Thursday, December 20, 2018

Harding Street Church of Christ is growing and looking forward to 2019

December 20, 2018 – Sunday is the day!  We will fulfill our plan at Harding Street to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  Lord willing, Brother Bill Brice, myself, and Brother Charles Camp will be appointed to serve the congregation as your elders.  During the Sunday morning sermon time Brother Bane will speak about the duties of the eldership to the church and the duties of the church to the eldership.  He will ask the three men who will serve as our elders and every member of the congregation at Harding Street to commit ourselves to loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to loving the church with the same passion.  He will ask us to dedicate ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word in the church and in our community.  He will ask us to endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.  And we will answer the call to this great commission with a resounding “I will.”  

Please continue to pray for your elders as we seek God’s wisdom and guidance in shepherding the church in the ways of Christ Jesus our Savior.  Please be patient and helpful as we learn and grow closer to God and to one another in the most holy faith.  There is much to do and God always provides the means, the plan, and the people to accomplish His purpose for us in the near and distant future.  One of my elders once spoke to me about time and patience.  He said, “Brother Mickey, there is so much to do and there is simply not enough time today to get it all done.  If we don’t get everything done that needs to be done today, then we will find a stopping place and begin again tomorrow.  If Jesus returns between now and then, well, what we didn’t get done won’t matter anyway because we’ll be with Him in heaven. And if Jesus hesitates in His return, then we’ll just pick up where we left off and continue on.  So, let’s just smile, work together, and do what we can do while we can do it.”  Sounds good to me!  What about you?

Brother Buzz Toland will be with us Sunday evening (23rd) at 5:00 p.m. to report on all the good work we are doing together sharing the gospel of Christ in the mission field.  Please do your very best to be here this evening to hear the good news and show him our continued support.  Come a little bit early this evening at 4:30 for a very special 20 minutes of singing.

There is a small “mailbox” located in the lobby on your left as you enter.  This “mailbox” is for our church mail.  Let’s say you would like to give a Christian brother or sister a “thank you” note, a birthday card, a sympathy card, a card of encouragement, or some other communication.  You can save time and money by just bringing the card with you and leaving it in the appropriate slot; ab, cd, etc.  Also, please check the “mailbox” when you arrive for worship and Bible study for your mail.  This is a temporary box.  We’re having one built that will serve us even better. 

Men:  There is a “Wednesday Evening Devotional” sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the lobby.  Please go by and sign up to give a short devotional lesson or thought on a Wednesday evening of your choice.  We need to hear from you.

Teens:  We are having a Teen Get-Together at the home of Mickey and Cindi Burleson, 10 Winthrop Road in Morrilton on Saturday evening, December 29th from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  Food, singing, games, Alabama/Oklahoma NCAA Semifinal Game watching, and just being together as we close out 2018 and plan for a brand new year.  Hope everyone can schedule to be there.  We plan on doing this every month in 2019.

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