Friday, December 28, 2018

Happy New Year - Almost!

December 28, 2018 – Hello to you my friends.  Sunday is the final Lord’s Day in 2018!  The Burleson's certainly have traveled a long way since this time last year.  Cindi and I are so very thankful to be members of the Lord’s church at Harding Street in our home town of Morrilton, Arkansas.  This time last year we lived in Louisville, Kentucky, 540 miles away from you and from our children and grandchildren.  I was preaching at Watterson Trail in J’Town.  Cindi worked as Director of Compliance and Risk Management in Jeffersontown, Indiana.  We had no idea of the changes that would take place in our lives in only 12 months.  Today we live in Morrilton, Arkansas in our own new house.  I am the new minister and one of the elders at Harding Street.  Cindi is an instructor and the Director of the Center for Insurance and Risk Management Studies at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway.  And most importantly, we live only 18 miles from our children and grandchildren.  I stand completely amazed and marvel at the ways and purposes of God in life.  What will 2019 hold for us, for my family and yours, for the church of Christ at Harding Street?  The answer to this question I cannot even fathom to imagine considering what I have just written about 2018.  I do know this.  God will provide the answers to our questions, the solutions to our problems, the healing to our hurts, and the strength, wisdom, and help when we need it.  In the sermon time on Sunday (30th) we will consider what we should focus as our PRIORITY ONE in this new year, 2019.  

Adam and Eve had their unique responsibilities in Genesis 2.  Moses and the Israelites were given the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20.  Solomon wrote about “the whole duty of humanity” in Ecclesiastes 12.  Micah wrote the three things that were most important to God in Micah 6.  Jesus was asked about the “first commandment” in Matthew 22.  He answered this question and then proceeded with the second and then taught about the intensity of His command in John 13.  What is our task today in this new year?  What should be our PRIORTY ONE in 2019?  Come this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. to see.  Simple.  To the point.  Come to Jesus.  Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.  Live in trusting faith in Him. 

Thank you for the confidence you have placed in Brother Bill Brice, myself, and Brother Charles Camp as your eldership.  We will give our all to live out the sermon you’ll hear preached today.  I hope that we will unite together as one congregation of the Lord’s people to Teach as Jesus taught, Love and Jesus loves, and Care with the same passion and principle that Jesus cares for His church and for the lost.  Everyone can use a little “TLC” every day.  Let’s make it our aim to show and share TLC everywhere we are with everyone we meet starting right now.

Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. right after the morning worship hour we have Bible study sessions for all ages.  Our children are learning so much from God’s word.  Our teens are learning about righteousness from Abel, courage from Caleb, faith from Timothy, humility from Ruth, discipline from David, duty from Esther, compassion from Joseph, friendship from Jonathan, responsibility from Josiah, sacrifice from Jesus, bravery from Joshua, and service from Samuel in a series entitled; “You Don’t Have to Be Old to Be Great.”  I’m teaching the class and please parents of our teenagers; make sure your teen has the opportunity to be a part of this very important study. 

God bless us as we finish out 2018 growing the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Harding Street Church of Christ is growing and looking forward to 2019

December 20, 2018 – Sunday is the day!  We will fulfill our plan at Harding Street to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  Lord willing, Brother Bill Brice, myself, and Brother Charles Camp will be appointed to serve the congregation as your elders.  During the Sunday morning sermon time Brother Bane will speak about the duties of the eldership to the church and the duties of the church to the eldership.  He will ask the three men who will serve as our elders and every member of the congregation at Harding Street to commit ourselves to loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to loving the church with the same passion.  He will ask us to dedicate ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word in the church and in our community.  He will ask us to endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.  And we will answer the call to this great commission with a resounding “I will.”  

Please continue to pray for your elders as we seek God’s wisdom and guidance in shepherding the church in the ways of Christ Jesus our Savior.  Please be patient and helpful as we learn and grow closer to God and to one another in the most holy faith.  There is much to do and God always provides the means, the plan, and the people to accomplish His purpose for us in the near and distant future.  One of my elders once spoke to me about time and patience.  He said, “Brother Mickey, there is so much to do and there is simply not enough time today to get it all done.  If we don’t get everything done that needs to be done today, then we will find a stopping place and begin again tomorrow.  If Jesus returns between now and then, well, what we didn’t get done won’t matter anyway because we’ll be with Him in heaven. And if Jesus hesitates in His return, then we’ll just pick up where we left off and continue on.  So, let’s just smile, work together, and do what we can do while we can do it.”  Sounds good to me!  What about you?

Brother Buzz Toland will be with us Sunday evening (23rd) at 5:00 p.m. to report on all the good work we are doing together sharing the gospel of Christ in the mission field.  Please do your very best to be here this evening to hear the good news and show him our continued support.  Come a little bit early this evening at 4:30 for a very special 20 minutes of singing.

