Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Honor to God - Devotion to Christ - Love to All

Good day to you!  Welcome.  Our motto at Watterson Trail is “Honor to God – Devotion to Christ – Love to all.” 

Think about these principles. 

What does it mean to show honor to God?  Honor is defined as “special esteem and respect.”  When we check the thesaurus we find the words; admiration, reverence, devotion, pride, and graciousness as equals to “honor.”  God, our Father is worthy of honor.  In Him we live and move and have our very being.  He is our Creator, our sustainer, our provider, our hope, and our deliverer.  The Psalmist wrote long ago, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 146:1).  He is so right.  Check yourself.  Do you honor God in your thinking?  It certainly is a challenge in our day to remain positive and faithful with so much negative around us.  Do you honor God in your speech?  Read Colossians 4:6 “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”  Check your words.  Are you honoring God?  Do you honor God in your life, in your everyday decisions?  Where we are in life is a result of our choices.  Do your choices honor God?

What does it mean to show devotion to Christ?  Devotion defined is “ardent attachment or loyalty.”  Other words that describe devotion are dedication, commitment, love, adoration, admiration, and enthusiasm.  Jesus is worthy of our devotion.  What is most important to you?  Make a list.  Where did you put your Lord and Savior, your Friend and Confidant, Jesus Christ?  When Jesus is first, everyone and everything else fits perfectly in order.

Love to all!  This can be tough!  However, when we seek to honor God and devote ourselves to Jesus, showing love to all will simply be the next step to take.  Two days before Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, He spoke to His disciples and described a time in the future when He would return and what would happen.  He spoke about sheep and goats and the difference.  Note the text in Matthew 25:31-46.  When we honor one another, we honor God.  When we devote ourselves to each other, we devote ourselves to God.  When we love each other, we love God.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Fall is Just Around the Corner, then Election Day!

Hello family and friends.  Goodbye July.  Welcome August.  One morning very soon we’ll walk outside and feel the change of seasons in the air.  Leaves will begin to change into the vibrant colors of fall and we’ll be reminded of God’s power and promises once again.  Autumn is still seven weeks away (September 22) and yet those yellow school buses running up and down our streets picking up children for school is one of the many marks of the end of summer.  Time for our schedule to change again; up and out earlier and to bed earlier, homework, better preparation and better organization, patience and Christian character, a little more kindness and the mind to help each other.  May God bless us as we make the changes we need to make!  Stop.  Look.  Listen.

Our Tuesday Summer Series “Portraits of Faith” continues with the final four sessions this month. We’ll be looking at the final four portraits:  (9) Aquila and Priscilla’s Committed Faith – Dean Beard (Borden Springs, Piedmont, Alabama), (16) Timothy’s Learned Faith – Steve Johnson (North Lexington), (23) The Sinful Woman’s Serving Faith – Brent Donoho (Martinsburg, Indiana), and (30) Jesus’ Redeeming Faith – Michael Galloway (Cedar Springs/Louisville).  Come and enjoy hearing God’s word read and taught by four great gospel preachers.  You'll be so very glad you came.

Election Day (November 8) is 92 days away.  We, the United States of America will be electing a new president along with other politicians to serve in the various capacities of our government.  How will you cast your vote?  I pray that we all will take these 92 days to open our eyes, think for ourselves, and decide what is best for our country and our world.  We must look past all the political rhetoric and the media bias to get as informed as possible about the candidates that are vying for our vote.  We must not be dismayed, discouraged, or deceived.  Take a look at God’s council to Joshua when the leadership over Israel was about to change; “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).  God will give us the wisdom (James 1:5). We need it.