COMING SOON… Men’s Fellowship at Gold Hill Road – March 12
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6
Ladies Day with Mimi Tate (Texas) – April 30
The 2011 Statewide Bible Bowl is now history. We had a great day at this year’s Bible Bowl with well over 400 in attendance and 63 teams participating. Thank you to every team for your hard work and dedication. Thank you to every congregation for supporting the Bible Bowl. Thank you to every Christian worker who gave up a beautiful Saturday to help make this year’s Bible Bowl a tremendous success. We are indeed thankful to God for His perfect Word.
Congratulations to our own preteen Bible Bowl team for bringing home a first place finish and to our senior team for finishing second in their division. Our teen team and adult teams represented St. Andrews Road very well. Next year we will be studying from the Old Testament.
Our March lesson series is entitled: “Faithful Deacons.” The authority for deacons in every congregation of the Lord’s church is found in the word of God, the Bible. Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 3:14-15; “These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly; but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” He had just penned a list of the qualifications of elders and deacons.
This Sunday morning we will look at the second lesson in this series: “The Qualifications of Faithful Deacons.” We will focus our attention on God’s qualifications of those who will serve as deacons of the Lord’s church at St. Andrews Road.
Did you know that God has always required those who would serve him to meet certain qualifications?
Take a look at the qualifications of those who were to serve as judges over Israel with Moses: able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness (Exodus 18).
Look at God’s requirements of the one who was to take Judas’ office as an apostle; a man who had accompanied the rest of the apostles all the time that Jesus went in and out among them from His baptism until His ascension (Acts 1:20-26). There were only two of the 120 who were assembled who met these criteria: Justus and Matthias. There are no apostles today because no one can meet these qualifications.
Look at the qualifications of those who were selected to serve the neglected widows in Jerusalem: seven men from among you, men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit (obedient to and guided by the God’s word), and wisdom (Acts 6:1-7). The church selected seven men and the apostles appointed them to serve.
Look at the list of qualifications of those who are to serve the church of Christ as deacons: reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience, tested, blameless, husbands of one wife, ruling their children and houses well, with wives who are reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things (1 Timothy 3:8-13).
Come prepared to read, think, consider, and respond. Did you know that God also has qualifications for those who desire to enter heaven? Not everyone will enter in, only those who meet His requirements (Matthew 7:21).
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
COMING SOON… Men’s Fellowship at Gold Hill Road – March 12
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6
Ladies Day with Mimi Tate (Texas) – April 30
The greatest work in all the world is the work of the church. When we involve ourselves in the work of the Lord, we will find the greatest joy, care, concern, love, and deep satisfaction in knowing that we are doing the will of God. Our lessons over the past two months have been about getting involved in the Lord’s work readying ourselves to defend the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Last Sunday our eldership informed the congregation of the need for additional deacons at St. Andrews Road; men to work alongside the eight faithful deacons who are currently serving in this capacity.
In order for the church to be successful, we must have a strong, loving, faithful eldership. Our elders must care deeply for the will of God and for every member of the body of Christ. They must be good shepherds. We must have deacons who will genuinely serve God by serving others. The word “deacon” in the Bible means servant. Deacons must be qualified men, capable men of integrity, faith, and dedication. We must have a steady, sound, meek, and fearful preaching of the word of God, full of truth and love whether from the pulpit, classroom, or one to one. We must have united committed cooperative members who love the Lord, respect the eldership, and strive to live by God’s word.
In Nehemiah 4:6, Nehemiah achieved success because the people had a mind to work. In Mark 2:1-5 the man who was lame reached Jesus and was healed because he had four friends who did what needed to be done. In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus said that the harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. What was needed then and now is more laborers into the harvest. Solomon said that two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:7-12). Do you remember what Moses was trying to do in Exodus 18:13-27? Jethro told him that he would certainly “wear himself out” and the people too because he was trying to do something that was physically impossible to do. Jethro suggested that Moses choose qualified men to help him. In Acts 6 the church selected and the twelve apostles appointed qualified men to serve certain widows who were being neglected. The apostles were to continue in prayer and the ministry of the word instead of “serving tables.”
