Saturday, August 17, 2013

Are You Ready? Fall is in the air!

     Beautiful!  Cool!  Fall has been in the air lately.  I’m ready for it too.  They say the summer will have another last go or two before cooler weather finally settles in.  We’ll see.  I hope you have had a good week getting your children and grand children ready for school.  Ours are very ready to get going.  It’ll take a few days to get into that old school routine.  Prepare the night before.  Get to bed a little earlier.  Be patient.  Start the day off right with prayer and a verse or two from God’s word.  I’ll be praying for our teachers and students to adjust correctly and quickly.  Remember to leave home earlier since the traffic will be much heavier than usual with those big yellow school buses stopping to picking up our children.  Also know that our honorable law enforcement officers will be out in force to make sure that we all stay on the right side of the law.

     This Sunday (Tomorrow – August 18th – Sorry about my blog being so late this week) we will continue with the next to last sermon in our series “Have a Good Day.”  How can I have a good day when I have so many issues, so many worries, so many troubles, too much pain, sorrow, and loneliness?  Take one day at a time.  Count your blessings, not your troubles.  Decide to live every day optimistically.  This Sunday we will focus on loving life and living like we do.  We live be the grace of God.  He saves us.  He schools us.  He separates us for a good day.  Focus on God.  Believe Him.  Do what is right all the time.  Wait for your blessing.  We can do this.

     Our Sunday evening sermon is a continuation of last week’s lesson.  We are looking at the five steps every person much take for salvation by grace through faith.  Simple and right from the Bible.  I look forward to sharing this lesson and our Sunday morning lesson with the church and our guests.

     LADIES:  The Ladies Bible Class is now in session, meeting every Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Annex at the Enola Church of Christ, 253 Highway 107 North in Enola, Arkansas.  This is a great time of fellowship, study, and discussion.

     Tomorrow is Sunday, the Lord’s Day.  At the Enola Church of Christ we will be meeting at 10:00 a.m. for Bible study.  Eddie Hawkins will be teaching in the auditorium completing a study of the Bible book of Colossians.  Our young adults have their own Bible study session in the Annex every Sunday morning.  We have classes for babies, children, and teenagers.  At 11:00 everyone comes together in the auditorium for worship.  Every Sunday we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us by sharing in the Lord’s Supper together.  We take the opportunity to give of our financial blessings when the offering plate is passed.  We sing and pray.  We study the Bible.  We enjoy meeting together and feel so very blessed through our membership in the church of Christ at Enola.  It could be that you are searching for a group of Christians who love God and earnestly desire to follow His word in every way in life and living.  This is our desire and plea.  Come and see.

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