Saturday, March 9, 2019

Our invitation - "Come to Jesus."

March 9, 2019 - Hello.  Welcome.  In Matthew 11:1, Jesus “finished commanding His twelve disciples” and taught and preached in their cities.  He answered John’s question (3); “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” with (4) “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see.”  After speaking about John’s mission and His own, He rebuked the cities who should have believed in Him but would not repent (20).  He then prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to His Father (25-27) after which He extended His great invitation (28-30); “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

I heard about a Christian brother who skipped out on the assembly of the church one Sunday.  Here is his story.  

I didn’t meet with the church for worship and fellowship on the Lord’s Day this week.  On Monday a friend met me on the street and said, “I noticed that you were absent from our assembly yesterday.  Will you be there next Sunday?”  “No,” I replied.  “I can’t make it.  Don’t look for me.”  Two Christian brothers saw me on Tuesday at Walmart and asked me about my absence.  I said to the first, “I wish I could have been there on Sunday, maybe next Sunday” and to the second, “My schedule looks impossible, but I’ll try to make it.”  On Wednesday morning at the Post Office a fourth Christian brother asked if I would be at church next service.  “I’ll certainly try to be there, but I may not be able to make it.”  Before I reached my car a fifth Christian stopped me, and then and there I promised I would be there for sure.  I don’t know whose official duty it was to contact me, but I couldn’t resist the invitation from five Christian brothers and sisters.  

What lessons can we learn from this story?  #1 - We all like to go where we are wanted and needed.  If we want the saved and the unsaved, the different and the indifferent, as well as our absentee brother or sister to attend when the church meets together to hear the best news in all the world, we must let them know.  #2 – I must take advantage of every opportunity to help others to stay on the pathway to true happiness here and then heaven hereafter.  If we really want them to come, we will look for the opportunity to invite them and remind them.  #3 – We’re all in this together.  Note that one invitation wasn’t enough to shake this wayward brother into action.  Though he rejected the first invitation with little concern, note the positive impact of every other invitation and reminder.  

Sunday morning – “A Scripture Text for Life – Proverbs 3:1-6.”  We’ll look at David’s negligence and the cost of yielding to the devil’s temptations.

Sunday evening – “God’s Eternal Promise – Forgiveness.”  Amazing Grace how sweet the sound...