There is a small “mailbox” located in the lobby on your left as you enter.  This “mailbox” is for our church mail.  Let’s say you would like to give a Christian brother or sister a “thank you” note, a birthday card, a sympathy card, a card of encouragement, or some other communication.  You can save time and money by just bringing the card with you and leaving it in the appropriate slot; ab, cd, etc.  Also, please check the “mailbox” when you arrive for worship and Bible study for your mail.  This is a temporary box.  We’re having one built that will serve us even better. 

Men:  There is a “Wednesday Evening Devotional” sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the lobby.  Please go by and sign up to give a short devotional lesson or thought on a Wednesday evening of your choice.  We need to hear from you.

Teens:  We are having a Teen Get-Together at the home of Mickey and Cindi Burleson, 10 Winthrop Road in Morrilton on Saturday evening, December 29th from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  Food, singing, games, Alabama/Oklahoma NCAA Semifinal Game watching, and just being together as we close out 2018 and plan for a brand new year.  Hope everyone can schedule to be there.  We plan on doing this every month in 2019.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

We're almost there. Have a terrific weekend.

December 15, 2018 – Can you believe that Christmas is only 10 days away?  My dad told me about time and how it is.  The older you get the faster time seems to pass by. Plan to stay after Bible class tomorrow for a special Birthday potluck lunch together in the annex.  God is blessing us.  Together we can do so much more.

Congratulations to Katie Chapman upon her obedience to the gospel of Christ on Sunday, December 2nd.  We will present her baptismal certificate and a book “Now that I’m a Christian” after the worship hour on Sunday morning.  Please let her know how proud we are of her commitment to Christ Jesus. She is one of our champion teens.

We are continuing in our plan at Harding Street to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  We have three men who are now in view to become our next eldership; Bill Brice, myself, and Charles Camp.  The congregation has done an outstanding job in prayer, consideration, and recommendation of these three men.  Please continue to pray for these men as they also pray for God’s wisdom like Solomon did in I Kings 3, for guidance like Moses did in Exodus 18:1-23, and for strength like Jesus did in John 17 when He was about to give His life for our salvation.  May God bless our efforts to further the cause of the gospel in Morrilton, the great state of Arkansas, and throughout the world.

Next Sunday, December 23, Lord willing we will appoint the new eldership of the Harding Street Church of Christ during the sermon time on Sunday morning.  Brother Bane will officiate the appointment on behalf of the church and ask each Christian brother who will serve as an elder to dedicate himself to faithful patient service and faithful steadfast leadership in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Plans are to begin the process of recommending and appointing deacons as soon as we enter the new year, 2019.  

There is much to do.  Jesus spoke to His disciples in John 4:34-35 and said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.  Do you not say, ‘There are still four months, and then comes the harvest’?  Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.”  Just this morning (13th) I was walking down the sidewalk in town trying to get the first thing done from my “to do” list when I heard someone call my name.  I looked up to see one of our Christian sisters who has fallen away from her once firm and committed faith in Christ Jesus.  We talked for a few minutes about this and that, work, my mission to tackle the things on my list, my return to Morrilton, then we spoke about what is most important; the faith.  I don’t know if our meeting will accomplish what I would like it to but I do know that she now knows that someone is praying for her and that there is a pathway from where she is to where she can be all because Jesus walked that path.  My desire and prayer is to walk the pathway that Jesus walked in my thinking, speech, and actions.  How about you?  Are you walking in the footsteps of Jesus?

There is a small “mailbox” located in the lobby on your left as you enter.  This “mailbox” is for our church mail.  Let’s say you would like to give a Christian brother or sister a “thank you” note, a birthday card, a sympathy card, a card of encouragement, or even a Christmas card.  You can save time and money by just bringing the card with you and leaving it in the appropriate slot; ab, cd, etc.  Also, please check the “mailbox” when you arrive for worship and Bible study for your mail.  Please, let’s make an extra effort to build each other up in the most holy faith by sharing words of love and encouragement.  Our “mailbox” is just one way to accomplish this very thing.  Do you remember what Jesus said in Acts 20:35? Jesus said it.  Paul quoted it.  Luke wrote it:  “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  Oh, how true it is.  See for yourself.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

There is much to do. There is work on every hand. Here am I send me.

December 6, 2018 – Christmas is only 19 days away.  Then “Happy New Year – 2019” is next up.  What will the new year hold for you and me, for us at Harding Street church of Christ?  I’m thinking about all the wonderful times we’re going to have as a Christian family; the tremendous opportunities for service, fellowship, and growth that will be presented to us and the many and various challenges that await us, challenges that will strengthen our faith, revive our hope, and lead us to a deeper and fervent love for one another and for our Savior Jesus Christ.  I’m thinking about, praying for, and planning for the many people who will walk through these doors at 906 E. Harding Street to hear the gospel, see that gospel lived out in our community by the church, and then want to have what we have.  I’m praying for you and me, that we will look at the world through the eyes of Jesus to see their need for salvation in Christ and show and share His invitation with them.  We can do this.  One day at a time.  And of course, LORD WILLING.  Jesus promised His return.  He didn't say when.  So we must plan for tomorrow and prepare for and stay prepared for His return, maybe today.

