Saturday, September 21, 2013

You are a Shining Christian Light!

     Hope everyone had a good week this past week.  It’s Saturday evening and I’m just now writing by blog for the week.  The Razorbacks just blew a big league against a team in New Jersey.  Well, it’s football.  There’s a winner and a loser in every game.  I do like winning.  The Enola Church of Christ is doing well.  We have had a busy week with several of our members participating in the Faulkner County Fair in Conway.  I enjoyed watching them with present their animals for the competition.  There were plenty of ribbons, buckles, and congratulations to be handed out.  Hard work and dedication always pay off.  Sometimes the payoff is a ribbon, a buckle, an award, and even a college scholarship.  At other times the payoff is simply the feeling of accomplishment you have when you know you did your very best.  To every Christian who let their light shine this week at home, at school, at work, or in the community where you live; thank you and God bless you.

     Our lesson in the morning (Sunday, 22nd) is entitled “The Facts of Life – Hell is Real and How I know.”  I know this is not a topic that any of us are particularly interested in, but hell is a real place and will one day be the eternal home for those who do not know God and to those who have not obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ.  You can read this in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10.  Either the Bible is right or wrong.  I believe that the Bible is truth.  Was Jesus mistaken?  Was Jesus wrong?  Was Jesus deceiving us?  Was Jesus lying when He spoke of hell?  Well, if hell is not real, what can we conclude about Jesus?  No.  Jesus was not mistaken.  He is not wrong.  He isn’t deceiving us.  He is not lying.  He is the Way.  He is the Truth.  He is the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through Him.  You can read this in John 14:6.

     Jesus asks every Christian to love others as He loves us.  You can read about this in John 13:34-35.  Just how did Jesus show and share His love.  How does He love?  On Sunday evening we are thinking about how Jesus loved and then asking ourselves if we are loving the way He loves.  I want to love like He does.  He is our Shepherd.  We are following Him.

     I love Wednesday evenings at the Enola Church of Christ.  After Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at work, don’t you need a boost to your faith, hope, and love?  I certainly do.  And Wednesdays at Enola is just what I need.  We meet at 7:00 p.m. for only an hour.  We sing a few songs together.  We mention those who are need and pray for them.  We read the Bible and study it together.  On the last Wednesday in the month we have a “singing.”   I know how it is.  After a long day of work, it is sometimes hard to find the energy to get home just in time to head out for Bible study.  Believe me, when you do, you’ll find that your decision will be rewarded with a stronger faith in God, a deeper love for Jesus and your fellow Christian brothers and sister, and a happy heart.  Come out and see.  You’ll be so very glad you did.

     Hey!  How about a trivia question for you to research and answer every blog?  We have a Bible trivia question every week at Enola.  I’ll include it in my blog.  Here it is.  I hope enjoy it.  I’ll include the answer in next week’s blog.

A certain man ran for his life.  He slept under a tree. He prayed.  He ate two super nutritious meals.

Who was he?

Why was he running? 

What kind of tree? 

What did he pray for? 

When was the next time he ate?

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