With the growth of the church at St. Andrews Road and the details of responsibility multiplying, it is needful for us as a congregation to look among us and select men who will be appointed as additional deacons as we endeavor to reach the lost with the gospel of Christ, restore the erring, and be edified in the most holy faith.
Note our sermon schedule for the next five Sundays, Lord willing and plan to be here for every service.
This Sunday The Biblical Authority for Deacons
March 6 The Biblical Qualifications of Deacons
March 13 The Biblical Work of Deacons
March 20 - Eddie Ridgell from Watertown, South Dakota will be with us
March 27 The Biblical Appointment of Deacons
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
Keynote Speaker: David Sain, Fayetteville, TN
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6
Ladies Day with Mimi Tate (Texas) – April 30
The greatest work in all the world is the work of the church. When we involve ourselves in the work of the Lord, we will find the greatest joy, care, concern, love, and deep satisfaction in knowing that we are doing the will of God. Our lessons over the past two months have been about getting involved in the Lord’s work readying ourselves to defend the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Last Sunday our eldership informed the congregation of the need for additional deacons at St. Andrews Road; men to work alongside the eight faithful deacons who are currently serving in this capacity.
In order for the church to be successful, we must have a strong, loving, faithful eldership. Our elders must care deeply for the will of God and for every member of the body of Christ. They must be good shepherds. We must have deacons who will genuinely serve God by serving others. The word “deacon” in the Bible means servant. Deacons must be qualified men, capable men of integrity, faith, and dedication. We must have a steady, sound, meek, and fearful preaching of the word of God, full of truth and love whether from the pulpit, classroom, or one to one. We must have united committed cooperative members who love the Lord, respect the eldership, and strive to live by God’s word.
In Nehemiah 4:6, Nehemiah achieved success because the people had a mind to work. In Mark 2:1-5 the man who was lame reached Jesus and was healed because he had four friends who did what needed to be done. In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus said that the harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. What was needed then and now is more laborers into the harvest. Solomon said that two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:7-12). Do you remember what Moses was trying to do in Exodus 18:13-27? Jethro told him that he would certainly “wear himself out” and the people too because he was trying to do something that was physically impossible to do. Jethro suggested that Moses choose qualified men to help him. In Acts 6 the church selected and the twelve apostles appointed qualified men to serve certain widows who were being neglected. The apostles were to continue in prayer and the ministry of the word instead of “serving tables.”
With the growth of the church at St. Andrews Road and the details of responsibility multiplying, it is needful for us as a congregation to look among us and select men who will be appointed as additional deacons as we endeavor to reach the lost with the gospel of Christ, restore the erring, and be edified in the most holy faith.
Note our sermon schedule for the next five Sundays, Lord willing and plan to be here for every service.
This Sunday The Biblical Authority for Deacons
March 6 The Biblical Qualifications of Deacons
March 13 The Biblical Work of Deacons
March 20 - Eddie Ridgell from Watertown, South Dakota will be with us
March 27 The Biblical Appointment of Deacons
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
Keynote Speaker: David Sain, Fayetteville, TN
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
South Carolina Statewide Bible Bowl – Next Saturday, February 26
Men’s Fellowship at Gold Hill Road – Saturday, March 12
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6
Annual Ladies Day with Mimi Tate (Texas) – Saturday, April 30
The Lord’s Church – Worshiping God – Preaching the Good News – Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs – Praying with gratitude for every good gift that comes from above – Giving with joy to help – Sharing Communion together in remembrance of Christ – Bible study that produces growth – Visiting for encouragement – Working for a better life - All the things we do as Christians…Who we are… All these things, Christ, and His word, the Bible is constantly challenged by the blatantly sinful calloused culture in which we live. Every day we have to face the challenges to our faith in God.
This week I spoke with someone who, for the lack of a better, more sophisticated term hates just about everything I love about Christ and His beautiful creation, His church. This person said; “I was brought up in the church, forced to rise up on Sunday morning, forced to sit quietly for worship, forced to attend Bible study, forced to consider Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” I asked this person; “How is the life you have chosen working out for you?” The person I spoke with was alone, lonely, bitter, proud, in debt, physically weak, ill, and diseased. And the worst is yet to come, unless this person remembers, repents, and returns to all the things this person was “forced” to consider. I am reminded of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Isn’t it wonderful that he came to his senses and chose a better way, God’s way? The person I spoke with this week can choose another way to live.