At Harding Street are continuing in our plan to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  

This Sunday, December 9 – I will be in Louisville, Kentucky at the Watterson Trail congregation preaching on Sunday morning and afternoon, then officiating a wedding.  Brother Bane will announce the names of those who have been recommended by the church to be the next eldership at Harding Street at the morning worship hour.

(The church will have 2 weeks for prayer, consideration, and discussion as to the qualification or disqualification of those recommended.  REMEMBER – God has given us the qualities we should look for in the elders who will lead us and serve us.  There are no perfect men.  We are looking for men who love God, His church, His word, the saved and the lost.)

Sunday, December 23, Lord willing – The Official Appointment of Elders of the Harding Street Church of Christ.  During the sermon time on Sunday morning we will officially appoint those you have recommended and approved to the eldership at Harding Street.

Plans are to begin the process of recommending and appointing deacons as soon as we get the eldership appointed.  “There is much to do.  There is work on every hand.  Hark!  The cry for help comes ringing through the land.  Jesus calls for reapers, I must active be.  What wilt Thou, O Master?  Here am I, send me.  Here am I, Lord, send me.  Here am I.  Ready at thy bidding, Lord send me.”  You probably recognize this hymn # 693 in our books.  Like me, you have probably sung this hymn many times.  We must not only sing this hymn, but believe it and apply it to our lives.  Will you, will I “be active” and answer Jesus’ call for help with a resounding, “Here am I, send me?”  I will.

Come by the teen class room when you have a chance and note the new decorations on the wall in the corner.  Katie Chapman started something new and exciting.  She was the first to place here handprint on the wall along with her name and the date of her baptism, December 2, 2018.  The other class members followed suit.  To those who have not made your decision yet to confess Jesus as Lord and Savior and put Him on in baptism:  Just keep listening, reading, thinking, and moving forward.  When the time is right for you to believe and obey Christ, just do it.  I am ready to help you.

Friday, November 30, 2018

From my heart to yours. We're growing. God is good!

Can you believe it?  It’s December already.  The count down to Christmas and “Happy New Year – 2019” has begun.  Cindi and I are “in” (with an exception or two) our new house at 10 Winthrop Road.  Take Moose Street toward the river, past the “old hospital” now the residence of our senior citizens, first street to the left, then look for #10 on the right up in the trees.  We’re planning an open house before Christmas as soon as we get our things in place.  We want our Christian family to know how wonderful it is to be home in the beautiful town of Morrilton, Arkansas.

At the Harding Street congregation we are continuing in our plan to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  

SUNDAY, December 2 – All Recommendation Forms must be turned in to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson by evening service today.  Thank you to every Christian brother and sister for your prayers, consideration, and your dedication to see the Harding Street church of Christ be the light to the world we can be.

This week the ministers will then meet with the men the church has recommended to discuss their desire and qualifications.
Next Sunday, December 9 – I will be Louisville, Kentucky preaching on Sunday morning and afternoon, then officiating a wedding.  Brother Bane will announce the names of those who have been recommended.
(The church will have 2 weeks for prayer, consideration of those placed before the church, and discussion with ministers as to the qualification or disqualification of those recommended.)
Sunday, December 23, Lord willing – The Official Appointment of Elders of the Harding Street Church of Christ.  What a way to close out the year and enter the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication to the cause of Christ in the Morrilton area and into the whole world.  Together we can accomplish all that God has in store for us according to His own divine purpose.
This Sunday (2) Brother Bane will be preaching the great gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Let us focus our whole being on Jesus’ love for the world.  When we sing, let us sing like we mean every word we say.  When we pray, let us realized that we are speaking to God, the Creator of everything and that He wants to hear us and give us all that will make us better.  When we share in the Lord’s Supper, let us remember Jesus’ sacrifice while examining our lives.  When we give, let us do so cheerfully and generously.  And when Brother Bane preaches, let us hear and do what is good and right.  I’m so happy to be a member of the church of Christ at Harding Street.  Worship every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. with Bible Study following at 10:00.  Sunday evening at 5:00 and Wednesday evening at 7:00.  Come and see.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family - God is Good

From the Heart of your Minister and Friend – Mickey Burleson

November 23, 2018 – Hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend.  I try to make the holiday last as long as I can.  Oh, how good God is to all of us, richly blessing with every thing we need according to His will and purpose.  I am thankful.  I think the businesses in the area are sort of taking advantage of my own way of thinking.  “Black Friday” now begins on Friday before Thanksgiving and lasts and lasts.  Sometimes we get so wrapped up in buying and selling that we forget to be thankful.

Last Sunday (18th) we introduced our plan to lay a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders to serve and lead us.  We also looked at the qualifications of an elder.  I hope I didn’t complicate God’s expectations and directions too much.  We plan to appoint elders first then continue to the appointment of deacons.  Here is the plan in a “nutshell.”

Sunday, November 25 – Pick up a Recommendation Form from the table in the lobby, prayerfully consider the Christian men at Harding Street, and recommend any who would be good shepherds to guide us toward heaven.  We’re not looking for perfect men, just men who love God, love His church, and earnestly desire to honor Him in life and living.  Fill out the form and give it to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson.

