Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 2017 - Almost there! Thank you to our Teachers at WT

DECEMBER 2017 – Lately you have probably noticed that we have a few more children, present at Watterson Trail.  What a tremendous blessing it is to have young families with their children here with us for worship, Bible study, and fellowship.  Having children in our midst tells us that we are alive and well as a congregation of the Lord’s people.  Children in our midst also calls us to a cherished responsibility and privilege to provide for them access to the gospel of Christ on their own personal level.  It is my prayer every day as your minister that God will bless us with many more children of God, both young and older in the coming year 2018.

I ran across this poem in my studies this week and thought about the privilege we all have at Watterson Trail to serve each and every child that God sends to us.  I don’t know who penned this poem, but what a reminder it is to all who serve our children in any and every way.


Last Sunday was my turn in the nursery to work. 
My heart wasn’t in it; my feelings were hurt.
A child from its mother did not want to part
And it cried a lot with its broken heart.
I prayed that soon the hour would end,
That I could relax – no more children to tend.
Soon the hour was over; it felt good to be free.
I said, “Once a month was too much for me!”
The very next Sunday as I sat in the pew
A very good sermon, but visitors were few.
But down came a woman and her soul was saved.
She was the mother of that crying babe!
Then it dawned on me that I had been a part
Of one being saved – giving God her heart.
From that day on I would never dread
Working in the nursery while souls are fed.

A special thank you to our deacon over education, Ray Frederick and every Christian brother and sister who dedicates themselves, their time, talent, and treasure to see that every child of God, both young and older "grows in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory both now and forever.  Amen"  (2 Peter 3:18).

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Main Thing is the keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

November 2017 – Only eight Sunday’s left in the year.  Let's make it our aim to finish out 2017 strong and faithful in our giving and in our living.  With so many plans, obligations, and expectations, especially during the holiday season, we sometimes find ourselves overextended in time, mind, and money.  Jesus asks each of us to put first things first, to remember that the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.  Jesus knows our needs and desires.  He asks us to "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).

I read about a man who knelt with his preacher one night and prayed as he committed himself to give a tenth of what he earned to the Lord.  His first week’s pay was $100 so his offering was $10.  As he grew older he became more prosperous and his tenth became $20 and then $50.  He moved to another city and soon his tenth became $100 then $200 then $500.  He then called his old friend and former preacher to please come by to visit.  The preacher arrived at the man’s beautiful house.  They had a good time talking over old times and finally, the man came to the point with the preacher, “Do you remember that prayer and promise I made years ago to give the Lord a tenth of all I earned?  How can I be released from that promise?”  “Why do you want to be released?” asked the preacher.  “It’s like this,” the man replied.  When I made that promise I only had to give $10, but now my offering is $500.  I can’t afford to give away money like that.”  The preacher looked at his friend and said, “I’m afraid we can’t get a release from that promise, but there is something we can do.  We can kneel right here and ask God to shrink your income so you will only have to give $10 again.”  The man declined.

$20,000 for my brand new car.  $10,000 for a piece of sod.
$10,000 I paid to begin a house – A dollar I give to God.
A tidy sum to entertain – My friends in pointless chatter.
And when the world goes crazy mad, I ask, “Lord, what’s the matter?”
Yet, there is one big question – For the answer I still search
“With things so bad in this old world, what’s holding back the church?"

“But this I say; He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work” (II Corinthians 9:6-8).

Thursday, September 7, 2017

God bless our famly and friends in Texas and Florida...

SEPTEMBER 2017 – I hope you are now settled into your “new normal” with school now back in session with summer coming quickly to a close and fall on the horizon.  We’re so very sorry for our fellow Christians and our neighbors in Texas and also in Florida who are facing such dire life circumstances.  We are praying for them daily and it is our pleasure to assist them personally and as a congregation of the Lord’s church.  Thank you for your generous and regular financial support for our local, national, and world mission efforts.  God bless them and us.

It has been said that every football team could use a player who could play every position perfectly, who never fumbles the ball or misses a tackle and who never makes a mistake…but there’s no way to get him to put down his hot dog and drink and come down out of the stands.  There is seldom any shortage of critics in the stand who say, after a player has made a mistake, just how the play should have been made.  It probably wouldn’t be too difficult to find a person who would have scored the winning touchdown if he had been running the ball.  You see, it’s much easier to talk a perfect game than to play one.

