Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Remember to “FALL BACK” your clocks one hour on Saturday night (6th) before you retire to bed because Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday morning (7th) a 2:00 a.m. Don’t be the one who arrives ready for Bible class an hour late or the one who arrives for the 11:00 a.m. worship hour during the dismissal song and prayer. Make a note for yourself on the mirror to remind you. Maybe at note on the refrigerator might be a better place. Most cell phones now have programs that can be set to remind us of important dates and appointments. Let’s be on time, prepared, and excited about meeting together for worship, study, and fellowship.

Last Sunday evening our young men did an outstanding job leading us in worship. Bobby Graves led the singing. Justin Johnson and Kyle Holton presented two fine lessons. Gabriel Jenkins and Christian Jenkins led in prayer. Tyler Johnson and Brandon Lambert read from the Bible. Joey Reeves, Brace Hutchison, and Wyatt Holton serve at the Lord’s Supper table. Thank you! Brother Allen Hutchison for all the planning and preparation you put into our youth program. Thank you to our young men and our young women for living the Christian life at school, at home, around your friends, and everywhere, especially in the church. What a great joy it is to be a member of the Lord’s church at St. Andrews Road. May God help us to be more appreciative of the blessings we enjoy, blessings that many congregations only dream of!

Thank you for allowing me to postpone part of the sermon last Sunday morning to this Sunday morning. I am looking forward to preaching this Sunday morning on the subject “When We Give, We Get.” Do you remember the three things that God expects every Christian to give: T______, T___________, and T____________? Do you remember the three things that we must never give? Never give ____. Never give ____. Never give _____.

This Sunday morning we will focus on the Bible text found in 2 Peter 1:1-11 and see that each Christian grace (virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, love) in this text requires diligent stewardship. God gives every Christian grace and peace (2), “all things that pertain to life and godliness (3), and exceedingly great and precious promises (4). We must manage our lives so that these graces can be ours and abound (8). For example: If I am to have virtue in my life, I must give all diligence to purity, not to worldly peer pressure. I hope this lesson from God’s word will help us all to live the way God would have us live.
This Sunday evening we will learn about gratitude. Jesus was thankful. He was often disappointed when those around Him were ungrateful. Did you know that ingratitude is a mark of someone who is foolish and deserving of death? Gratitude is God’s will for everyone. We have so much to be thankful for. Let us be careful to show and share our gratitude with God, with those we love, and with everyone.

Our monthly Men’s and Preachers’ Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th at 10:00 a.m. Brother Richard Ramkinson of the Windsor Lake congregation will be presenting the program on “The Relationship of Faithful Elders to the Local Congregation of the Lord’s Church.” This meeting is for any elder, deacon, preacher, or any other Christian brother. We always have a lively discussion and a great time of study and fellowship together. We will have lunch together (Dutch-treat) at Cracker Barrel on Bush River Road after the meeting. Hope to see you there!

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