Sunday, December 2 – All Recommendation Forms to be turned in to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson by evening service.

(Ministers will then meet with the men who have been recommended to discuss desire and qualifications.)

Sunday, December 9 – Announcement to the church of those who have been recommended.

(The church will have 2 weeks for prayer, consideration of those placed before the church, and discussion with ministers as to the qualification or disqualification of those recommended.)

Sunday, December 23, Lord willing – Official Appointment of Elders of the Harding Street Church of Christ.

God will lead us and show us the way.  Join me in praying for our future elders now, even before we know who they are.  Isn’t that what faith is all about; “For we walk by faith and not by sight.”  

Our sermons today and this evening will focus once again on “Growth – What does it take.”  We’ll consider Growing Broader through Ministry this morning and Growing Wider through Evangelism this evening.  God bless us.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

From the Heart of your minister and friend, Mickey Burleson

November 15, 2018 – Can you believe that next Thursday is Thanksgiving? Morrilton, Arkansas is certainly beautiful this time of the year.  As you travel I-40 west from Little Rock about 50 miles north and west on the Arkansas River at the foot of Petit Jean State Park you’ll come to the only “Morrilton” in the United States of America.  As you exit I-40 just look up to the top of the ridge and see God’s handiwork of just about every color; green, gold, silver, yellow, tan, and brown.  Make a slight right turn and drive about a mile.  On the right you’ll see our beautiful Morrilton High School with Devil Dog Stadium and our new Devil Dog Arena.  Look left and you’ll see our property at 906 E. Harding Street; the meeting place of the Harding Street Church of Christ.  I can almost watch the Devil Dog’s play football from my office.  What a prime location for preaching the gospel and showing and sharing Jesus’ grace to the world.
Cindi and I will close on our new house in Morrilton this week and plan on moving right in. We plan to host an open house for the church sometime early December, Lord willing. I have a mighty long list of “honey-do’s.”  What do they say?  “The longest journey begins with but a single step.”

The ministry at the Harding Street Church of Christ is moving forward with God’s rich grace and provision.  This Sunday (18th) I will introduce our plan to lay a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders to serve and lead us to ever greater service.  We will also look at the qualifications of an elder.  We plan to appoint elders first then continue to the appointment of deacons.  Here is the plan in a “nutshell.”
This Sunday, November 18 – Distribute Elder Recommendation Forms – Forms are located on the table in the lobby.  Turn in forms to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson.  Forms will be kept confidential.  Instructions are on the Recommendation Forms.  Only signed forms will be considered.
(The church will have 2 weeks for consideration and filling out forms.)

Sunday, December 2 – All Recommendation Forms to be turned in to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson by evening service.
(Ministers will then meet with the men who have been recommended to discuss desire and qualifications.)

Sunday, December 9 – Announcement to the church of those who have been recommended.
(The church will have 2 weeks for prayer, consideration of those placed before the church, and discussion with ministers as to the qualification or disqualification of those recommended.)

Sunday, December 23, Lord willing – Official Appointment of Elders of the Harding Street Church of Christ.
We’ll see how it goes.  God is so good to us. Our only desire is to serve His will and purpose.  Take a look in your Bible in Titus 1 and read about Titus’ commission from the Apostle Paul: “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you…”  Paul then gives Titus the Holy Spirit’s list of characteristics that would qualify a man to serve as an elder of the church of Christ.  Now just change “Titus” to “Mickey” and “Crete” to “Morrilton.”

Thursday, November 8, 2018

From the Heart of your minister and friend...

November in beautiful Morrilton, Arkansas...We had a terrific Sunday last week (4th) with 147 members and guests assembled together for worship, study, and fellowship.  We had almost 100 to stay for Bible class at 10:00. And what about that celebration lunch we enjoyed together?  What a sight to behold!  Such wonderful blessings of food and fellowship, laughter and happiness!  Thank you for your kindness and your generosity.  Cindi and I cannot begin to tell you how honored we are to work with you as we travel this pathway of life together toward heaven.  We’re making big plans. Come and see.

CHRISTIAN MEN & FAITHFUL MEMBERS OF THE HARDING STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST:  We are in need of qualified Elders and Deacons to serve the church of Christ at Harding Street.  

Christian Brothers:  Please check out a couple of passages in the Bible (I Timothy 3:1-15 and Titus 1:5-9 – Qualifications of Elders and Deacons) and be ready to say, “YES” to the call to service and leadership here at Harding Street. Read the list of qualities every Christian man should endeavor to have. Examine yourself through the eyes of Jesus our Savior.  Note that "Perfection" is NOT mentioned in God's list of qualifications.  If you find that you are lacking in any of the characteristics listed, begin today to make corrections and then plan to take your place alongside your fellow Christian brothers to serve the church of Christ at Harding Street as an elder or a deacon.  WE NEED YOU!  I can just “see” it now; qualified men standing before the church accepting the call to service and leadership as elders and deacons ready, willing, and able to show and share the gospel of Christ in our Morrilton community.  And know that you have two experienced gospel preachers, Brother Bane and Brother Burleson to stand with you all along the way.  To God be the glory in all that we think, say, and do.  He will show us the way.  He will provide.

