Thursday, November 8, 2018

From the Heart of your minister and friend...

November in beautiful Morrilton, Arkansas...We had a terrific Sunday last week (4th) with 147 members and guests assembled together for worship, study, and fellowship.  We had almost 100 to stay for Bible class at 10:00. And what about that celebration lunch we enjoyed together?  What a sight to behold!  Such wonderful blessings of food and fellowship, laughter and happiness!  Thank you for your kindness and your generosity.  Cindi and I cannot begin to tell you how honored we are to work with you as we travel this pathway of life together toward heaven.  We’re making big plans. Come and see.

CHRISTIAN MEN & FAITHFUL MEMBERS OF THE HARDING STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST:  We are in need of qualified Elders and Deacons to serve the church of Christ at Harding Street.  

Christian Brothers:  Please check out a couple of passages in the Bible (I Timothy 3:1-15 and Titus 1:5-9 – Qualifications of Elders and Deacons) and be ready to say, “YES” to the call to service and leadership here at Harding Street. Read the list of qualities every Christian man should endeavor to have. Examine yourself through the eyes of Jesus our Savior.  Note that "Perfection" is NOT mentioned in God's list of qualifications.  If you find that you are lacking in any of the characteristics listed, begin today to make corrections and then plan to take your place alongside your fellow Christian brothers to serve the church of Christ at Harding Street as an elder or a deacon.  WE NEED YOU!  I can just “see” it now; qualified men standing before the church accepting the call to service and leadership as elders and deacons ready, willing, and able to show and share the gospel of Christ in our Morrilton community.  And know that you have two experienced gospel preachers, Brother Bane and Brother Burleson to stand with you all along the way.  To God be the glory in all that we think, say, and do.  He will show us the way.  He will provide.

I came across this article in my files and thought we could use a bit of humor as we think about the personal duties and privileges we each have as members of the church of Christ at Harding Street.  The article is entitled; Why * d*dn’t b*y that comp*ter…

Wh*le look*ng for a comp*ter for the off*ce, * fou*d one that was cheaper than all the rest.  *t looked l*ke all the others except one th*ng, two letters on the keypad wo*ld not work.  The other twenty-fo*r letters worked j*st f*ne.  *t had all the n*mbers and p*nct*at*on marks, but for some reason, * j*st co*ld not make myself cons*der *t.  Yo* m*ght th*nk *t was wrong not to s*ggest we b*y th*s part*c*lar comp*ter, after all, *n the Lord’s ch*rch yo* can always f*nd a few members who do not work and are absent *n the*r attendance.  Everyone knows that *t really makes no d*fference whether every member works or not.  There *s always someone else who can *s*ally make *p the d*fference.  *nder these c*rc*mstances * do not th*nk yo* wo*ld have wanted a comp*ter w*th a keypad on wh*ch all the keys wo*ld not work. 

Why then do expect our Lord to be sat*sf*ed when all the keys *n H*s ch*rch aren’t work*ng?  *n case yo* are wonder*ng how keys not work*ng w*ll ca*se so m*ch tro*ble, j*st look what happens when “U” and “I” are not work*ng!

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