The meeting with this individual was tough. The lessons we have been considering this month helped me tremendously. I sanctified (set apart as holy) the Lord God in my heart. I remembered that my hope is in Jesus Christ, not in myself. I remembered that meekness and gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit of God that lives in me and that meekness is a sign of maturity. I remembered that harshness could forever close the door to salvation to this person. I also remembered this coming Sunday morning’s lesson. I must give an answer for my hope with fear, terror, reverence, and respect for God and for what happens to those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:8). The seed has been planted. May His word produce good fruit within this person’s heart!
I have spoken to several of you who have had similar experiences recently and have been helped by the lessons we are learning from God’s word. The word of God is powerful, profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect (complete, fully mature) thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16).
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Keynote Preacher: David Sain, Fayetteville, Tennessee
South Carolina Statewide Bible Bowl – Next Saturday, February 26
Men’s Fellowship at Gold Hill Road – Saturday, March 12
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6
Annual Ladies Day with Mimi Tate (Texas) – Saturday, April 30
The Lord’s Church – Worshiping God – Preaching the Good News – Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs – Praying with gratitude for every good gift that comes from above – Giving with joy to help – Sharing Communion together in remembrance of Christ – Bible study that produces growth – Visiting for encouragement – Working for a better life - All the things we do as Christians…Who we are… All these things, Christ, and His word, the Bible is constantly challenged by the blatantly sinful calloused culture in which we live. Every day we have to face the challenges to our faith in God.
This week I spoke with someone who, for the lack of a better, more sophisticated term hates just about everything I love about Christ and His beautiful creation, His church. This person said; “I was brought up in the church, forced to rise up on Sunday morning, forced to sit quietly for worship, forced to attend Bible study, forced to consider Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” I asked this person; “How is the life you have chosen working out for you?” The person I spoke with was alone, lonely, bitter, proud, in debt, physically weak, ill, and diseased. And the worst is yet to come, unless this person remembers, repents, and returns to all the things this person was “forced” to consider. I am reminded of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Isn’t it wonderful that he came to his senses and chose a better way, God’s way? The person I spoke with this week can choose another way to live.
The meeting with this individual was tough. The lessons we have been considering this month helped me tremendously. I sanctified (set apart as holy) the Lord God in my heart. I remembered that my hope is in Jesus Christ, not in myself. I remembered that meekness and gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit of God that lives in me and that meekness is a sign of maturity. I remembered that harshness could forever close the door to salvation to this person. I also remembered this coming Sunday morning’s lesson. I must give an answer for my hope with fear, terror, reverence, and respect for God and for what happens to those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:8). The seed has been planted. May His word produce good fruit within this person’s heart!
I have spoken to several of you who have had similar experiences recently and have been helped by the lessons we are learning from God’s word. The word of God is powerful, profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect (complete, fully mature) thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16).
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Keynote Preacher: David Sain, Fayetteville, Tennessee
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
South Carolina Statewide Bible Bowl – Saturday, February 26
Gospel Meeting with Caleb Campbell – March 6-9
Men’s Fellowship at Gold Hill Road – Saturday, March 12
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6
Annual Ladies Day with Mimi Tate (Texas) – Saturday, April 30
Greetings from Henderson, Tennessee and the 75th Annual Freed-Hardeman Lectures! Cindi and I arrived here late on Sunday night and hope to be back in Columbia by the time you read this article. Thank you so much for allowing us to be away for this annual workshop. Thank you especially to Brother Caleb Colley for preaching and teaching while I am away.
The lectureship theme this year is “Major Themes in the Minor Prophets – Proclamation and Promise.” There are 124 different speakers from 16 states. Sessions begin at 7:30 a.m. and conclude at 8:30 p.m. I am writing this article on Monday evening.
Today I heard David Pharr (SC), The Message of the Minor Prophets; Thomas Warren (KY), Seek the Lord – Hosea 10:12; Marlin Connelly (TN), The Message of God – Its Power; Bill Flatt (TN), Restoring Harmony in the Home; Ralph Gilmore (TN) Open Forum; and David Lipe (TN), The Prophets Proclaim – Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge. Cindi and I volunteered to sing in the “Alumni Chorus” on Thursday evening, so we are practicing every day from 12:30 to 2:00 with a group of about 60 singers from around the world.