I came across this article in my files and thought we could use a bit of humor as we think about the personal duties and privileges we each have as members of the church of Christ at Harding Street.  The article is entitled; Why * d*dn’t b*y that comp*ter…

Wh*le look*ng for a comp*ter for the off*ce, * fou*d one that was cheaper than all the rest.  *t looked l*ke all the others except one th*ng, two letters on the keypad wo*ld not work.  The other twenty-fo*r letters worked j*st f*ne.  *t had all the n*mbers and p*nct*at*on marks, but for some reason, * j*st co*ld not make myself cons*der *t.  Yo* m*ght th*nk *t was wrong not to s*ggest we b*y th*s part*c*lar comp*ter, after all, *n the Lord’s ch*rch yo* can always f*nd a few members who do not work and are absent *n the*r attendance.  Everyone knows that *t really makes no d*fference whether every member works or not.  There *s always someone else who can *s*ally make *p the d*fference.  *nder these c*rc*mstances * do not th*nk yo* wo*ld have wanted a comp*ter w*th a keypad on wh*ch all the keys wo*ld not work. 

Why then do expect our Lord to be sat*sf*ed when all the keys *n H*s ch*rch aren’t work*ng?  *n case yo* are wonder*ng how keys not work*ng w*ll ca*se so m*ch tro*ble, j*st look what happens when “U” and “I” are not work*ng!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Greetings from the Harding Street Church of Christ...

November in Morrilton, Arkansas
It certainly is good to be home. Remember to “fall backward” on Saturday evening before your retire.  Fall is such a beautiful season…the changing of the leaves, the aroma of fall in the air (and turkey in the oven too), football (The Devil Dogs are headed to the state playoffs!), thoughts of the holiday season on the horizon…simple things that remind us of God’s power, His promises, and His provision for all who love Him and live according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  I am so very thankful to be the minister at the Harding Street Church of Christ.  Harding Street is located at 906 E. Harding Street, Morrilton, Arkansas 72110 directly across the street from Morrilton High School's Devil Dog Stadium.  Today marks a new beginning for me and I pray for every Christian brother and sister.  Working with Brother Bane and every member of this great congregation will be a great honor for me as we all unite together under the banner of the gospel of Christ.  Great things are ahead for us.  May we all appreciate God’s riches and let Him know just how thankful we are to be His children, today and every day.

Please be patient with me while I adjust to a new and better way of life.  I am usually pretty quick to put a name to a face, but sometimes…well, you probably know how it is.  Before long we’ll be running on all cylinders.  I plan on being in the “study” at the church building every morning, Monday through Thursday at 9:00 a.m.  I can be there earlier for coffee or for breakfast if you’d like to pick me up or if you just want to stop by to visit.  Of course my schedule can change depending on who might be in need.  My cell number is on the bulletin board or you can just ask me for it.  Again, thank you to every member at Harding Street for your love, your support, and your desire to share in all that God has in store for us in the near and distant future.

I’ll be preaching the entire month of November on our theme: “Growth – Just What Does It Take?”  I will introduce the series this Sunday morning (4th) then follow up with these lessons:  Growing warmer through fellowship, Growing deeper through discipleship, Growing stronger through worship, Growing broader through ministry, and Growing wider through evangelism.  Of course, on the Sunday before Thanksgiving I’ll share a lesson or two on gratitude.  I am thankful for you. 

Speaking of gratitude; I heard about a lady who boarded a bus.  There were no seats available until a gentleman stood up and kindly offered her his seat.  She was so surprised by his gesture that she fainted on the spot.  After she regained consciousness she said “Thank you” to man who offered her his seat and upon hearing her gratitude, he fainted.  I don’t know if this is true or not, but as Christians let us do more than talk about gratitude, let’s show the world we live our gratitude to God and to others by our actions.  Today and every day, say “Thank you” and truly be thankful.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Feeling fine in Conway, Arkansas. Ever looking up and forward.

September 17, 2018 – We’re doing fine in Conway, Arkansas.  Cindi’s position at UCA is going very well.  She’s teaching two business classes this semester, getting a better grip on her duties as the director of the center for insurance and risk management studies, and best of all; enjoying plenty of “Nana opportunities” with our three grands. 

I’m taking every day to pray, read, study, and prepare for what lies ahead in the coming days.  Cindi is keeping me pretty busy with plenty of “honey-do’s" and those three grandchildren of mine are keeping me busy with plenty of love and laughter.  We are blessed.  God is everything.

