August is now history. Our teachers and students are well into their new school routines. Before too much longer we will begin to feel fall in the air (I hope). Traffic has really picked up in Conway and even in Enola. Be extra careful on the highways, especially around our schools.
Sunday was another good day for us at Enola with 147 members and guests assembled together for worship, study, and fellowship on Sunday morning and 90 in attendance on Sunday evening. Our offering continues to rise because we are simply and cheerfully returning to the Lord and His work as we have been prospered. Our youth met for a “Devo” at the home of Denis and Angela Curtis last Sunday evening. We hosted the August Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at our house. The church is alive and growing at Enola. Tell everyone you know.
Congratulations to BRYAN BEENE! Bryan and I have been meeting together for the past few weeks regularly to study and discuss the Bible and God’s plan for every person’s life. Last week he realized his need for Jesus Christ in his life, confessed that Jesus is the Son of God, and was that same day baptized into Christ for the remission of his sins. He is now a Christian. Please pray for Bryan as he begins his new walk with Christ. There will be mountains to climb and valleys to cross but through it all Bryan will have Jesus Christ as Savior and Guide. He will also have you and me as fellow Christians who will help him along the way. God continues to bless us in every way.
We will conclude our Sunday morning series “Becoming a Great Church” this Sunday with a lesson on WORK. Oh, no. Not that! Great churches have a mind to work (Nehemiah 4:6). Work doesn’t bother great congregations of the Lord’s church. Christians in great churches just know that work is a part of what makes us great. Too many churches are “worship societies” instead of soldiers fit and ready for battle or athletes prepared and peaked for victory or farmers patient and prepared for the harvest.
On Sunday evening we will consider the final “R” of “Every Christian Should… REFLECT. When people look at us, what do they see? What is it that we reflect? We are the salt of the earth. We are the light of the world. We are a city set on a hill. I hope this series has be both encouraging and challenging to you in your Christian life.
We have a very special treat on Wednesday, September 7th here at Enola. Bill Cline from Truth for Today will be with us to speak to us about all the great things that “Truth for Today” is doing in our world for the cause of Christ. Mark you calendar and make every effort to be here to hear this very special presentation.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday for worship, study, and fellowship. These are challenging times for all of us. Coming together strengthens us, encourages us, and helps us to stand firm in a sinful world.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
We had a great day at Enola yesterday, Sunday, August 21, 2011 with 136 in attendance for worship on Sunday morning and 96 on Sunday evening. The offering toward the work of the church was $2152.00. The elders announced the need to appoint additional deacons and asked the congregation to present to them the names of qualified men to serve in this capacity. The plan is very simple. Just take a sheet of paper, make a list of the names of the men you believe meet the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-15, sign the sheet, and hand it to one of our elders, Brother Larry Arnett, Brother Eddie Hawkins, or Brother Andrew Shock. They’ll take it from there. They will meet with the men we present to them to discuss the work of the church and their desire to serve. As soon as they get a list of qualified men who desire to serve they will present these men back to the congregation for further consideration. After a few days of consideration these men will be appointed to serve with our brothers who are already serving as deacons, Brother Patrick Breeding and Brother Sonny Wolfe. I know they’ll be glad to have some much needed help with the work of the church. We are becoming a great congregation. God is certainly blessing us every day with joy, peace, and prosperity.
Last Sunday we looked at how important UNITY is to any endeavor. Unity is especially important if we are to become a great congregation of the church of Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). We must be united in His way, in His truth, and in His life. Paul pleaded with the church at Corinth by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to speak the same thing, that there be no divisions among them, that they be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10). He pleads with us today. Paul reminds every Christian of our calling to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. He wrote in Ephesians 4:4-6 to remind us that there is one body (the church), one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all who is above all, through all, and in all. Let us continue to work together in unity and harmony. Let us worship together in spirit and in truth. Let us fellowship together in peace and happiness. Let us always perfectly joined together in the same mind (our thoughts, our plans, our desires for ourselves and the church) and in the same judgment (the decisions we make, the actions we take).
This Sunday we will focus out attention on another attribute that Christians in every great congregation possess: GREAT LEADERSHIP. Great churches have leaders, elders that are men of character, reputation, and vision. When “little men” oversee the work of the church, little will be done. When “great men” oversee the Lord’s work, great things will be accomplished. God expects the eldership of His church to be men of knowledge, love, zeal, and faith. They must be men of vision who see what God can do. They must be men who are “given to work.” They must be men of respect, humility, and service. I look forward to sharing this lesson from God’s word with you. We have three great elders at Enola. May we all appreciate our elders more and endeavor to make their work a work of joy.
