COMING SOON! Wow! What a beginning to 2011!
South Carolina Statewide Bible Bowl – Saturday, February 26
Gospel Meeting with Caleb Campbell – March 6-9
Men’s Fellowship at Gold Hill Road – Saturday, March 12
67 Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6
Annual Ladies Day with Mimi Tate – Saturday, April 30
Our Sunday morning lesson series is taken from I Peter 3:15, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…” Our theme is “Winning and Losing – Lessons on Soul Winning.” In this series we will consider eight words and then eight questions. These words and the answers to these questions mark the difference between winning and losing in our mission to live what we believe and win the lost to salvation in Jesus Christ.
Last Sunday we looked at Lesson 1: Sanctification or Hypocrisy. We asked ourselves two questions: Are we the same as the world? Are we different, set apart from the world? Only God can sanctify us (Ephesians 2:4-9, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). He sanctifies us by His word (John 17:17). Of course His word must be obeyed (1 Peter 1:13-25). Once we are sanctified, we must live a life that shows who we are (Ephesians 4:17-32). Too many Christians are such in name only. The difference between winning and losing, for others and for ourselves lies in our choice to live a life that is set apart from the world.
This Sunday morning we will look at Lesson 2: “Hope or Hopelessness.” We will ask ourselves two questions: Are we dead? Are we alive?
We will be at Lexington Gardens Retirement Center across I-26 from Lexington Medical Center this Sunday afternoon, February 6th at 2:30 p.m. for a period of singing and preaching. Brother Bob Ford lives there and has made the arrangements for this period of worship. It is our plan to make this a monthly meeting. What a blessing it is to have this great opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with our friends and neighbors.
Cindi and I will be in Henderson, Tennessee this week attending the Freed-Hardeman University Lectureships. We plan to leave Sunday afternoon and return on Friday, February 11th. Thank you for allowing me to be away for a few days to represent St. Andrews Road at this leadership workshop. Please pray for us as we travel. Brother Caleb Colley will be preaching and teaching while I am away. We are wonderfully blessed to have so many capable men and women who are willing serve the Lord and His church according to His will.
It is our privilege to host the 67th Annual Carolina Lectureships at St. Andrews Road in April. Brother Winford Claiborne will not be able to come and be our “key note” speaker this year. He called and asked to be relieved of his assignment due to his declining health. He is 84 years of age and has recently had some severe health issues. Of course we are disappointed. Please pray for Brother Claiborne as he deals with his health issues. We hope to have a key-note preacher in place for the lectureships as soon as possible. Life happens!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
We had a great Sunday last week! Our elders presented the 2011 budget to the church. I hope you will consider increasing your weekly offering as much as you can so that we can accomplish everything the Lord has in store for us in 2011.
It is great to see that we are now involved in three new mission efforts: Watertown, South Dakota (Eddie Ridgell) and Melbourne, Australia (Patrick Swayne) in addition to all the other great mission efforts that we support.
Locally, we will begin a Sunday afternoon service at Lexington Gardens Retirement Center next Sunday, February 6th at 2:30 p.m. Brother Bob Ford has arranged for us to come to his retirement center to preach and teach the gospel of Christ every first Sunday in the month. He and I are both very excited about sharing the pure and simply gospel with those who may have never heard it before. If you would like to join us for this service, please do.
These are busy times for us at St. Andrews Road. Remember that we are hosting all the following great events:
South Carolina Statewide Bible Bowl – Saturday, February 26, 2011
Gospel Meeting with Caleb Campbell – March 6-9, 2011
67 Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6, 2011
Annual Ladies Day with Mimi Tate – Saturday, April 30, 2011
We concluded our series “Get Involved” this past Sunday with a lesson about the Good Samaritan. He got involved regardless of race or any other prejudice. Every person is precious in the sight of our heavenly Father. He got involved regardless of space. It didn’t matter where the man who had fallen among thieves was from, near or far away. He got involved regardless of character. The deciding factor in helping this man was that he was in need. That was the only thing that mattered. May we learn from Jesus’ parable that we must love and serve others because we are the good neighbor!
This Sunday morning our lesson series is entitled “Winning and Losing – Lessons on Soul Winning.” Jesus mission statement can be found in several places in the Scriptures. One place is Matthew 17:11: “For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” It is our mission to bring people, all people, regardless of race, space, or character to Jesus. Many times we are our own worst enemy when it comes to evangelism. In this series we will consider eight words that can make or break our mission to bring the lost to Christ.