My speaking schedule has picked up a little bit lately.  I’ll be preaching at Harrison and Willow in Conway this Sunday (9/23).  Next Sunday (9/30) I’ll be presenting three lessons on “Tapping into Greatness” at the Mar’s Hill Church of Christ just outside Conway.  On Sunday evening, October 7th I have the great privilege of preaching in Morrilton at the good Downtown congregation.  Harrison and Willow has asked me to preach God’s word in October on Sunday the 21st and again on the 28th.  I’m so very thankful for my family and friends here in the central Arkansas area for your prayers for me and your continued words of encouragement as I seek a new ministry.  Thank you too to my friends back in my old Kentucky home for your prayers and messages of support.  I certainly miss my fellow Christian family spread out all around the world.  One day we’ll all be together again.  Meanwhile, we’ll just keep on keeping on. 

Allow me do a little promotion for the The Harrison and Willow Church of Christ.  The meeting facilities are located at 1130 Harrison Street in Conway, right across the street from Larry’s Pizza.  The congregation is very kind, loving, and friendly. Cindi and I visited with the church last Wednesday evening and heard a great lesson on the 12th chapter of Revelation.  Their facilities are well-maintained, up-to-date, clean, and inviting.  Every member was happy, friendly, and welcoming.  If you are looking for a group of Christians who remind you of Jesus, come and see.  The church has a very nice website:   Check it out.  I’ll be preaching this coming Sunday morning and evening.  Come and hear.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Conway, Arkansas - The Bears, the Wampuscats, and the "Ridges"

September 2018 – Conway, Arkansas…north and a bit west from Little Rock on I-40…population a little under 60,000…three colleges, good schools, and fine friendly people…F150s, Rams, Silverados, Canyons, and Jeeps just about everywhere you look…and mainly three glorious grandchildren to see, love, and experience.  I certainly miss my friends and Christian family at Watterson Trail, but the call of those grands finally won out.  Cindi and I are living in an apartment temporarily until we can find a house and I can find a ministry position.  The church of Christ is strong here and God has plans for me.  I’m patient and prayerful for His direction.  He certainly does work in mysterious ways.  And while I wait, He provides.  I am thankful.

Moving is tough, expensive, wearisome, and worth it when it is the right thing to do at the right time for the right reason. For example;  today (9/7) is my one and only grandson’s 12th birthday and you know what?  I’m present!  I'm here to see him, physically hand him his surprise and watch him open it.  That is an awesome feeling.  I’m having lunch with my youngest at her school today.  They tell me there’s nothing more exciting to a third grader than to have her PopPop come to her school with Chick Filet for lunch.  My oldest granddaughter will be acting in a play in the next few days and is the featured dancer.  And I'll be here to watch her.  I’m truly living the dream.  God is good.

I don’t have a ministry position yet.  Don’t worry (I’m speaking to myself more than I am to you).  God has everything in hand.  He does.  I am praying every day for God’s direction.  One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will direct your paths.”  Of course while I am trusting, I am active and awake to all the possibilities around me to work, to serve, to love, and to honor God in life and living.  I’m ready when He’s ready.  And I can wait as long as He needs me to wait.  And I'll be trusting and obeying the whole way to His next mission for me.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Final Blog Article as MINISTER of the Watterson Trail Church of Christ

August 2018 – I have really enjoyed the past four glorious years as your minister and friend at Watterson Trail in our old Kentucky home; J’Town/Louisville.  In a way, our time together has been just a moment and yet again, it seems that I’ve always been a Kentuckian.  It is true that I’ve been mixed up most of the time trying to decide whether to be red or blue.  One Saturday not too long ago I wore my U of L shirt and my Kentucky Blue cap.  We’ve had some wonderful moments on the mountain top.  Many new Christians have been added to the Lord’s church.  We’ve experienced too many of our dear Christian brothers and sisters leave this world to rest in Paradise.  There have been so many changes:  eldership changes, deacon changes, preacher changes, babies born and on the way, and every member who desires growing in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.  Of course we have visited the valley too.  There have been a few negatives, not that many, but a few simply because we are human beings who live in the world.  It is my prayer and desire that we all have experienced happiness and grown in God’s grace as we have shared in His abundant blessings together.

This Sunday, August 26th will be my last Sunday as minister at Watterson Trail, but our friendship will never have a last Sunday or a last any day.  Cindi and I are moving back to Arkansas permanently to be close to our children and grandchildren.  They need us and we need them.  God is already at work and will provide a terrific minister to serve with you in J’Town.  God will give the eldership (Dan, Chuck, and D) the wisdom and vision to know this new minister and his family and see him through the maze of discussion, deliberation, meditation, and thoughtful prayerful patient decision.  

Please stand firm with your elders and deacons and reject the enemy’s temptation to grow complacent and negligent in your duties as members of the Lord’s church which He loved so much that He gave His One and Only Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.  Our elders need every member of the church of Christ at Watterson Trail to stand beside them in every way to see that God is glorified in our every decision.  Now is the time to stand up together.  Souls are at stake.  Our neighbors and the area congregations around us are looking to see what will happen.  Will we turn our eyes upward and forward?  Jesus has already told us how He feels about Christians who look back.  You can read Jesus’ words in Luke 9:62.  And what did our brother the apostle Paul say about looking back?  In Philippians 3:13-14 he said that looking back was the “one thing” he refused to do; “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.”  He pressed onward and upward toward God in Christ Jesus.  Don’t be like some of our brethren who simply can’t let go of the past.  How sad for them.  And if you’re reading this and find that you are doing just that, make a change.  Be different.  Look up.  Press on.  Don’t look back except to remember the grace of our Lord Jesus and what He did for each of us on that old rugged cross.