Sunday evening at Enola is very special. Our series is entitled “Every Christian Should…” Every Christian should REJOICE. Life is tough. People are rough. And sometimes it seems like we don’t have enough. Rejoice anyway. Rejoice always. Every Christian should REMOVE. We should remove sorrow from our hearts and evil from our lives (Ecclesiastes 11:9-10). HOW? We must present our sorrow and our sin to Jesus honestly, openly, and willing. He cares for us. Hebrews 12:1-2 is a great passage of Scripture to read, remember, and apply. This Sunday evening we will consider the next lesson in this series, “Every Christian Should REMEMBER.”
BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY FELLOWSHIP AT THE BURLESON’S – This Sunday evening immediately following our assembly. If you or a member of your immediate family has a birthday or anniversary in August bring a finger-food dish and come on over.
Last Sunday we looked at how important UNITY is to any endeavor. Unity is especially important if we are to become a great congregation of the church of Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). We must be united in His way, in His truth, and in His life. Paul pleaded with the church at Corinth by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to speak the same thing, that there be no divisions among them, that they be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10). He pleads with us today. Paul reminds every Christian of our calling to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. He wrote in Ephesians 4:4-6 to remind us that there is one body (the church), one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all who is above all, through all, and in all. Let us continue to work together in unity and harmony. Let us worship together in spirit and in truth. Let us fellowship together in peace and happiness. Let us always perfectly joined together in the same mind (our thoughts, our plans, our desires for ourselves and the church) and in the same judgment (the decisions we make, the actions we take).
This Sunday we will focus out attention on another attribute that Christians in every great congregation possess: GREAT LEADERSHIP. Great churches have leaders, elders that are men of character, reputation, and vision. When “little men” oversee the work of the church, little will be done. When “great men” oversee the Lord’s work, great things will be accomplished. God expects the eldership of His church to be men of knowledge, love, zeal, and faith. They must be men of vision who see what God can do. They must be men who are “given to work.” They must be men of respect, humility, and service. I look forward to sharing this lesson from God’s word with you. We have three great elders at Enola. May we all appreciate our elders more and endeavor to make their work a work of joy.
Sunday evening at Enola is very special. Our series is entitled “Every Christian Should…” Every Christian should REJOICE. Life is tough. People are rough. And sometimes it seems like we don’t have enough. Rejoice anyway. Rejoice always. Every Christian should REMOVE. We should remove sorrow from our hearts and evil from our lives (Ecclesiastes 11:9-10). HOW? We must present our sorrow and our sin to Jesus honestly, openly, and willing. He cares for us. Hebrews 12:1-2 is a great passage of Scripture to read, remember, and apply. This Sunday evening we will consider the next lesson in this series, “Every Christian Should REMEMBER.”
BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY FELLOWSHIP AT THE BURLESON’S – This Sunday evening immediately following our assembly. If you or a member of your immediate family has a birthday or anniversary in August bring a finger-food dish and come on over.
Monday, August 15, 2011
We had a great Sunday at Enola yesterday, August 14th. We had 143 present for worship and by the way our young people were dressed, you could tell that school is about to begin. They looked very good in their new school clothes and shoes. It is good to get back into to somewhat of a normal routine again after the summer. I’m looking forward to sitting in the football stadium again on Friday nights. I guess Cindi and I will be cheering for the Vilonia Eagles this year since Mount Vernon Enola doesn’t have a football team yet. I plan on watching the UCA Bears play on their purple and gray field. I drove by last weekend to see it. Whew! It’ll take some getting use to. And of course, I will be cheering for our Arkansas Razorbacks. I do still have a lot of Gamecock in me since three members of my family graduated from South Carolina.
It was great to see Brother Buz Heffington back with us this past Sunday evening. Every week we have guests among us. Please see that our guests know how much we love and appreciate them. We can do this very simply. Just walk up to them, present your right hand of fellowship, and introduce yourself. There are visitor cards in the back of every pew and some in one of the tables in the lobby. Please see that our guests fill out one of these cards. You can see that the card gets to one of our elders.
