Wasn’t Sunday so very special! Wow! What a day! God blessed us so much with 219 present for worship and fellowship. We had a great crowd back for the evening assembly too. Everyone looked beautiful. Brother Troy did an outstanding job leading our singing. His song selections for the day were perfect. His enthusiasm was contagious as everyone could see. We were sitting mighty close together. That’s for sure. Cindi and I had our children and grandchildren visiting with us from Conway. I noticed that there were other parents and grandparents enjoying the same blessing. Above the crowd, the enjoyment of worship, and the love of family and friends gathered together for fellowship, we met to honor and worship God. I hope you were encouraged and challenged by the sermon. It was my purpose to help us to have a greater appreciation for the Lord’s Supper. Greater appreciation follows a better understanding. Upon the first day of the week we come together to worship God and remember Jesus in the Lord’s Supper. We are just following Biblical instructions. When we eat the unleavened bread, we remember Jesus’ body on the cross of Calvary. When we drink the fruit of the vine, we remember His blood that washes away our sins. We desire to eat the Lord’s Supper in a worthy manner. We can do this by remembering Jesus and examining ourselves measuring our lives by Jesus’ life. It is such a blessing to be a Christian and a member of the church of Christ at Enola. And hey, we dismissed at 12:02. Just right!
This Sunday morning we will look at how we can GROW IN GLADNESS through PRAYER. Prayer should be the very first thing we do in the morning and the last thing we do in the evening before we go to sleep. All during the day we should “pray without ceasing” just like the Bible says. We will take a closer look at what God’s word says about prayer and then decide to grow in gladness through prayer.
On Sunday evening we are focusing on a series of sermons entitled “God is Able.” This Sunday evening we will see that God is able to subdue all things to Himself. He is all-powerful. Think about the examples of God’s power in the Bible. “And God said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was light.” Think about all the terrible plagues God brought to the Egyptians because they would not reverence Him and allow His people to follow His will. Think about God feeding the Israelites for 40 years with manna. Think about how God provides for everything in the world. Turn to the New Testament and see the power of Jesus Christ. Think about Jesus waking up in the middle of a storm, the wild wind, the waves crashing over into the boat, His disciples so scared. He said three words, “Peace. Be still.” And everything was calm. Think about that demon-possessed man named Legion, running toward Jesus from the cemetery, naked, screaming and crying. Jesus was not afraid at all. He healed the man. Think about Jesus standing in front of His friend, Lazarus’ tomb. All He said was “Lazarus, come forth.” Lazarus came out of the tomb still wrapped in his burial clothes. Think about Jesus having the power to call 12 legions of angels to rescue Him from murderous humanity. He didn’t. He died for you and for me. Think about the third day. The angel said to those who came looking for Jesus, “Why do you seek the living among the dead. He is not here. He is risen.” Think about a day that will come, when everyone will hear Jesus and look up to see Him in the clouds. God is able to subdue all things to Himself.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, Lord willing for another wonderful day of worship, study, and fellowship.
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