I will not give up.  I will not give in.  I will not give out.  I will not look back.  I will look upward and forward.  I hope you will do the same.  God is so very good to us.  Thank you for your friendship, your support, and your love and generosity toward Cindi and me these past four glorious years that we have had together.  Please pray for us as we make the move back to Arkansas.  We will always think of you and pray for God's abundant grace for you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

It's almost THAT TIME OF YEAR again - Back to School!!

August 2018 - It’s that time of the year again; back to school.  Everyone up early…To bed earlier too would be a great idea…Everyone learning, changing, and growing…More traffic…Less time is seems…More laundry.  

Preparation and patience is required at home and everywhere else.  My mom always had us pick out our school clothes at night before we climbed into bed.  Some students wear uniforms.  I like this idea.  Why?  It simplifies what we wear to school, it's usually less expensive, and everyone "gets to" wear "designer" clothes. Ha.  It will take a few days, but the old “back to school” routine will soon be the new normal for all of us.  I’m very happy we have a few more days of summer.  Around J'Town, school begins on the 15th!

During these busy times let us remember what is most important: living our lives for God.  Every day remember to pray for yourself, for others, and for our world.  You can do this while you get ready for the day or on the way to or from school.  Read and remember God’s word at some point every day, even if it’s only a verse or two.  Sometimes I write out a verse or a positive quote and place it on my mirror so I can think about it while I’m getting ready.  Reading the Bible before bedtime, even just a verse or two can help us refocus.  

Sunday?  Sunday’s are so much more than a day off from work and school.  We get to meet together with our Christian family and friends for Bible study, fellowship, and worship at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. every Sunday.  Sleep in a bit longer on Sunday.  You know you can get here by 9:30!  Even if you skip breakfast, we have fresh hot dough nuts and juice every Sunday morning before Bible class here at Watterson Trail.  We are so very blessed to have such loving prepared effective teachers that will certainly be a blessing to you.  We sing together; no complications, just our voices together praising God.  We pray together. Oh, how much our community, our nation, and our world need God’s providence.  We give from God’s wonderful blessings to help others.  We examine ourselves as we remember the Lord’s sacrifice for us by sharing in the Lord’s Supper together.  (How some churches meet without “breaking bread” together on the Lord’s Day, I just don’t understand.)  We get to hear the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ preached.  God’s word is indeed “a lamp to our feet and a light to our path” (Psalm 119:102).  Our meeting concludes at 11:30.  Let’s not forget our midweek meetings too.  We meet on Wednesday’s at 7:00 during the school year for Bible study and a devotional service that helps us make it to the weekend.  Hey!  Let’s do this!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

PRAYER THAT GETS RESULTS - Just hear me out and you'll see what I mean

July 25, 2018 – My Christian brothers and sisters at Watterson Trail in J’Town, Kentucky are alive and well, going and growing, showing and sharing the love of God in the everyday Christian life.  Things are different lately.  Our Tuesday Summer Series is simply fantastic.  I’ve often said that we have the very best gospel preachers in the entire nation within a 50-mile radius.  Our theme is “The Greatest Questions – The Greatest Answers – The Greatest Book.”  This week Brother Greg Circle from Palmyra, Indiana did an outstanding job teaching us about Jesus’ question in Matthew 16:24-28, “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?  Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”  I always learn so much from our sessions on Tuesday’s.  If you have an hour on Tuesday, drop by 9607 Watterson Trail at 7:00 p.m. in J’Town for a lift.  Our goal is to honor God, show our devotion to Christ and our love for all.  We don’t always succeed in our goal, but we are certainly trying every day to be more and more like Jesus.  

Next Tuesday (July 31) our Brother Zack Martin from Cedar Springs will be with us to share a lesson from Hebrews 2:3 and the question “For what is your life?”

This Sunday (July 29) I’ll be preaching about prayer.  I want my prayers to get results.  Just wait a minute.  I know.  When you first think about that statement, “I want my prayers to get results” you might think that I’m being a presumptuous.  I am not being presumptuous.  I want to know that my prayers will be heard and answered according to God’s will.  Don’t you?  If not, why do we pray? Anyway, if you’ll give me the “benefit of the doubt” I’ll show you what I mean.  Our lesson Sunday morning is entitled, “What Prayer Isn’t – What Prayer Is.”  I’ll give you the first point:  Prayer is NOT negotiation.  Prayer is real.  Prayer is not what we do.  Prayer is who we are.  You’ll see.  We’ll have two points on Sunday morning and then the other two points on Sunday afternoon at 1:30.

Our “HOUSE TO HOUSE – HEART TO HEART” magazine came in this week.  This time we ordered plenty of copies, enough for you and your entire family, friends, neighbors, and anyone else.  I hope you’ll get one, read it for yourself, and then help us distribute them out to our community.  The edition is terrific.  Get yours this Sunday.  See you then, Lord willing.  God bless us all.