The Christian life is a race that is to be run, a fight that is to be fought, and a life that is to be lived every day, rather than something that can simply be done sitting on the sideline looking on.  In Hebrews 12:1-2 the Bible says; “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”  We must come out of the stands and participate in the race before us and not just be an onlooker.

There is a race that has to be run, a fight that has to be fought, and a life that has to be lived.  In order to race, fight, and live we must "lay aside" whatever it is that is keeping us from racing, fighting, and living and race, fight, and live.  Simple.  Right?  Well, that's another story.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Jesus Christ, His Kingdom and His righteousness - Priority One!!

AUGUST 2017 - School is now in session.  The highways are now bustling with school buses, high school and college student drivers, and teachers and parents with school children all trying to get to their respective places.  We all must adjust our lives to a new school year. And while we make the proper adjustments, we must not allow our busy schedules to negatively affect our priorities. 

Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).  God calls each of us to Bible study every Sunday morning at 9:30 at Watterson Trail and to the scheduled time where you meet for study, fellowship, and worship.  Then we meet for worship together at 10:30 where we sing, pray, give, remember Christ in the Lord’s Supper, and hear a message from God’s word honoring God, showing our devotion to Christ and our love for all.  We return for worship and study on Sunday afternoon at 1:30.  This is not just “what we do.”  This is “who we are.” 

We all need a little refreshing and revival in the middle of the week.  Especially during these busy times.  Our Tuesday Summer Series at Watterson Trail is scheduled for just three more Tuesday’s and then we will return to meeting for Bible study on Wednesday evening at 7:00 and conclude around 8:00.  Please realize the importance of these assemblies and make every meeting a priority for your family.  Our children should never need to ask: “Are we “going to church” on Sunday?” or “Are we going to Bible study tonight?” or “Do we have to go to Bible study?” or beg:  Mom, Dad, please, please, please can we go to Bible class?” or any other question or statement that would reflect the idea that assembling together in the name of Jesus Christ was anything less than a priority in our family.  Mom and Dad; make sure you promote Christ and Christian living every day in your home, in your life, and in the lives of your children.

Our sermon on Sunday (13th) is taken from Psalm 128 and will remind us of God’s blessings to everyone who “fears the Lord and walks in His ways.”  Don’t you want to “eat the labor of your hands” and “be happy” and “be well?”  Don’t you want to have your husband or wife be “like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house?”  And don’t you want your children to be “like olive plants all around your table?”  The Psalmist said, “Behold, thus shall a man be blessed, who fears the Lord.”  He concludes Psalm 128 with blessings from heaven, the good of God’s holy city, and longevity of life even to see your children’s children.  These blessings are not promised to those who work harder, or to those who invest their money wisely, or to those who are highly educated, or to those who inherit a large sum from some distant relative.  These blessing come to those who take God seriously, look up to Him with the respect He deserves, and acknowledge His authority in the universe.

May God bless you and yours as we make Him Priority One in our lives.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

God is so good to us. Let us love Him every day.

JULY 2017 – God is so good to us.  Since God created everything that is, He has shown us Himself.   Paul wrote to our Christian brethren in Rome (Romans 1:19-20) this very fact.  “…For what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they (we) are without excuse.”  Can we “see” God with the rising of the sun?  Can we “see” God in the still of the night?  Can we “see” God in the waves of the sea and in the mist of the mountains?  Can we “see” God in the face of those we love?  We just need to open our eyes and look.

One morning a little girl said to her grandmother, “Grandmother, what shall we do this morning since we have nothing for breakfast?” “Well” said the grandmother, “we will light the fire, put on the kettle, set the table, and tell our Heavenly Father.  Even if He turns stones into bread, we will have our breakfast.”  Soon, there came a knock at the door.  It was a man who had a need.  “Excuse me, but would you happen to have a grindstone that I could purchase for my business?  I am desperate need of one.”  The grandmother pointed the man to the shed and he bought the stone for ten dollars.  “Let us kneel down again,” said the grandmother, “and give thanks to our Heavenly Father and then we will walk down to the shop and buy food for breakfast.”  On that day, indeed the Lord turned a stone into bread.  God still sees.  He hears our prayers.  He is ready, willing, and able to meet our every need.  He does not always meet our expectations…He exceeds them every time.