Lesson 1: Sanctification (Are we different?) or Hypocrisy (Are we the same?)
Lesson 2: Hope (Are we alive?) or Hopelessness (Are we dead?)
Lesson 3: Meekness (Do we tell the truth in love?) or Harshness (Are we mean?)
Lesson 4: Fear (Are we kind?) or Haughtiness (Are we “holier than thou?”)
This Sunday evening we will conclude our series “Faith: Tempted and Tried” with lesson #5: BE REBORN.
Can you believe that January is almost history? My, my, how time flies. How are you doing on those New Year’s Resolutions? Are you reading, believing, obeying, sharing, and living God’s word in your daily life? We can do it!
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
It is great to see that we are now involved in three new mission efforts: Watertown, South Dakota (Eddie Ridgell) and Melbourne, Australia (Patrick Swayne) in addition to all the other great mission efforts that we support.
Locally, we will begin a Sunday afternoon service at Lexington Gardens Retirement Center next Sunday, February 6th at 2:30 p.m. Brother Bob Ford has arranged for us to come to his retirement center to preach and teach the gospel of Christ every first Sunday in the month. He and I are both very excited about sharing the pure and simply gospel with those who may have never heard it before. If you would like to join us for this service, please do.
These are busy times for us at St. Andrews Road. Remember that we are hosting all the following great events:
South Carolina Statewide Bible Bowl – Saturday, February 26, 2011
Gospel Meeting with Caleb Campbell – March 6-9, 2011
67 Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6, 2011
Annual Ladies Day with Mimi Tate – Saturday, April 30, 2011
We concluded our series “Get Involved” this past Sunday with a lesson about the Good Samaritan. He got involved regardless of race or any other prejudice. Every person is precious in the sight of our heavenly Father. He got involved regardless of space. It didn’t matter where the man who had fallen among thieves was from, near or far away. He got involved regardless of character. The deciding factor in helping this man was that he was in need. That was the only thing that mattered. May we learn from Jesus’ parable that we must love and serve others because we are the good neighbor!
This Sunday morning our lesson series is entitled “Winning and Losing – Lessons on Soul Winning.” Jesus mission statement can be found in several places in the Scriptures. One place is Matthew 17:11: “For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” It is our mission to bring people, all people, regardless of race, space, or character to Jesus. Many times we are our own worst enemy when it comes to evangelism. In this series we will consider eight words that can make or break our mission to bring the lost to Christ.
Lesson 1: Sanctification (Are we different?) or Hypocrisy (Are we the same?)
Lesson 2: Hope (Are we alive?) or Hopelessness (Are we dead?)
Lesson 3: Meekness (Do we tell the truth in love?) or Harshness (Are we mean?)
Lesson 4: Fear (Are we kind?) or Haughtiness (Are we “holier than thou?”)
This Sunday evening we will conclude our series “Faith: Tempted and Tried” with lesson #5: BE REBORN.
Can you believe that January is almost history? My, my, how time flies. How are you doing on those New Year’s Resolutions? Are you reading, believing, obeying, sharing, and living God’s word in your daily life? We can do it!
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The snow was a beautiful reminder of God’s glorious majesty. Some people love the snow. Others, like me, are very happy to see the snow fall and quickly melt away. Just think. In just a few weeks we will begin feel spring in the air.
The annual South Carolina State-wide Bible Bowl is now only five weeks away, scheduled for Saturday, February 26th. There is much to do and we need your help to make this year’s Bible Bowl one of the best events ever. Our Bible Bowl teams are doing their part, studying the book of Matthew like never before. Let’s all support them by being present and doing what we can to help.
In January we have been studying about how to “GET INVOLVED” in the work of Christ in this new year, 2011. Moses attempted to use excuses to keep from involving himself in God’s calling. The rich young ruler in Matthew 19 allowed regret to keep him from eternal life in Jesus Christ. Simon Peter had three great opportunities to get involved in the service of Christ. He denied the Lord three times and thus for a time refused involvement with Jesus.
This Sunday morning we will look at the final lesson in this series. We will consider how the Good Samaritan got involved in serving God by serving others. A merchant had been robbed and beaten. He was in need of help. Two men, a priest and a Levite had already been given the opportunity to get involved and did not. They saw him on the road and passed by on the other side. A “good Samaritan” did not allow prejudice to keep him from serving. He saw him and had compassion. May we follow the example of this good man! If you would like to read ahead, read Luke 10.
On Sunday evening I am learning so much from our study: “Faith: Tempted and Tried.” If we are to pass the trials that God supply to us for our good, if we are to withstand the temptations of the devil, then we must be real, be responsible, and be ready.