Monday, July 23, 2018

A little bit about SELF-INITIATIVE today.

July 2018 – SELF-INITIATIVE – Doing what needs to be done without having to be told to do it.

Take a look at Andrew, one of Jesus’ apostles and Simon Peter’s somewhat quiet brother.  In John 6 Jesus was helping all who came to Him.  He went up on a mountain, sat down, and lifted His eyes to see a multitude of people coming toward Him.  Jesus then asked one of His disciples (Philip), “Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” even though He already knew what He would do.  Philip gave him the answer that most of us would have given; “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may have a little.”  We would have probably said, “Jesus!  Are you kidding!  There’s not enough money in the bank to feed this many people!” Then Andrew shows self-initiative.  Andrew said to Jesus, “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?”  Boy, did Andrew, Philip, and everyone else, including you and me, find out just what Jesus, the Son of God can do with whatever we have.   

I was thinking about others who showed self-initiative:  Pricilla and Aquila showed self-initiative when they heard a mighty eloquent preacher named Apollos preach about Jesus, except he only knew about the baptism of John.  They took Apollos aside and explained the way of God more accurately.  We find that Apollos “greatly helped those who had believed through grace” and he “vigorously refuted” those who denied that Jesus was the Christ.  You can read about this in Acts 18:24-28.

Joseph of Arimathea along with Nicodemus showed self-initiative and great love for Jesus even though they were somewhat shy in their faith when they alone came to take Jesus’ body down from the cross to prepare it and bury it in that brand new borrowed tomb.  Jesus didn’t need that tomb for long, only until Sunday morning.  This is a beautiful reading in John 19:38-42.  It is very difficult for me to read this passage without crying.  I would like to think that if I would have lived in that day, that there would be a third person with Joseph and Nicodemus…Mickey.

You can probably think of many, many more from the Bible that exercised self-initiative.  I enjoy these kinds of exercises…

How can we create and cultivate self-initiative within ourselves and within others?  I hope the following suggestions will help us do just that.

1.      GET DISSATISIFED – I’m not talking about being dissatisfied with God or Jesus or the precious gospel written once for all in the Bible, nor with someone or anyone else.  We must get dissatisfied with ourselves.  We need to realize that we can be better in Christ.  I can, you can be better.  Just realize it and then do what needs to be done.

2.      TURN LOOSE – Learn to say “yes” more often.  “Be zealous for good works”Titus 2:14.  “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works"Hebrews 10:24.  When we look at our limitations, weaknesses, and “humanness” as walls between us and our capabilities we kill self-initiative.  Saying “yes” sets us free from these walls.

3.      WEEN YOURSELF – Learn to stand on your own two feet.  Open your eyes and look around you to see where you are and then where you need to be and can be.  Don’t wait to be told to move forward.  Just move.  Assemble with the church anytime and every time you have the opportunity.  Volunteer to help in any way you can.  Study the Bible every day.  Pray in faith without ceasing.  Grow in Christ.  Try!!  God will bless you for it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

CHANGE - Something we want and don't want...

July 17 – CHANGE - Something we want and don’t want.  

Change can be frightening and at the same time interesting and exciting.  

Change is going on all around us, above us, and within us.  

Change – We may not accept it readily.  We may love it or hate it, look forward to it or deny it, accept it or reject it, bless it or curse it, try to alter it or pretend it doesn’t matter, but either way change just keeps on keeping on.  

All we can do is adjust and move forward with it and in it.  When we do, we’ll find that change can be a friend.  Don’t believe what I’m saying is true?  Look in the mirror. 

I try to talk to my children about life and living and they say, “Dad, things today are not the same as they were when you were our age.  Things have changed.”  Yep.  I know this is true.  

When I was a boy, my mother would send us outside this time of the year to play.  You know, I rarely see children playing outside anymore.  We had no cell phones, computers, or video game consoles.  To get our friends in the neighborhood together we’d have to walk over to their house or ride our bike if we had one to see if they could play.  And I lived out in the country.  Our friends were two miles away.  We had no expensive playground equipment.  Of course we did have trees to climb, barns to play in, and forests to explore.  We had no swimming pools or splash pools.  We did have streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds to swim in.  No organized sports except for the one’s we “organized” in the backyard between us, like “the goal line is the fence on my side and your shoes on the your side” or maybe setting up the bases for baseball; first base is a soda can, second is a baseball glove, third a paint can lid, and home is piece of cardboard.  And we didn’t always have a bat and a ball.  Sometimes we had a stick and a rolled up wrapped up something held together with rubber bands.  

Ever played Hide and Seek?  How about Mother May I?  No?  Then you haven’t really lived!  We did have an imagination, that’s for sure.  I’m glad things have changed.  And I’m sad things have changed.

God doesn’t change.  He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.  God does change.  He changes us, makes us better, stronger, wiser and readies us for all the changes that lie ahead.  I’m excited about all that God has in store for us in the near and distant future.  He knows.  We may not.  He does.