“And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight” – 1 John 3:22

“You lust and do not have.  You murder and covet and cannot obtain.  You fight and war.  Yet, you do not have because you do not ask” – James 4:2

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Jesus Christ to all generations, forever and ever.  Amen” – Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, June 15, 2017

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY 2017 - This Little Child's Dad

My son, Ben gave me this poem with his picture when he was 3 or 4 years old.  He made it especially for me in Bible Class for Father's Day.  I have it hanging in my office to remind me of the privilege of being a father and the responsibility I have to him and to my daughter, Bridget Maxell every day.  I don't know who wrote it, but I'm thankful for the author's reminder of the challenge of being a successful dad.


I may never be as clever as my neighbor down the street.
I may never be as wealthy as some men I’ll meet.
I may never have the fame that other men have had,
But, you know, I’ve just got to be successful as this little child’s dad.

There are certain dreams that I cherish, that I’d like to see come true,
And there are things that I’d like to accomplish before my working day are through.
But the task my heart is set on, is no more passing fad,
I’ve just got to be successful as this little child’s dad.

I may never come to glory and I may never gather gold,
And men may count me as a failure when my business life is told.
But if he who follows after shall be Godly, then I’ll be glad,
Because I’ll know I’ve been successful as this little child’s dad.

It’s the one job that I dream of, it’s the task I think of most,
For if I fail this little child, I’ve nothing else to boast,
For all the gold and wealth I’d gather, my fortune would be sad,
If I failed to be successful as this little child’s dad.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Thanks - Summer Series - Christ's love is Supreme

June 2017 – Thank you to every member of the Watterson Trail church of Christ who came out for our 100% Attendance Day last Sunday (4th).  We had a very good crowd of family and friends (125) gathered together to honor God and show Him our love and gratitude in study, fellowship, and worship.  It’s mighty tough to make 100% when some members are sick or caring for the sick.  Some are traveling for work or for other reasons.  Some have to work (police officers, security, nurses, doctors, fire department, etc.). And of course, a few others, well, just do not understand what a pleasure and privilege it is to meet together with God Himself in our midst.  Jesus Himself said, “For where two or three are gathered in My Name, there am I among them” (Matthew 18:20 ESV).  We’ll keep on keeping on, honoring God, showing our devotion to Christ Jesus and our love for all.  God is so good to us and provides for our every need every day.  We are thankful.

UP NEXT:  Our Tuesday Summer Series “Seeing Jesus in the Midst of the Storms of Life” is going strong.  Brother Brent Donoho from the Martinsburg congregation in Indiana did an outstanding job with his lesson this week, helping us to see Jesus in the midst of the storm of doubt.  Next Tuesday (13th) at 7:00 p.m. Brother Dale Phillips from Westport Road will be with us to teach us to see Jesus in the midst of the storm of disappointment.  Remember, we will not meet on Wednesday evening during June, July, and August.  Come and grow your faith ever stronger every Tuesday in the summer.

Recently one of our Christian brothers read from Romans 8:35-39 and while listening to him read, I understood.  Nothing…nothing we see or experience in this world shall be able to move us from the love of Christ.  Though we are in trouble, Christ loves us.  Maybe we’re stressed, yet Christ loves us.  We may be persecuted, and still Christ’s love sustains us.  We may be lonely, hungry, tired, or doubtful and still Christ’s love surrounds us.  Circumstances may seem hopeless, and yet the love of Christ remains.  Wow!  What a great love!

(35)  "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?"

(38-39)  "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Happy Mother's Day 2017 - Mary certainly loved her Son...

May 2017 – Happy Mother’s Day! 

Our lesson on Sunday morning (14th) will focus on the Jesus’ mother’s love for her Son and the lessons we can learn from their relationship.  Jesus’ mother presented Him to God (Luke 2:22).  She carried Him to worship (2:42).  She trusted Him and gave Him freedom to be Himself (2:44).  She worried about Him and didn’t always understand Him (2:48-50).  She gave Him responsibility and held Him responsible (2:48).  She treasured His life (2:51).  She provided for His growth in every way and so He grew in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man (2:52).  She expected great things from Him (John 2:5).  And Jesus exceeded every expectation.  What about us?  As parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings, and family and friends, do we live our lives before the boys and girls who will be following our words and examples in a way that will lead them to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men?  Yes?  Terrific!  Let’s keep on keeping on.  No?  Let’s make a real change today and get on the right track.