This Sunday evening we will find that we must also BE REFOCUSED. James tells us in chapter 1, verse 16 and 17: “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” When we are tempted and tried let us refocus on the good and perfect gifts from God.
Our Monthly Men’s and Preachers’ Meetings are now back in session. Our theme for the season is “Faithful Deacons in Every Faithful Congregation.” We had a great session this past Tuesday morning on the need for faithful deacons. In February we will study the qualifications of faithful deacons. I hope you will make plans to join your fellow Christian brothers in February on Tuesday, the 15th at 10:00 a.m. for this great study.
Are you involved in a small group Bible study at St. Andrews Road? We have some really great Bible studies going on now on Sunday morning at 10:00 and on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Come early on Sunday morning for Bible study in one of our four adult small groups. Bring your children and grandchildren too. We have some great classes for them taught by the best teachers ever. You will be amazed at how much you will grow in your faith when you decide to.
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
The annual South Carolina State-wide Bible Bowl is now only five weeks away, scheduled for Saturday, February 26th. There is much to do and we need your help to make this year’s Bible Bowl one of the best events ever. Our Bible Bowl teams are doing their part, studying the book of Matthew like never before. Let’s all support them by being present and doing what we can to help.
In January we have been studying about how to “GET INVOLVED” in the work of Christ in this new year, 2011. Moses attempted to use excuses to keep from involving himself in God’s calling. The rich young ruler in Matthew 19 allowed regret to keep him from eternal life in Jesus Christ. Simon Peter had three great opportunities to get involved in the service of Christ. He denied the Lord three times and thus for a time refused involvement with Jesus.
This Sunday morning we will look at the final lesson in this series. We will consider how the Good Samaritan got involved in serving God by serving others. A merchant had been robbed and beaten. He was in need of help. Two men, a priest and a Levite had already been given the opportunity to get involved and did not. They saw him on the road and passed by on the other side. A “good Samaritan” did not allow prejudice to keep him from serving. He saw him and had compassion. May we follow the example of this good man! If you would like to read ahead, read Luke 10.
On Sunday evening I am learning so much from our study: “Faith: Tempted and Tried.” If we are to pass the trials that God supply to us for our good, if we are to withstand the temptations of the devil, then we must be real, be responsible, and be ready.
This Sunday evening we will find that we must also BE REFOCUSED. James tells us in chapter 1, verse 16 and 17: “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” When we are tempted and tried let us refocus on the good and perfect gifts from God.
Our Monthly Men’s and Preachers’ Meetings are now back in session. Our theme for the season is “Faithful Deacons in Every Faithful Congregation.” We had a great session this past Tuesday morning on the need for faithful deacons. In February we will study the qualifications of faithful deacons. I hope you will make plans to join your fellow Christian brothers in February on Tuesday, the 15th at 10:00 a.m. for this great study.
Are you involved in a small group Bible study at St. Andrews Road? We have some really great Bible studies going on now on Sunday morning at 10:00 and on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Come early on Sunday morning for Bible study in one of our four adult small groups. Bring your children and grandchildren too. We have some great classes for them taught by the best teachers ever. You will be amazed at how much you will grow in your faith when you decide to.
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Did you enjoy the snow? I have found that age and experience has a lot to do with the answer to that question. The teenage sons of one of my neighbors spent the entire day on Monday building snowmen and an igloo and shedding down any hill they could find. I watched them from my front window. I also saw their parents standing inside the house watching them, all the while holding a cup of something warm shaking their heads. It is certainly good to see that most of the snow has disappeared. Spring is on its way!
Our Sunday morning theme for January is “Get Involved.” Moses attempted to use EXCUSES to justify his desire to stay on the sidelines when God called him to get in the game. Of course by “sidelines” I mean in Midian shepherding his father-in-law’s flock and by “in the game” I mean in Egypt leading the Israelites to freedom. The rich young ruler in Matthew 19 allowed REGRET to keep him from his desire to have eternal life. He was sorrowful when Jesus answered his question. He asked; “What good thing shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus gave him the answer. He regretted that the cost of eternal life was so very high. He regretted that he needed to sell, give, come, and follow Jesus.