This Sunday we will continue in our series: “Becoming a Great Church.” Think about it. Great congregations of the Lord’s church are united in purpose and plans. Ephesians 6:1-6 teaches us about the “oneness” that God expects from every Christian and every congregation. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church about unity. “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). We often sing about the “common love” that we share as members of the church of Christ. Are we united under that banner of the cross of Jesus Christ our Savior? I look forward to sharing this lesson with you from God’s word.
On Sunday evening our new series of sermons is entitled; “Every Christian Should…” There are many things that we can do, but what should we do? Every Christian should REJOICE. Life is tough. People are rough. And it seems that we sometimes don’t have enough. Yet we are called to “Rejoice always, to pray with ceasing, and to giving thanks in everything because this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). This Sunday evening we will look at the next “R.” If you would like to reach ahead, read Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 and see what Solomon asked of every young man.
Our eldership announced their plans to appoint additional deacons to serve the congregation at Enola. Please be praying for our elders and the congregation as we seek out qualified men to serve as deacons. Be listening for the elders’ instructions coming soon. I know that our two hard-working deacons; Brothers Sonny Wolfe and Patrick Breeding will be very glad to have some help. More workers mean more planting, more watering, and with the blessings of our Father more increase.
We meet every Sunday morning for Bible study at 10:00 and then for worship together at 11:00. We return for the evening worship hour and Children’s Bible Hour at 5:00 p.m. We also meet on Wednesday evening for Bible study at 7:00 p.m. Now that school is back in session it might be a little bit more difficult to come out for our evening meetings together. Come anyway. You can do it.
It was great to see Brother Buz Heffington back with us this past Sunday evening. Every week we have guests among us. Please see that our guests know how much we love and appreciate them. We can do this very simply. Just walk up to them, present your right hand of fellowship, and introduce yourself. There are visitor cards in the back of every pew and some in one of the tables in the lobby. Please see that our guests fill out one of these cards. You can see that the card gets to one of our elders.
This Sunday we will continue in our series: “Becoming a Great Church.” Think about it. Great congregations of the Lord’s church are united in purpose and plans. Ephesians 6:1-6 teaches us about the “oneness” that God expects from every Christian and every congregation. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church about unity. “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). We often sing about the “common love” that we share as members of the church of Christ. Are we united under that banner of the cross of Jesus Christ our Savior? I look forward to sharing this lesson with you from God’s word.
On Sunday evening our new series of sermons is entitled; “Every Christian Should…” There are many things that we can do, but what should we do? Every Christian should REJOICE. Life is tough. People are rough. And it seems that we sometimes don’t have enough. Yet we are called to “Rejoice always, to pray with ceasing, and to giving thanks in everything because this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). This Sunday evening we will look at the next “R.” If you would like to reach ahead, read Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 and see what Solomon asked of every young man.
Our eldership announced their plans to appoint additional deacons to serve the congregation at Enola. Please be praying for our elders and the congregation as we seek out qualified men to serve as deacons. Be listening for the elders’ instructions coming soon. I know that our two hard-working deacons; Brothers Sonny Wolfe and Patrick Breeding will be very glad to have some help. More workers mean more planting, more watering, and with the blessings of our Father more increase.
We meet every Sunday morning for Bible study at 10:00 and then for worship together at 11:00. We return for the evening worship hour and Children’s Bible Hour at 5:00 p.m. We also meet on Wednesday evening for Bible study at 7:00 p.m. Now that school is back in session it might be a little bit more difficult to come out for our evening meetings together. Come anyway. You can do it.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Still hot and very dry – 108 today in Conway…105 in Enola. Be careful working out in the heat. I’m especially concerned for our high school and college athletes. Parents: Watch out for your children. They don’t always know when enough is enough. Unfortunately, some adults have trouble knowing this as well. Life is precious. Enjoy every moment, but do so with a view of eternity.
School begins in just a few days. This means additional traffic in the mornings and late afternoon. We must schedule a little extra time in our travels for the change in routine. Also, we must be more patient, kind, and generous toward others. Let’s show the world, our family, friends, and neighbors that we are different because we are Christians.
This past weekend was the “tax-free” weekend in our area. Cindi and I tried to do some shopping for our grandchildren but after about 20 minutes of traffic, crowds, and chaos we gave up, ate lunch and went to Little Rock to the circus. Ha! We left one circus to go to another circus. Our grandchildren watched the circus while Cindi and I watched them.
