Can you believe it? Our Annual All Night Singing is now only 2 weeks away scheduled for Friday evening, August 6th beginning at 7:30 p.m. It is a great privilege for us to host this event year after year. I hope you are planning to come and be a part of such a wonderful time of fellowship as we blend our voices together to sing praises to God. We will sing together until…
Immediately following the singing (the very next day, Saturday, August 7th)) teenagers will be gathering together at St. Andrews Road for our annual youth rally, BreakOut 2010. Brother Caleb Colley will be our special guest preacher this year. Brother Colley is a staff writer for Apologetics Press and is the producer/director of AP’s “Digger Doug.” He is a faithful Christian at SAR and is currently a student at USC in the doctorate program. We are very excited about our theme: ACTIVE DUTY. I will be speaking to the adults in one of the “breakout sessions” on the subject “Arming Our Children.” We are encouraging our fellow Christian teens and their chaperones from around the area to come for the annual all night singing on Friday night. Several SAR members have opened their homes to host any who would like to spend the night on Friday night and be ready bright and early for BreakOut 2010 the next day. Pick up a brochure from the lobby for further information about BreakOut 2010! Register early if you can!
Friday, August 6th 7:30 p.m. All Night Singing
10:30 p.m. Meet with Host Families
Saturday, August 7th BREAKOUT 2010
8:30 - Registration
9:30 - Welcome and Singing (Wow! Simply Beautiful)
10:00 - Session 1 – Caleb Colley
10:30 - “Active Duty” Activity
11:00 - Singing
11:15 - Session 2 – Caleb Colley/Mickey Burleson
11:45 - Singing
12:00 - Lunch
12:45 - Singing/Activity
1:15 - Session 3 – Caleb Colley
1:45 - Closing
This Sunday morning at SAR we will take a look at “GROWTH.” Think about it. Growth is God’s plan for every Christian and for His church. Growth is good. As a matter of fact, we really don’t have to “try” to grow. Growth is natural, necessary, and expected. We will consider our own relationship with God and check to see if we are growing as we should. If you would like to read ahead, read Ephesians 4:1-16.
Sunday evening at SAR is always a very special time of worship, study, and fellowship. We will ask and answer the question “How Can I Grow?” Growth happens when we “keep on keeping on” in patience, in diligence, in faith without worrying about the measure of men.
Are you currently attending one of our Bible classes here at St. Andrews Road? We have great teachers, great subjects right from God’s word, the Bible, great facilities, and great opportunities every Sunday morning at 10:00 and every Wednesday evening at 7:00. Come and study. Think and decide. Grow!
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