On Sunday afternoon at 1:30 our lesson is entitled "Living Life the Way Jesus Lived Life."  Jesus never gave in!  He never gave in to TIME.  He never gave in to HINDRANCES.  He never gave in to DOUBT.  Are you living your life the way He lived His.  Can we?  Of course we can.  Will we?  Now that's up to us.

Coming up at Watterson Trail! 

Our BIG 100% Attendance Day in scheduled for Sunday, June 4th (Only 3 weeks away).  I hope every member of the Watterson Trail congregation has marked this day to gather for Bible study, worship, and fellowship.  Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have 149 assembled together to honor God and encourage one another? Plans are to meet for Bible Class at 9:30 and then worship together at 10:30.  We’ll have a delicious “potluck” lunch together, meet again at 1:30 for a short devotional period, then break for the day. 

Also, our Tuesday Summer Series begins on Tuesday, June 6th with Brother Brent Donoho from Martinsburg, Indiana coming over to share a lesson on our theme; “Seeing Jesus in the Midst of the Storms of Life.”  His lesson is entitled “Seeing Jesus in the Midst of Doubt.”  Our Tuesday Summer Series will continue every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in June, July, and August.

God is so good to us; yesterday, today, and forever.  May we live for Him every day in a way that honors Jesus Christ, His most precious gift to the world. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?  The Lord asked this question of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18:14 when He promised that Sarah would have a child even though such a thing seemed impossible since Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old (Genesis 17:17).  Of course NOTHING is impossible with God.  The entire world changes at His word.  And the Lord fulfilled His promise to Abraham and Sarah just as He promised when Isaac was born. 

Our brother the Apostle Paul wrote about God’s power in Romans 8:31 and said, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”  God can do anything.  He can do the small things.  He can do the great things.  God certainly fulfills all His promises!  Always has.  Always will.

So when the Lord says in Luke 6:38; “Give, and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom.  For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you” He means it.  And He always delivers on His promises.  Just trust and obey and see for yourself.  What “measure” are you using, a teaspoon, a shovel, or a dump truck?  God promises to use the “same measure back to you.”

The Lord always comes through on His promises.  We must open our hearts to trust Him and obey Him and be available for all the possibilities for our lives, our family, and the church.  We must be “opportunity conscious” and take full advantage of every possibility.  We must get ready and stay ready for God’s blessings. 

Look at 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”  Are you?  When you trust and obey the Lord, He will fulfill His promise.

Look at II Corinthians 9:8: “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”  God’s promises never fail.

Then Ephesians 3:20: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.  Amen.”  Again, God is able. 

In the church and in the world we have: Sister “I can’t” and Brother “I won’t” along with Brother “I intend to but never do” and Sister “I will as soon as I get a round2it.”  Fortunately we also have our Sister “I will” and Brother “I can.”  I so very thankful for them.  I can and I will because God can and God will. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lads to Leaders Convention has Arrived - April 14-16 - We're ready too!

Hello and welcome.  It is such a privilege to be able to meet together with family and friends on the Lord’s Day and at other times for worship, study, and sweet fellowship.  Life is often filled with busy-ness and it is very easy to take for granted the rich blessings we enjoy, our freedom, our health, our family and friends; just everything that is good and rich in life.  God provides His very best.  Let us thank Him daily for His grace.

This weekend (April 14-16) several from our youth group along with their coaches and leaders will be participating in the Lads to Leaders Convention at the Louisville Marriott Downtown, 280 West Jefferson Street.  Our team is made up of eight of our very best Watterson Trail champions:  Jackson Frederick, Victoria Kalahan, Maddie Lindsey, Geramiah Mitchell, Alex Ritter, Trevor Ritter, Amber Tennill, and Ema Widner.  May God bless our team with strength, clarity, and courage as they represent Christ and His church at Watterson Trail at this year’s convention!  Come and see.  By the way, L2L Conventions are being held in cities across the nation.  Thousands of children and teens with their parents, coaches, and sponsors will gather together and focus on this year’s theme found in the book of Ruth chapter 3 verse 5 where Ruth tells her mother in law, Naomi:  “And she said to her, ‘All that you say to me I will do.”  Cindi and I will be with our group in Louisville, Kentucky only 15 miles from our home.  We are blessed.