Sunday was a very special day for the church of Christ at Enola. It was a great joy to see Brother Andrew Shock appointed to the eldership. We are blessed with Brother Larry Arnett, Brother Eddie Hawkins, and now Brother Shock as our shepherds here at Enola. I am thrilled to serve under their leadership as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. May we all endeavor to live our lives in such a way that their task to oversee the congregation of the Lord’s church at Enola will be joyous, peaceful, and fulfilling! The writer to the Hebrews in Hebrews 13:17 says; “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”
Next up: The appointment of additional deacons to serve the congregation at Enola. Please be praying for your minister (me), our eldership, our current deacons, and the entire congregation as we move forward to the appointment of additional deacons in the coming days. We have several men who are qualified and ready to serve in this capacity. There is much work to be done. May God bless our efforts together for the cause of Christ.
This Sunday we will continue in our series: “Becoming a Great Church.” In John 13, verse 34 and 35 John wrote down Jesus’ teaching concerning the love Christians must have for one another. We will look at these two verses with three things in mind: 1) A commandment is a commandment, not a suggestion; 2) This commandment to love was “new” in that the standard was new, and 3) The result of our keeping Jesus’ command is literally awesome.
This Sunday evening I am very excited about our new series of sermons entitled; “Every Christian Should…” There are many things that we can do, but what should we do? Every Christian should R____________, R____________, R____________, and R____________. I hope you will be here for every one of these lessons aimed at helping each of us walk closer to the Lord.
School begins in just a few days. This means additional traffic in the mornings and late afternoon. We must schedule a little extra time in our travels for the change in routine. Also, we must be more patient, kind, and generous toward others. Let’s show the world, our family, friends, and neighbors that we are different because we are Christians.
This past weekend was the “tax-free” weekend in our area. Cindi and I tried to do some shopping for our grandchildren but after about 20 minutes of traffic, crowds, and chaos we gave up, ate lunch and went to Little Rock to the circus. Ha! We left one circus to go to another circus. Our grandchildren watched the circus while Cindi and I watched them.
Sunday was a very special day for the church of Christ at Enola. It was a great joy to see Brother Andrew Shock appointed to the eldership. We are blessed with Brother Larry Arnett, Brother Eddie Hawkins, and now Brother Shock as our shepherds here at Enola. I am thrilled to serve under their leadership as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. May we all endeavor to live our lives in such a way that their task to oversee the congregation of the Lord’s church at Enola will be joyous, peaceful, and fulfilling! The writer to the Hebrews in Hebrews 13:17 says; “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”
Next up: The appointment of additional deacons to serve the congregation at Enola. Please be praying for your minister (me), our eldership, our current deacons, and the entire congregation as we move forward to the appointment of additional deacons in the coming days. We have several men who are qualified and ready to serve in this capacity. There is much work to be done. May God bless our efforts together for the cause of Christ.
This Sunday we will continue in our series: “Becoming a Great Church.” In John 13, verse 34 and 35 John wrote down Jesus’ teaching concerning the love Christians must have for one another. We will look at these two verses with three things in mind: 1) A commandment is a commandment, not a suggestion; 2) This commandment to love was “new” in that the standard was new, and 3) The result of our keeping Jesus’ command is literally awesome.
This Sunday evening I am very excited about our new series of sermons entitled; “Every Christian Should…” There are many things that we can do, but what should we do? Every Christian should R____________, R____________, R____________, and R____________. I hope you will be here for every one of these lessons aimed at helping each of us walk closer to the Lord.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
August in Arkansas! Blue skies, sunshine, 102 in the shade, and no rain in sight. But, hey, fall is just around the corner. Before you know it, you will walk outside expecting another hot day and be surprised by the feeling of fall in the air. Isn’t fall wonderful? Orange, yellow, red, and silver leaves waiting God’s command to return to the earth, frost on the pumpkin, the smell of a fire burning in the fireplace, children up and out early to school, and football. I’m thankful for every blessing of life.
Thank you so much for coming over to our house this past Sunday evening for the July Birthday and Anniversary Celebration. We had a great time of fellowship together. Our August Birthday and Anniversary Celebration is schedule for Sunday evening, August 28th at the Burleson’s. We will provide the drinks, cake, and utensils. You can bring a finger food of your choice if you would like. If you or a member of your immediate family has a birthday or an anniversary in August, this get-together is for you. This month we are planning a singing for those who can stay a little while longer.
