Friday, April 2, 2010

Our gospel meeting is now history. Brother David Pharr did an outstanding job presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ in a most effective way. We had good attendance at every meeting. The fellowship luncheon on Sunday…our newly renovated fellowship hall…the food…the friendship…the joy…the packed room…Wow! Isn’t it great to be a Christian? Isn’t it great to be a member of the St. Andrews Road church of Christ? It is!

Congratulations to Tyler Johnson, Ashton Gist, and Andrew Yuris. Tyler became a Christian this past Sunday morning. Ashton and Andrew confessed Jesus as Lord, Savior, and the Son of God and were both baptized into Christ this past Sunday evening. We welcome these new Christians into the Lord’s church. May these new Christians grow in the grace and in the knowledge of Christ every day! It is our prayer, our plea, and our plan to lead others to follow their example of faith in the days to come!

We are already well into planning for our next event at St. Andrews Road; LADIES’ DAY 2010. Our Ladies Day has been scheduled for Saturday, May 1st with registration beginning at 9:00 a.m. Our theme is “SEEKING SPIRITUAL BEAUTY.” Our special guest speaker will be Sheila Butt from Columbia, Tennessee. Ladies: Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 1st for this special ladies’ day. If you can help in any way with this year’s ladies’ day please sign up on one or more of the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the lobby. It would be great to have every lady at St. Andrews Road helping with this year’s ladies’ day.

Lately the Lord has added several new Christians to the church of Christ at St. Andrews Road. We are so very thankful for God’s rich blessings. This month (April – Can you believe it?) I would like to look to the Bible to show these new Christians and remind every mature Christian that we must live our lives according to God’s instructions written to us in the Bible.

Every Christian should rejoice. It is true that life can certainly throw us some “curves.” It is also true that life is filled with people, things, and circumstances that can rob us of our joy. However, God’s purpose for every Christian is that we rejoice in everything.

Every Christian should remove from their life any sorrow, any evil, and any sin. Isn’t it true that these things can rob us of our rejoicing? Sorrow is part of life. It is not God’s will that we should continue in sorrow. We cannot get away from evil. Evil is all around us. However we must not participate in evil. We must not give a place for evil in our lives.

Every Christian should remember God in every thought, word, decision, and action. Putting God first in our lives means thinking like God, speaking like God, wanting the same things that God wants, and acting like God would act.

Every Christian should reflect on who and what is coming. Either Jesus will return in our lifetime or we will die and wait in death until He returns. Heaven or hell remains for every person. We must live our lives with this fact in mind.

On Sunday evening we will look at Galatians 6:7-8. What we sow we will certainly reap. Rebellion or obedience? Lying or the truth? Stealing or working to help and serve? Sexual immorality or purity? Addiction or discipline?

Cindi and I will be traveling to Clemmons, North Carolina on Wednesday to participate in the 64th Annual Carolina Lectures. I will present a lesson to the men on Friday at 2:30 p.m. Cindi will present a lesson to the women also at 2:30. Please pray for our safe trip and our return home on Saturday.

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