Monday, May 27, 2013

Back in the Saddle Again

     Hey, my friends.  I am happy to be writing again from the country in Enola, Arkansas.  The Enola church of Christ had another great day this past Sunday (26th).  We had 140 in attendance.  I saw so much love and excitement in the faces of everyone as we worshiped together in spirit and in truth.  God has blessed us.  May we show Him our gratitude by living the way we should.  Sin is terrible.  Salvation is precious.

     We had two high school graduates this year: Aundrea Hardin and Wyatt Beene.  We are so very proud of these fine young adults.  Both are beautiful Christian examples to every teenagers in life and living.  We also had three young adults to graduate from college, all in nursing:  Amanda Curtis Head, Courtney McIntire, and Tyler Harral.  We are so very proud of them.  It thrills our hearts to know that so many people will be positively impacted by their service as nurses.  On Sunday evening we honored these young adults with a congregational fellowship together.  Our youth minister, Brother Brandon shared a message from God’s word with the church on Sunday evening and we dismissed to the annex for a finger-food fellowship.   If you did not get to attend due to Memorial Day activities, make sure you let these graduates know how proud you are of them and all that they have accomplished.

     We’re praying for our neighbors in Moore, Oklahoma and the surrounding area where the terrible storm destroyed so much property and negatively affected so many lives.  Cindi and I spent a little time in our storm shelter last Monday night when the same storm came through Vilonia and Enola.  Thankfully, the storm passed over us with little damage.  The Enola congregation met last Wednesday evening for Bible study and prayer for Oklahoma.  We also took up an offering for them and sent it by the hand of our Christian brothers and sisters in Vilonia.  Our gift, along with the gifts of others in our area was delivered last Saturday.  If you would like to contribute to this effort, just see one of our elders: Brother Arnett, Brother Hawkins, or Brother Shock.  They will make sure our offerings get to the people who need it.

     The old oak tree that has graced our property for many years died and has been laid down.  Brother Larry Newland and the men from the church are now cutting the tree up into firewood.  For members of the Enola congregation, if you would like to have some of the wood to burn this winter, check in with Brother Larry and we’ll see that you get a load.  We are sorry to lose such a beautiful tree, but we all understand that death is a part of life.

     Our Sunday morning sermon series “Finding the Door of Opportunity” is going well and helping each of us to look a little bit deeper into God’s word and into our lives.  It is true.  Everyone makes mistakes.  We all sin and come short of God’s expectations.  We must learn from our mistakes if we expect to find the door of opportunity to forgiveness, strength, wisdom, and salvation.  Are you learning from your mistakes or do you keep on making the same mistakes over and over again?  Learn.  Like I told my son several years ago when he was about to get married, “Son, when you make a mistake, say I’m sorry.  But try to live in such a way that you don’t have to say I’m sorry too much.  Learn.”  I’m trying to live by my own advice.

     The Enola Church of Christ is doing well.  We love God.  We love each other.  We love others and try to show and share that love every day.  It could be that you are at a place in your life where you need this kind of love, God’s love.  If you visit with us, you will find that we are simply and plainly Christians. We are not complicated or fake.  Our worship is simple, yet filled with love for God and a commitment to His word in spirit and in truth.  We sing.  We pray.  We share in the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Christ’s death.  We give of our time, talents, and treasures.  We hear a message from God’s word.  We do what we do because we love God and want to please Him.  Come and see.

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