Pray for us as we travel.
Can you believe that the Statewide Bible Bowl is now only 2 weeks away, scheduled for Saturday, February 26th? Get ready. Get set. We are almost ready to go. If you can help with the Bible Bowl this year, sign up on the bulletin board in the lobby. If you have questions, see Brother Wade Holton.
This Sunday morning we will continue with lesson three in our series entitled: “Get Ready – Winning and Losing – Lessons on Soul Winning.” So far we have looked at the importance of our sanctification and our hope when it comes to sharing the gospel of Christ with our family and friends. This week we will look at another important word from I Peter 3:15, MEEKNESS. We will also look at the negative of this word; harshness. Meekness is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Meekness is evidence that Christ dwells in us. Meekness is a sure sign that we are maturing in Christ. Meekness is the spirit or attitude that is needed when we are seeking to restore someone who sinned. Harshness will not bring a lost soul to salvation in Christ.
This Sunday evening our young men will be conducting the service. On Sunday evening, February 20th we will begin a study on unity – “We Are One Because…” and the first lesson: “We Have the Same Father.” Sunday evening at St. Andrews Road is a very special time for every Christian. I hope you will do your very best to be here every Sunday evening.
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Keynote Preacher: David Sain, Fayetteville, Tennessee
South Carolina Statewide Bible Bowl – Saturday, February 26
Gospel Meeting with Caleb Campbell – March 6-9
Men’s Fellowship at Gold Hill Road – Saturday, March 12
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships – April 3-6
Annual Ladies Day with Mimi Tate (Texas) – Saturday, April 30
Greetings from Henderson, Tennessee and the 75th Annual Freed-Hardeman Lectures! Cindi and I arrived here late on Sunday night and hope to be back in Columbia by the time you read this article. Thank you so much for allowing us to be away for this annual workshop. Thank you especially to Brother Caleb Colley for preaching and teaching while I am away.
The lectureship theme this year is “Major Themes in the Minor Prophets – Proclamation and Promise.” There are 124 different speakers from 16 states. Sessions begin at 7:30 a.m. and conclude at 8:30 p.m. I am writing this article on Monday evening.
Today I heard David Pharr (SC), The Message of the Minor Prophets; Thomas Warren (KY), Seek the Lord – Hosea 10:12; Marlin Connelly (TN), The Message of God – Its Power; Bill Flatt (TN), Restoring Harmony in the Home; Ralph Gilmore (TN) Open Forum; and David Lipe (TN), The Prophets Proclaim – Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge. Cindi and I volunteered to sing in the “Alumni Chorus” on Thursday evening, so we are practicing every day from 12:30 to 2:00 with a group of about 60 singers from around the world.
Pray for us as we travel.
Can you believe that the Statewide Bible Bowl is now only 2 weeks away, scheduled for Saturday, February 26th? Get ready. Get set. We are almost ready to go. If you can help with the Bible Bowl this year, sign up on the bulletin board in the lobby. If you have questions, see Brother Wade Holton.
This Sunday morning we will continue with lesson three in our series entitled: “Get Ready – Winning and Losing – Lessons on Soul Winning.” So far we have looked at the importance of our sanctification and our hope when it comes to sharing the gospel of Christ with our family and friends. This week we will look at another important word from I Peter 3:15, MEEKNESS. We will also look at the negative of this word; harshness. Meekness is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Meekness is evidence that Christ dwells in us. Meekness is a sure sign that we are maturing in Christ. Meekness is the spirit or attitude that is needed when we are seeking to restore someone who sinned. Harshness will not bring a lost soul to salvation in Christ.
This Sunday evening our young men will be conducting the service. On Sunday evening, February 20th we will begin a study on unity – “We Are One Because…” and the first lesson: “We Have the Same Father.” Sunday evening at St. Andrews Road is a very special time for every Christian. I hope you will do your very best to be here every Sunday evening.
67th Annual Carolina Lectureships
St. Andrews Road Church of Christ
Sunday through Wednesday - April 3 – 6, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Theme: “What it means to Preach the Cross of Christ”
Keynote Preacher: David Sain, Fayetteville, Tennessee
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