We will be having a very special “send-off” ice cream supper for our L2L (Lads to Leaders) team immediately following our devotional period this Wednesday evening, April 12th.  Plan on coming out for Bible Class at 7:00, a short devotional period at 7:45, then ice cream to follow.  Mmmm!

Coming in June:  Wouldn’t be great to have every member of the church of Christ at Watterson Trail present for one Sunday in the year?  Well, mark your calendar.  Make plans to be present.  Invite and remind every member of the church of Christ at Watterson Trail.  We’re having a 100% Membership Day on Sunday, June 4th.  We’re planning this very special Sunday to celebrate how very blessed we are to have such a loving and caring family of Christian brothers and sisters.  Our goal is to have all 149 members present for worship and fellowship on this very special day. We’ll need every member to commit to this day and also to call, write, and remind others to do the same.  Wouldn’t this be simply “family-tastic!”  Let’s do it!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Just an Invitation - But what a difference an invitation makes!

Hello.  Welcome.  In Matthew 11, Jesus “finished commanding His disciples” and taught and preached in their cities.  He answered John’s question; “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” with “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see.”  After speaking about John’s mission and His own, He rebuked the cities who should have believed in Him but would not repent.  He then prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to His Father after which He extended His great invitation; “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

One of our Christian brothers was not as faithful as he should have been.  This is his story.

I didn’t meet for worship and fellowship on the Lord’s Day this week.  On Monday a friend met me on the street and said, “I noticed that you were absent from our assembly yesterday.  Will you be there next Sunday?”  “No,” I replied.  “I can’t make it.  Don’t look for me.”  Two Christian brothers saw me on Tuesday at Walmart and asked me about my absence.  I said to the first, “I wish I could have been there on Sunday, maybe next Sunday” and to the second, “My schedule looks impossible, but I’ll try to make it.”  On Wednesday morning at the Post Office a fourth Christian brother asked if I would be at church next service.  “I’ll certainly try to be there, but I may not be able to make it.”  Before I reached my car a fifth Christian stopped me, and then and there I promised I would be there for sure.  I don’t know whose official duty it was to contact me, but I couldn’t resist the invitation from five Christian brothers and sisters. 

We all like to go where we are wanted and needed.  If we want the saved and the unsaved, the different and the indifferent, as well as the absentees to attend when the church meets together to hear the best news in all the world, we must let them know.  If we really want them to come, we will find the opportunity to invite them.  This is our task and the duty of every member of the church of Christ at Watterson Trail.  Let’s do this.  Jesus did.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ladies' Day at Watterson Trail - Saturday, March 18 - Registration - 8:30 Program - 9:00 a.m.

Hello my friends.  It’s March.  Flowers are up and blooming.  The trees are budding.  The April showers are a bit early.  We’re supposed to “spring forward” in time this Saturday night (11th).  And the weatherman is predicting snow and 24 degrees this weekend.  Really?  Oh, for a moment there I forgot.  I live in Louisville, Kentucky.

Our 11th Annual Ladies’ Day here at Watterson Trail is now upon us (only 10 days away) scheduled for Saturday, March 18th.  Our ladies have been meeting, planning, organizing, and working toward this spectacular event for several weeks.  Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 9:00.  Our featured speaker this year is Courtney Kendall Steed from the Nashville, Tennessee area.  Our theme is “Everything You Need” taken from 2 Peter 1:3.  This is a ladies only event with the exception of our Christian brothers serving lunch to all the ladies who attend.  Ladies, mark your calendar, invite a friend, and come and enjoy the day.  It’ll be fantastic with great lessons from the Bible and the life of Jesus, good Christian fellowship, games, food, and a whole lot of singing, prayer, laughter, joy, and happiness; everything you need.

Mark your calendar for several events coming soon:

Activity Night/Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner/MAGI Project – March 31
Annual Worship Service at the Forum at Brookside – April 2 at 2:00 p.m.
Youth Sunday at WT – April 30
Pray and Play in May – May (tba)
Annual Men’s Retreat – May (tba)
100% Membership Sunday – June 4 at 9:30/10:30/1:30
Annual Ladies’ Retreat – June 23-24
Friends and Family Day at WT – August 20
Gaslight Festival – September 15-16
VBS at WT – October 8-10
Fall Harvest Weekend at WT with David Shannon – October 20-21

May God bless our efforts to honor God, show our devotion to Christ and our love to all. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Pray...Live...Work and Keep on Keeping on...