This Sunday morning we will consider Simon Peter as he sat outside the courtyard on that dreadful night that Jesus was betrayed and arrested. Peter denied Jesus. He had just told Jesus a few minutes earlier, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You! (Matthew 26:35). Later Peter he did what he said he would not do. How many Sunday’s have we sang and prayed and communed and presented our offering and said “Amen” when the sermon was preached and then on Monday or some other day of the week denied who we are or who Jesus is by our thoughts, words, and/or actions? May we accept the challenge to get involved, be involved, and stay involved in the work of Christ in everyday life!
This Sunday evening we will consider the theme: “Faith: Tempted and Tried” and the word “READY.” If we are to pass the trials sent to us by God for our good, if we are to escape the temptations of the devil, we must be real, we must be responsible, and we must be ready. We ready ourselves for God’s trials by study, prayer, worship, and humility. We ready ourselves for the temptations of the devil by understanding his methods. We will take a look at four steps of temptation: desire, deception, disobedience, and death.
The monthly MEN’S AND PREACHERS’ MEETING is now back in session after a holiday break. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18th at 10:00 a.m. here at St. Andrews Road in the Fellowship Hall. Our theme for the Winter/Spring session is “Faithful Deacons.” I will present the program this month on the subject of “The Need for Faithful Deacons in Every Faithful Congregation.” I hope you can join us for the meeting on Tuesday.
Bible Bowl 2011 is now only six weeks away scheduled for Saturday, February 26th. Our Bible Bowl teams are studying every day to be ready for the big event. Please mark your calendar and come out to enjoy this very special day of Christian fellowship. Get involved!
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
Light Breakfast and Lunch Provided. Dinner on your own.
Our Sunday morning theme for January is “Get Involved.” Moses attempted to use EXCUSES to justify his desire to stay on the sidelines when God called him to get in the game. Of course by “sidelines” I mean in Midian shepherding his father-in-law’s flock and by “in the game” I mean in Egypt leading the Israelites to freedom. The rich young ruler in Matthew 19 allowed REGRET to keep him from his desire to have eternal life. He was sorrowful when Jesus answered his question. He asked; “What good thing shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus gave him the answer. He regretted that the cost of eternal life was so very high. He regretted that he needed to sell, give, come, and follow Jesus.
This Sunday morning we will consider Simon Peter as he sat outside the courtyard on that dreadful night that Jesus was betrayed and arrested. Peter denied Jesus. He had just told Jesus a few minutes earlier, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You! (Matthew 26:35). Later Peter he did what he said he would not do. How many Sunday’s have we sang and prayed and communed and presented our offering and said “Amen” when the sermon was preached and then on Monday or some other day of the week denied who we are or who Jesus is by our thoughts, words, and/or actions? May we accept the challenge to get involved, be involved, and stay involved in the work of Christ in everyday life!
This Sunday evening we will consider the theme: “Faith: Tempted and Tried” and the word “READY.” If we are to pass the trials sent to us by God for our good, if we are to escape the temptations of the devil, we must be real, we must be responsible, and we must be ready. We ready ourselves for God’s trials by study, prayer, worship, and humility. We ready ourselves for the temptations of the devil by understanding his methods. We will take a look at four steps of temptation: desire, deception, disobedience, and death.
The monthly MEN’S AND PREACHERS’ MEETING is now back in session after a holiday break. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18th at 10:00 a.m. here at St. Andrews Road in the Fellowship Hall. Our theme for the Winter/Spring session is “Faithful Deacons.” I will present the program this month on the subject of “The Need for Faithful Deacons in Every Faithful Congregation.” I hope you can join us for the meeting on Tuesday.
Bible Bowl 2011 is now only six weeks away scheduled for Saturday, February 26th. Our Bible Bowl teams are studying every day to be ready for the big event. Please mark your calendar and come out to enjoy this very special day of Christian fellowship. Get involved!
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
Light Breakfast and Lunch Provided. Dinner on your own.
Monday, January 3, 2011
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
Light Breakfast and Lunch Provided. Dinner on your own.
It’s good to be back into the swing of things at St. Andrews Road after the holidays. I miss receiving and reading our weekly church newsletter. Somehow it seems that I am not totally connected without it. Anyway, we are back in business now. How is your 2011 going so far? Did you make those New Year’s resolutions? How about a plan to accomplish your intentions? Go ahead. Set some realistic goals for yourself in this New Year. Think about how you can accomplish those goals in a reasonable timeframe. Then get to work.
We have a lot going on at SAR! Statewide Bible Bowl – February 26, Gospel Meeting with Caleb Campbell – March 6-9, 67th Annual Carolina Lectures – April 3-6, Annual Ladies Day at SAR – April 30th and that is just the first four months of the year. Now do you see why our lesson series on Sunday mornings in January is entitled “Get Involved?” Whew! Hey! We can do this and much more working together in the name of Jesus Christ.
