Can you believe that Christmas is only a week away now with 2012 rushing in right after? Just think about all the changes that have taken place in 2011. Whew! I get dizzy just thinking about it. Cindi and I have experienced some drastic changes for sure. Some changes have been very positive: Cindi’s graduation from SC with her MBA, our move from South Carolina back home to Arkansas, a new ministry with the church of Christ at Enola, a new home, new friends, living closer to our children and grand children. I could go on and on. We have also experienced changes that have been sorrowful. I don’t have to make a list. God has provided for us all along the way. What will 2012 hold for us? Whatever comes our way, whatever challenges, changes, and chances we experience, God will provide for us what is needed. I am so excited about our future together as a congregation of God’s people. May we continue to grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through worship, BROADER THROUGH MINISTRY, and wider through evangelism. The Enola Church of Christ is doing just fine. We are growing in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
EVERYONE INVITED! The Burleson’s would like to invite the entire congregation to an OPEN HOUSE at our new home this coming Sunday afternoon, December 18th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. No gifts please. Your presence will be your precious gift to us. Just come by after lunch and visit with us. Check your bulletin this Sunday morning for our new address. We live right behind Phil and Learleen.
We will host the December Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at our house on Sunday, January 1st immediately following the evening service. We will provide the cupcakes, drinks, and utensils. You can bring your favorite finger-food if you would like. This is a slight change in our usual last Sunday in the month format due to Christmas being on Sunday this year. If you or a member of our immediate family has a birthday or anniversary in December, please come to the Burleson’s for a time of celebration. In January our get-together will be Sunday, January 29th for our January birthdays and anniversaries.
On Sunday morning we will once again ask the most important question in the world; “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” then analyze the question. Am I ready to be saved? Am I willing to be saved? Am I able to be saved? One might be ready, but unwilling, like King Agrippa. One might be willing, but not ready, like the Ethiopian nobleman. One might also be ready and willing, but not able, like Cornelius. Are you ready, willing, and able? No excuses. No rationalizations. No more waiting. Come and be saved.
On Sunday evening we will focus our attention on “Growth- What Does It Take – Growing Broader Through Ministry.” Our lesson text is found in Matthew 25 where Jesus describes that great judgment scene. He talked about how He was in need and people either helped Him or didn’t. Those who helped Him went to heaven. Those who didn’t were turned away. Wehen we serve others, we serve our Lord.
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