Thursday, August 23, 2018

Final Blog Article as MINISTER of the Watterson Trail Church of Christ

August 2018 – I have really enjoyed the past four glorious years as your minister and friend at Watterson Trail in our old Kentucky home; J’Town/Louisville.  In a way, our time together has been just a moment and yet again, it seems that I’ve always been a Kentuckian.  It is true that I’ve been mixed up most of the time trying to decide whether to be red or blue.  One Saturday not too long ago I wore my U of L shirt and my Kentucky Blue cap.  We’ve had some wonderful moments on the mountain top.  Many new Christians have been added to the Lord’s church.  We’ve experienced too many of our dear Christian brothers and sisters leave this world to rest in Paradise.  There have been so many changes:  eldership changes, deacon changes, preacher changes, babies born and on the way, and every member who desires growing in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.  Of course we have visited the valley too.  There have been a few negatives, not that many, but a few simply because we are human beings who live in the world.  It is my prayer and desire that we all have experienced happiness and grown in God’s grace as we have shared in His abundant blessings together.

This Sunday, August 26th will be my last Sunday as minister at Watterson Trail, but our friendship will never have a last Sunday or a last any day.  Cindi and I are moving back to Arkansas permanently to be close to our children and grandchildren.  They need us and we need them.  God is already at work and will provide a terrific minister to serve with you in J’Town.  God will give the eldership (Dan, Chuck, and D) the wisdom and vision to know this new minister and his family and see him through the maze of discussion, deliberation, meditation, and thoughtful prayerful patient decision.  

Please stand firm with your elders and deacons and reject the enemy’s temptation to grow complacent and negligent in your duties as members of the Lord’s church which He loved so much that He gave His One and Only Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.  Our elders need every member of the church of Christ at Watterson Trail to stand beside them in every way to see that God is glorified in our every decision.  Now is the time to stand up together.  Souls are at stake.  Our neighbors and the area congregations around us are looking to see what will happen.  Will we turn our eyes upward and forward?  Jesus has already told us how He feels about Christians who look back.  You can read Jesus’ words in Luke 9:62.  And what did our brother the apostle Paul say about looking back?  In Philippians 3:13-14 he said that looking back was the “one thing” he refused to do; “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.”  He pressed onward and upward toward God in Christ Jesus.  Don’t be like some of our brethren who simply can’t let go of the past.  How sad for them.  And if you’re reading this and find that you are doing just that, make a change.  Be different.  Look up.  Press on.  Don’t look back except to remember the grace of our Lord Jesus and what He did for each of us on that old rugged cross.

I will not give up.  I will not give in.  I will not give out.  I will not look back.  I will look upward and forward.  I hope you will do the same.  God is so very good to us.  Thank you for your friendship, your support, and your love and generosity toward Cindi and me these past four glorious years that we have had together.  Please pray for us as we make the move back to Arkansas.  We will always think of you and pray for God's abundant grace for you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

It's almost THAT TIME OF YEAR again - Back to School!!

August 2018 - It’s that time of the year again; back to school.  Everyone up early…To bed earlier too would be a great idea…Everyone learning, changing, and growing…More traffic…Less time is seems…More laundry.  

Preparation and patience is required at home and everywhere else.  My mom always had us pick out our school clothes at night before we climbed into bed.  Some students wear uniforms.  I like this idea.  Why?  It simplifies what we wear to school, it's usually less expensive, and everyone "gets to" wear "designer" clothes. Ha.  It will take a few days, but the old “back to school” routine will soon be the new normal for all of us.  I’m very happy we have a few more days of summer.  Around J'Town, school begins on the 15th!

During these busy times let us remember what is most important: living our lives for God.  Every day remember to pray for yourself, for others, and for our world.  You can do this while you get ready for the day or on the way to or from school.  Read and remember God’s word at some point every day, even if it’s only a verse or two.  Sometimes I write out a verse or a positive quote and place it on my mirror so I can think about it while I’m getting ready.  Reading the Bible before bedtime, even just a verse or two can help us refocus.  

Sunday?  Sunday’s are so much more than a day off from work and school.  We get to meet together with our Christian family and friends for Bible study, fellowship, and worship at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. every Sunday.  Sleep in a bit longer on Sunday.  You know you can get here by 9:30!  Even if you skip breakfast, we have fresh hot dough nuts and juice every Sunday morning before Bible class here at Watterson Trail.  We are so very blessed to have such loving prepared effective teachers that will certainly be a blessing to you.  We sing together; no complications, just our voices together praising God.  We pray together. Oh, how much our community, our nation, and our world need God’s providence.  We give from God’s wonderful blessings to help others.  We examine ourselves as we remember the Lord’s sacrifice for us by sharing in the Lord’s Supper together.  (How some churches meet without “breaking bread” together on the Lord’s Day, I just don’t understand.)  We get to hear the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ preached.  God’s word is indeed “a lamp to our feet and a light to our path” (Psalm 119:102).  Our meeting concludes at 11:30.  Let’s not forget our midweek meetings too.  We meet on Wednesday’s at 7:00 during the school year for Bible study and a devotional service that helps us make it to the weekend.  Hey!  Let’s do this!