Friday, November 2, 2018

Greetings from the Harding Street Church of Christ...

November in Morrilton, Arkansas
It certainly is good to be home. Remember to “fall backward” on Saturday evening before your retire.  Fall is such a beautiful season…the changing of the leaves, the aroma of fall in the air (and turkey in the oven too), football (The Devil Dogs are headed to the state playoffs!), thoughts of the holiday season on the horizon…simple things that remind us of God’s power, His promises, and His provision for all who love Him and live according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  I am so very thankful to be the minister at the Harding Street Church of Christ.  Harding Street is located at 906 E. Harding Street, Morrilton, Arkansas 72110 directly across the street from Morrilton High School's Devil Dog Stadium.  Today marks a new beginning for me and I pray for every Christian brother and sister.  Working with Brother Bane and every member of this great congregation will be a great honor for me as we all unite together under the banner of the gospel of Christ.  Great things are ahead for us.  May we all appreciate God’s riches and let Him know just how thankful we are to be His children, today and every day.

Please be patient with me while I adjust to a new and better way of life.  I am usually pretty quick to put a name to a face, but sometimes…well, you probably know how it is.  Before long we’ll be running on all cylinders.  I plan on being in the “study” at the church building every morning, Monday through Thursday at 9:00 a.m.  I can be there earlier for coffee or for breakfast if you’d like to pick me up or if you just want to stop by to visit.  Of course my schedule can change depending on who might be in need.  My cell number is on the bulletin board or you can just ask me for it.  Again, thank you to every member at Harding Street for your love, your support, and your desire to share in all that God has in store for us in the near and distant future.

I’ll be preaching the entire month of November on our theme: “Growth – Just What Does It Take?”  I will introduce the series this Sunday morning (4th) then follow up with these lessons:  Growing warmer through fellowship, Growing deeper through discipleship, Growing stronger through worship, Growing broader through ministry, and Growing wider through evangelism.  Of course, on the Sunday before Thanksgiving I’ll share a lesson or two on gratitude.  I am thankful for you. 

Speaking of gratitude; I heard about a lady who boarded a bus.  There were no seats available until a gentleman stood up and kindly offered her his seat.  She was so surprised by his gesture that she fainted on the spot.  After she regained consciousness she said “Thank you” to man who offered her his seat and upon hearing her gratitude, he fainted.  I don’t know if this is true or not, but as Christians let us do more than talk about gratitude, let’s show the world we live our gratitude to God and to others by our actions.  Today and every day, say “Thank you” and truly be thankful.

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