Monday, August 8, 2011

Still hot and very dry – 108 today in Conway…105 in Enola. Be careful working out in the heat. I’m especially concerned for our high school and college athletes. Parents: Watch out for your children. They don’t always know when enough is enough. Unfortunately, some adults have trouble knowing this as well. Life is precious. Enjoy every moment, but do so with a view of eternity.

School begins in just a few days. This means additional traffic in the mornings and late afternoon. We must schedule a little extra time in our travels for the change in routine. Also, we must be more patient, kind, and generous toward others. Let’s show the world, our family, friends, and neighbors that we are different because we are Christians.

This past weekend was the “tax-free” weekend in our area. Cindi and I tried to do some shopping for our grandchildren but after about 20 minutes of traffic, crowds, and chaos we gave up, ate lunch and went to Little Rock to the circus. Ha! We left one circus to go to another circus. Our grandchildren watched the circus while Cindi and I watched them.

Sunday was a very special day for the church of Christ at Enola. It was a great joy to see Brother Andrew Shock appointed to the eldership. We are blessed with Brother Larry Arnett, Brother Eddie Hawkins, and now Brother Shock as our shepherds here at Enola. I am thrilled to serve under their leadership as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. May we all endeavor to live our lives in such a way that their task to oversee the congregation of the Lord’s church at Enola will be joyous, peaceful, and fulfilling! The writer to the Hebrews in Hebrews 13:17 says; “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

Next up: The appointment of additional deacons to serve the congregation at Enola. Please be praying for your minister (me), our eldership, our current deacons, and the entire congregation as we move forward to the appointment of additional deacons in the coming days. We have several men who are qualified and ready to serve in this capacity. There is much work to be done. May God bless our efforts together for the cause of Christ.

This Sunday we will continue in our series: “Becoming a Great Church.” In John 13, verse 34 and 35 John wrote down Jesus’ teaching concerning the love Christians must have for one another. We will look at these two verses with three things in mind: 1) A commandment is a commandment, not a suggestion; 2) This commandment to love was “new” in that the standard was new, and 3) The result of our keeping Jesus’ command is literally awesome.

This Sunday evening I am very excited about our new series of sermons entitled; “Every Christian Should…” There are many things that we can do, but what should we do? Every Christian should R____________, R____________, R____________, and R____________. I hope you will be here for every one of these lessons aimed at helping each of us walk closer to the Lord.

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