We have so many marvelous events coming up at St. Andrews Road.
Our monthly Men’s and Preachers’ Meeting is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, September 22nd, at 10:00 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. Brother Terry Gunnels from Barnwell will be leading our discussion. This meeting is usually held every 3rd Tuesday in the month. October’s meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, the 20th.
Our Ladies’ Day is scheduled for Saturday, October 17th. Casandra Martin from Spring, Texas, will be our special guest speaker to the ladies. Our theme this year is “Lord, Teach Us To Pray.” Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be served by the men of the congregation. Of course, this is a “Ladies Only” event. Can you believe that our Ladies’ Day is only four weeks away?
The renovation to our facilities will begin very soon. The architectural plans have been completed. We already have one bid. Two additional bids will be in any day. Construction can begin as soon as the right company has been awarded the project. Please pray for our elders and those who will be involved in our renovation project. Let us be thankful to God for His providence! Our brothers and sisters of the past sacrificed much to give us the beautiful facilities we have today. We now have the distinct privilege to show our appreciation for their sacrifices by following their example of faith, hope, and love.
Our Sunday morning series “100%” will continue this Sunday with a lesson on cooperation and unity. What if every member of the church at St. Andrews Road decided to do their very best, to give 100% to cooperation and to the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace? God desires that we be together in every aspect of life…worship, work, prayer, suffering, rejoicing, life, and the resurrection. Our subject is entitled “100% Cooperation and Unity.” The Lord tells us that the church is the body of Christ (Romans 12; I Corinthians 12). We are individual parts united by love working together as one.
On Sunday evening at SAR, we are looking at “1st Century Success in the 21st Century.” The first century church grew and prospered even in the midst of terrible hardship and persecution. How did they do it? The first century church of Christ was not ashamed of Christ (Romans 1:16). Are we? The church continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine (teaching), in fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer (Acts 2:42). Do we? The first century church added and abounded in the Christian Graces (II Peter 1:5-10). Are we? The church loved one another (John 13:34-35). Do we?
This Sunday evening we will look again at the first century church of Christ, their thoughts, words, and actions. In such a dismal time, a time of ignorance, poverty, suffering, and persecution, we find that the church of Christ was not easily discouraged. They focused their lives on God. If you would like to read ahead, read II Corinthians 4.
Just a note about our Parent Rally last Saturday: Thank you to our brother Allen Hutchinson and our eldership for seeing the need for such a dynamic program for our parents and our youth. The program on internet safety was outstanding. The speakers were dynamic and knowledgeable. The internet is a valuable tool. It can also become a snare. We must be vigilant in our Christian life to stay on the path that leads to heaven.
I look forward to our worship and fellowship together on Sunday, Sunday evening, and on Wednesday evening. Let us commit ourselves to Christ, 100%!
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