     Welcome!  Can you believe that this Lord's Day (29) marks the last Sunday in January? Our new president, Donald J. Trump will have been in office for nine days.  He has been given a great and awesome challenge.  It is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian in America to pray, live, and work “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (I Timothy 2:1-3).

     P-R-A-Y!  Let us accept the challenge to pray for those who serve us in Washington D.C. as well as in our state and local government.  The men and women who serve our nation certainly need our prayers to God on their behalf, prayers for God’s provision and protection for all of us.  God asks us to pray for the governing authority.

     L-I-V-E!  God has blessed us with the stewardship of His great riches.  Let us accept the challenge of living every day generously, faithfully, and completely using our time, talents, and treasures in the most effective and efficient way possible. 

     Sometimes it is difficult to balance living generously and living conservatively. Having the correct value system in place in our lives helps us to know when to “open” and when to “close”.  When it comes to God and the opportunities that come our way to serve others who are in need we should live our lives generously with our all.  However, when it comes to the things in life that are outside these priorities, we must live our lives conservatively.  At the beginning of each day we have a limited number of “yes’s” and “no’s” to give.  We all are limited in time, talent, and treasure.  Our task is to live generously saying “yes” whenever we can while at the same time understanding that after we have used our “yes’s” we only have the “no’s.”  After using all the “yes’s” for today we tend to begin borrowing “yes’s” from tomorrow.  Can you see where we often get into big trouble?

     W-O-R-K!  Now there’s something about that word that is scary to some, difficult for many, and almost unheard of for a few.  Yet any endeavor requires it.  Every accomplishment is achieved by it.  Our country was founded on it.  America has survived these many generations because of it, and will continue to thrive through it.  We will be judged by it one day (Revelation 20:12).  Jesus worked (John 9:4, 17:4).  Paul worked.  He fought the good fight.  He finished the race.  He kept the faith (II Timothy 4:7).  We are commanded to work (I Corinthians 15:58; II Thessalonians 3:10-15).

     Let’s remember God’s command in Philippians 2:14; “Do all things without complaining and disputing.”  And let us pray, and live, and work.  God will answer, and provide, and strengthen.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Happy to be Alive and Well in 2017 - God is Good!

We are now a week into 2017 and life is rolling along as it has since God spoke those famous words, “Let there be light.”  Spring into Summer into Fall into Winter and back around.  I’ve been making this circuit for the past 57 years 6 months 14 days in Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, South Carolina, and now in Kentucky.  Plans are to keep on moving forward, onward, and upward though as the years progress the move has slowed a bit. 

My moto has always been “110%.”  However, after a bout with high blood pressure (The ER nurses measured mine at 243/134 on the day of my awakening) in May of 2016, that number has been reeled into a more realistic “99%.”  I told the church not too long ago that living life at 110% can kill you.  And I know.  Only by God’s grace and mercy am I sitting here today writing this blog strong and healthy and still serving the Lord as His minister and messenger with the good church at Watterson Trail in Jeffersontown, Kentucky. 

I am thankful for my Chiropractor brother Dr. Michael Burleson in Daphne, Alabama who woke me up to “the silent killer” that was trying to take me.  He all but came to Louisville and took me to get the help I needed.  I am thankful for my Christian brother Dr. Anthony Remson who opened early to measure my BP and send me straight to the ER for measurements, tests, the medicine I needed, and a better way of thinking to keep me balanced.  These two doctors were supplied by God Himself to save my life for God’s glory and honor.  I am thankful. 

2017 will be and is a grand year simply because I am alive and able to see and experience the glorious blessings of life.  I can feel the warmth and the cold of the seasons. I have my wife, my children and grandchildren, and my family and friends around me on this side of heaven.  I have a work to do for the Lord Jesus Christ that is vibrant and full of passion, wonder, and excitement.  2016 was a year of change for me.  What will this new year hold?  I don’t know, but I am certainly happy to have it and will gladly face any and every opportunity and challenge with a smiling face and a joyous spirit.  God is my refuge and strength.  He supplies our every need.