On Sunday mornings in January we are studying God’s word to challenge ourselves to get more involved in the work of the Lord here at St. Andrews Road. Last Sunday we looked at Moses and saw that at first he allowed EXCUSES to keep him from getting involved in the Lord’s work to bring the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery (Exodus 3-4). He said; “But, who am I?” He was really saying, “Why me.” How often do we use this excuse? Moses continued to try to excuse himself from the work that God had appointed only him to do. His final excuse says it all. He said, “Lord, can’t you use someone else?” He was actually saying, “I don’t want to!” Thankfully, Moses decided to get involved in the Lord’s work and lead God’s people to freedom.
After the sermon I realized that we need more time on this subject. So even though we mentioned the rich young ruler, Simon Peter, and the Priest, the Levite, and the Good Samaritan last Sunday, we will take these examples and focus an entire lesson on each one.
This Sunday morning we will focus our attention on another example of why some of us refuse to get involved, be involved, and stay involved in the work that God has appointed us to do: REGRET. We will look at the rich young ruler’s request of Jesus in Matthew 19 to see how regret can keep us from getting involved in the Lord’s work. It is my prayer and desire that these lessons will help each of us to get more involved in the work of the Lord.
Our Sunday evening series is entitled; “Faith: Tempted and Tried.” Last Sunday evening we looked at lesson one: BE REALISTIC. Every human being is tempted and tried. The word for the day is not “if” but “when” when it comes to the tests of life. We must not try to hide the fact that we are tested. We must remember that being tempted and tried is not sinful. Our Lord was often tested while fulfilling His mission for the Father.
This Sunday evening we will look at lesson two: BE RESPONSIBLE. We must not blame others for our problems. We are responsible for our own lives!
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
Light Breakfast and Lunch Provided. Dinner on your own.
It’s good to be back into the swing of things at St. Andrews Road after the holidays. I miss receiving and reading our weekly church newsletter. Somehow it seems that I am not totally connected without it. Anyway, we are back in business now. How is your 2011 going so far? Did you make those New Year’s resolutions? How about a plan to accomplish your intentions? Go ahead. Set some realistic goals for yourself in this New Year. Think about how you can accomplish those goals in a reasonable timeframe. Then get to work.
We have a lot going on at SAR! Statewide Bible Bowl – February 26, Gospel Meeting with Caleb Campbell – March 6-9, 67th Annual Carolina Lectures – April 3-6, Annual Ladies Day at SAR – April 30th and that is just the first four months of the year. Now do you see why our lesson series on Sunday mornings in January is entitled “Get Involved?” Whew! Hey! We can do this and much more working together in the name of Jesus Christ.
On Sunday mornings in January we are studying God’s word to challenge ourselves to get more involved in the work of the Lord here at St. Andrews Road. Last Sunday we looked at Moses and saw that at first he allowed EXCUSES to keep him from getting involved in the Lord’s work to bring the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery (Exodus 3-4). He said; “But, who am I?” He was really saying, “Why me.” How often do we use this excuse? Moses continued to try to excuse himself from the work that God had appointed only him to do. His final excuse says it all. He said, “Lord, can’t you use someone else?” He was actually saying, “I don’t want to!” Thankfully, Moses decided to get involved in the Lord’s work and lead God’s people to freedom.
After the sermon I realized that we need more time on this subject. So even though we mentioned the rich young ruler, Simon Peter, and the Priest, the Levite, and the Good Samaritan last Sunday, we will take these examples and focus an entire lesson on each one.
This Sunday morning we will focus our attention on another example of why some of us refuse to get involved, be involved, and stay involved in the work that God has appointed us to do: REGRET. We will look at the rich young ruler’s request of Jesus in Matthew 19 to see how regret can keep us from getting involved in the Lord’s work. It is my prayer and desire that these lessons will help each of us to get more involved in the work of the Lord.
Our Sunday evening series is entitled; “Faith: Tempted and Tried.” Last Sunday evening we looked at lesson one: BE REALISTIC. Every human being is tempted and tried. The word for the day is not “if” but “when” when it comes to the tests of life. We must not try to hide the fact that we are tested. We must remember that being tempted and tried is not sinful. Our Lord was often tested while fulfilling His mission for the Father.
This Sunday evening we will look at lesson two: BE RESPONSIBLE. We must not blame others for our problems. We are responsible for our own lives!
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