The snow was a beautiful reminder of God’s glorious majesty. Some people love the snow. Others, like me, are very happy to see the snow fall and quickly melt away. Just think. In just a few weeks we will begin feel spring in the air.
The annual South Carolina State-wide Bible Bowl is now only five weeks away, scheduled for Saturday, February 26th. There is much to do and we need your help to make this year’s Bible Bowl one of the best events ever. Our Bible Bowl teams are doing their part, studying the book of Matthew like never before. Let’s all support them by being present and doing what we can to help.
In January we have been studying about how to “GET INVOLVED” in the work of Christ in this new year, 2011. Moses attempted to use excuses to keep from involving himself in God’s calling. The rich young ruler in Matthew 19 allowed regret to keep him from eternal life in Jesus Christ. Simon Peter had three great opportunities to get involved in the service of Christ. He denied the Lord three times and thus for a time refused involvement with Jesus.
This Sunday morning we will look at the final lesson in this series. We will consider how the Good Samaritan got involved in serving God by serving others. A merchant had been robbed and beaten. He was in need of help. Two men, a priest and a Levite had already been given the opportunity to get involved and did not. They saw him on the road and passed by on the other side. A “good Samaritan” did not allow prejudice to keep him from serving. He saw him and had compassion. May we follow the example of this good man! If you would like to read ahead, read Luke 10.
On Sunday evening I am learning so much from our study: “Faith: Tempted and Tried.” If we are to pass the trials that God supply to us for our good, if we are to withstand the temptations of the devil, then we must be real, be responsible, and be ready.
This Sunday evening we will find that we must also BE REFOCUSED. James tells us in chapter 1, verse 16 and 17: “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” When we are tempted and tried let us refocus on the good and perfect gifts from God.
Our Monthly Men’s and Preachers’ Meetings are now back in session. Our theme for the season is “Faithful Deacons in Every Faithful Congregation.” We had a great session this past Tuesday morning on the need for faithful deacons. In February we will study the qualifications of faithful deacons. I hope you will make plans to join your fellow Christian brothers in February on Tuesday, the 15th at 10:00 a.m. for this great study.
Are you involved in a small group Bible study at St. Andrews Road? We have some really great Bible studies going on now on Sunday morning at 10:00 and on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Come early on Sunday morning for Bible study in one of our four adult small groups. Bring your children and grandchildren too. We have some great classes for them taught by the best teachers ever. You will be amazed at how much you will grow in your faith when you decide to.
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Key Note Speaker: Winford Claiborne of Fayetteville, Tennessee
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