Our sermon series in August is entitled “Becoming a Great Church.” Last Sunday we introduced the series with a lesson about the church at Rome. When Paul wrote the letter to the Romans, he wrote about their faith that was spoken of throughout the whole world (Romans 1:8). He also wrote about their obedience that was known by all (Romans 16:19). A great church doesn’t just happen. On Monday Brother Frank Breeding and I drove out to Brother Hershel Palmer’s house to relieve Brother Palmer of some of his purple hull peas and a couple of mush mellows (cantaloupes), with his whole-hearted permission, of course. Brother Palmer has a beautiful garden, the result of many hours of faithful patient dedication to God’s plan of sowing and reaping. The same is true of the church of Christ at Enola. We must dedicate ourselves to God’s plan; to having and maintaining a spirit of love and unity. Our elders, our deacons, our ministers, our teachers, and every member must be people of faith and integrity in word and in deed. We must have a mind to work and do our work for the glory of Jesus Christ with a smile on our faces. We must dream big dreams and have plans for the future, next year, 5 years, all the way into eternity. We will be talking about these things over the next four Sundays, Lord willing.
This Sunday evening we will be concluding our series “Six One Thing’s in the Bible.” Our lesson will be taken from the Old Testament; Joshua 23:1-16. Joshua is about to die (He was 110). In verse 14 Joshua reminds the Israelites of God’s never-ending power to keep His promises.
“Behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth. And you know in your hearts and in all your souls that NOT ONE THING HAS FAILED of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.”
Joshua then warns the people of the coming days of pain, sorrow, and woe brought upon them by God because of their refusal to keep His commandments. We can rest assured. When God makes a promise, He keeps it. Not one thing ever fails of all the good things which the Lord our God speaks concerning us as we walk in the light of His word (1 John 1:7). We may have to climb many mountains and cross over many valleys as we journey toward heaven, but all along the way God’s promises of strength, wisdom, and provision prevail over our struggles. I am thankful.
Thank you so much for coming over to our house this past Sunday evening for the July Birthday and Anniversary Celebration. We had a great time of fellowship together. Our August Birthday and Anniversary Celebration is schedule for Sunday evening, August 28th at the Burleson’s. We will provide the drinks, cake, and utensils. You can bring a finger food of your choice if you would like. If you or a member of your immediate family has a birthday or an anniversary in August, this get-together is for you. This month we are planning a singing for those who can stay a little while longer.
Our sermon series in August is entitled “Becoming a Great Church.” Last Sunday we introduced the series with a lesson about the church at Rome. When Paul wrote the letter to the Romans, he wrote about their faith that was spoken of throughout the whole world (Romans 1:8). He also wrote about their obedience that was known by all (Romans 16:19). A great church doesn’t just happen. On Monday Brother Frank Breeding and I drove out to Brother Hershel Palmer’s house to relieve Brother Palmer of some of his purple hull peas and a couple of mush mellows (cantaloupes), with his whole-hearted permission, of course. Brother Palmer has a beautiful garden, the result of many hours of faithful patient dedication to God’s plan of sowing and reaping. The same is true of the church of Christ at Enola. We must dedicate ourselves to God’s plan; to having and maintaining a spirit of love and unity. Our elders, our deacons, our ministers, our teachers, and every member must be people of faith and integrity in word and in deed. We must have a mind to work and do our work for the glory of Jesus Christ with a smile on our faces. We must dream big dreams and have plans for the future, next year, 5 years, all the way into eternity. We will be talking about these things over the next four Sundays, Lord willing.
This Sunday evening we will be concluding our series “Six One Thing’s in the Bible.” Our lesson will be taken from the Old Testament; Joshua 23:1-16. Joshua is about to die (He was 110). In verse 14 Joshua reminds the Israelites of God’s never-ending power to keep His promises.
“Behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth. And you know in your hearts and in all your souls that NOT ONE THING HAS FAILED of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.”
Joshua then warns the people of the coming days of pain, sorrow, and woe brought upon them by God because of their refusal to keep His commandments. We can rest assured. When God makes a promise, He keeps it. Not one thing ever fails of all the good things which the Lord our God speaks concerning us as we walk in the light of His word (1 John 1:7). We may have to climb many mountains and cross over many valleys as we journey toward heaven, but all along the way God’s promises of strength, wisdom, and provision prevail over our struggles. I am thankful.
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