AUGUST 2017 - School
is now in session. The highways are now
bustling with school buses, high school and college student drivers, and teachers
and parents with school children all trying to get to their respective places. We all must adjust our lives to a new school
year. And while we make the proper adjustments, we must not allow our busy
schedules to negatively affect our priorities.
Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these
things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). God calls each of us to Bible study every Sunday morning at 9:30 at Watterson Trail and to the scheduled time where you meet for study, fellowship, and worship.
Then we meet for worship together at 10:30 where we sing, pray, give,
remember Christ in the Lord’s Supper, and hear a message from God’s word
honoring God, showing our devotion to Christ and our love for all. We return for worship and study on Sunday
afternoon at 1:30. This is not just “what
we do.” This is “who we are.”
We all need a little refreshing and revival
in the middle of the week. Especially during these busy times. Our Tuesday
Summer Series at Watterson Trail is scheduled for just three more Tuesday’s and then we will return
to meeting for Bible study on Wednesday evening at 7:00 and conclude around
8:00. Please realize the importance of
these assemblies and make every meeting a priority for your family. Our children should never need to ask: “Are we “going to church” on Sunday?” or “Are we going to Bible study tonight?”
or “Do we have to go to Bible study?”
or beg: “Mom, Dad, please, please, please can we go to Bible class?” or any
other question or statement that would reflect the idea that assembling
together in the name of Jesus Christ was anything less than a priority in our
family. Mom and Dad; make sure you
promote Christ and Christian living every day in your home, in your life, and
in the lives of your children.
Our sermon on Sunday (13th) is taken from Psalm
128 and will remind us of God’s blessings to everyone who “fears the Lord and
walks in His ways.” Don’t you want to “eat
the labor of your hands” and “be happy” and “be well?” Don’t you want to have your husband or wife
be “like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house?” And don’t you want your children to be “like
olive plants all around your table?” The
Psalmist said, “Behold, thus shall a man be blessed, who fears the Lord.” He concludes Psalm 128 with blessings from
heaven, the good of God’s holy city, and longevity of life even to see your
children’s children. These blessings are
not promised to those who work harder, or to those who invest their money
wisely, or to those who are highly educated, or to those who inherit a large
sum from some distant relative. These
blessing come to those who take God seriously, look up to Him with the respect
He deserves, and acknowledge His authority in the universe.
May God bless you and yours as we make Him Priority One in our lives.