2015

We have choices. Our happiness depends upon our choices!

Hello from sunny, beautiful Louisville, Kentucky.  God is excellent.  The world we live in is beautiful and good.  Many (probably the majority) in the world are peaceful, loving, and helpful.  There are some who are vengeful, hateful, and selfish.  Let’s remember this and not get too caught up in the storms of life that come and go.  Every day we make choices; choices that bring us, our families, our friends, and society to peace and unity or to calamity and division.  Just think about the kind of world we would have if we all followed Jesus’ word and His example in life.  Love one another.  Forgive one another.  Honor your parents.  Do what is right.  Obey the governing authorities.  Tell the truth.  Help one another.  Work.  Give.  Pray.  Care. Respect.  Don’t quit.  Trust and be trustworthy.  Be good.  Can you see how living the Christian life is the only way to live?  I hope so.  Live today in a different way.  Put these simple things into practice and see for yourself what a positive difference you can make in the world, your world, God’s world.

The sermon this Sunday morning is about security.  We are walking in the pathway of the Old Rugged Cross at Watterson Trail.  At the end of the way of the cross we will be home in heaven.  We will see Christ Jesus our Savior.  We will inherit riches beyond our wildest imagination.  We will get to see our One and Only Father.  We will finally enjoy the security that is like a tree planted by the rivers of water, security that is good and full of mercy, security that is eternal.  We do not and cannot have this kind of security this side of heaven.  If we meet the requirements: Courage, Reason, Obedience, Sacrifice, and Sincerity; if we share in the experiences: Challenges, Responsibilities, Opportunities, Sorrows, and Successes; then we will enjoy all that God has in store for us at the end of our journey along the pathway of the Old Rugged Cross.  How about it?  Walk with Jesus as He leads all who do toward home.

What would it take for you to believe and obey Jesus Christ?  Thomas wanted to see.  Nicodemus wanted to know.  There was a man in Mark 9 who wanted a miracle.  Are you waiting on a miracle to believe and obey Jesus Christ?  Sometimes we pray and God says, “Yes” to our request.  Sometimes we pray and God says, “No” to our request.  Sometimes we pray and God says, “Not yet” to our request.  Which is it with you?  If we wait for a “miracle” to believe and obey Jesus Christ, it will be too late.  Come join us at Watterson Trail at 1:30 on Sunday afternoon for this lesson.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

God is good. He is EXCELLENT! We're busy at Watterson Trail

Hello from J’town and the Watterson Trail Church of Christ.  It’s hard to believe that we’re halfway through April.  The calendar tells me that it’s spring, but when I walk outside it seems that old winter is going away rather reluctantly.  Today the rain is falling and the temperature is quite chilly.  As my grandmothers use to say, “April showers bring May flowers.”  And you shouldn’t argue with your grandmothers, right?  God has everything under control.  I’m glad.
The Watterson Trail congregation is a busy church.  Every week we meet on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for Bible study.  We provide several Adult classes as well as classes for teens, pre-teens, and children.  We meet for worship together every Lord’s Day at 10:30 a.m. and again at 1:30 p.m.  We meet again in the middle of the week every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. for Bible study.  The men meet for Men’s Night Out every Tuesday night at 7:00 at one of the local restaurants.  The ladies have a monthly devotional at the minister’s residence every second Friday evening in the month at 7:00 p.m.  We provide an after-school program for the youth called “The Trail” every Wednesday from about 3:30 through 8:00 p.m.  The entire church meets for “Activity Night” every third Friday at 6:30 p.m.  All these activities and events are aimed at helping us walk closer to Christ and to one another.  If you are looking for a new way, a better way to live, please come and visit with us.  God’s way is the very best way to live.
Our annual Watterson Trail “Tuesday Summer Sermon Series” is scheduled to begin on June 2nd, only 6 weeks away.  You won’t want to miss a single Tuesday evening.  Each session will begin at 7:00 p.m.  We will have 12 of Kentucky’s very best preachers preaching on our theme: “The Christian’s Confidence – Christ.”  From first to last these men of God will be sharing lessons from the book of First John. 
Take a look and plan to be here for every session.
June 2            Christ is Revealed               Alvin White - J’ville, IN

June 9            Christ is Verified                 Drew Custer - Okolona

June 16         Christ is Declared               Luke Ashby - New Harmony

June 23         Christ is Believed                Jerry Stephenson - Midwest/L’ville

June 30         Christ is Known                   Mike Welter - Okolona

July 7             Christ is Followed               Gerry Anderson - Auburndale

July 14           Christ is Loved                     Dale Phillips - Westport Rd/L’ville

July 21           Christ is Obeyed                 Arnis Pape - Westport Rd/L’ville

July 28           Christ is Honored               Kenneth Fleming - Newburg

August 4       Christ is Imitated                Bryan Dill - Holly Hill/Frankfort

August 11     Christ is Exalted                   Eric Welch - Hamburg Pike

August 18     Christ is Eternal                   Conrad Moorer - Northside/J’ville, IN

May God bless us as we come to Him, learn from Him, and take His yoke upon us every day, for He is meek and lowly and in Him we shall find rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28-30).

God is good.  He is excellent.