Welcome family
and friends! It is our desire and prayer
to honor God as we gather for Bible study, worship, and Christian fellowship on
the Lord’s Day and every day. We are to
read God’s word every day because the strength of our faith lies in our
knowledge of the Bible. We find that
“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). The Psalmist wrote in Psalms 1 about the prosperity
of the person who delights in God’s law and meditates on it day and night. This person is pictured as a healthy tree
growing and prospering year after year.
Jesus finished His sermon on the mountain with statements about the
importance of hearing and doing His word (Matthew 7:24-27). It is foolish to hear what needs to be done
and then not do it. It is wise to hear
and do.
Our Sunday
morning sermon series is entitled “Growing in Gladness.” We are studying about worship and how happy
we should be as Christians to worship God in spirit and in truth. David was glad to worship (Psalm 122:1). We should be too. Sunday is the Lord’s Day. We honor God when we meet together for
worship and fellowship. Some Christians miss
the central theme of the assembly: Christians together drawing near to God,
holding tightly to the confession of our hope, considering one another to stir
up love and good works (Hebrews 10:19-25). We honor Him when we remember Jesus’ death in
the Lord’s Supper. We honor Him when we
pray. We honor God when we give of our
means. We honor Him when we sing psalms,
hymns, and spiritual songs. We honor Him
when we hear the preaching of His word.
We’ll be looking
at how we can grow in gladness through prayer this Sunday, February 7th. Come and hear. God still hears and answers our
supplications, prayers, and intercessions.
He stills hears our words of thanksgiving. We just need to pray, today and everyday.
May God bless us
in 2016 as we renew our focus on the Light of the world, Jesus Christ our
Savior and Friend on Sunday, the Lord’s Day and every day. May we decide again to grow in His grace and
in the knowledge of Christ.
Just a word or
two about “fellowship.”
In our day of
social media, texting, email, network marketing, and the like is seems that
“fellowship” has taken on a different meaning.
People can now be “friends” without any physical contact. I hear that some churches are now having
worship services via the internet, the preacher preaching from the beach in
Florida or from some other location over the audio/video system that is sent
out via the world wide web. The church
gives via PayPal. One is asked to sing
along as he sits behind his computer monitor watching people/the choir/the band
perform. Some pray all alone then eat
the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine in remembrance of Jesus’ death still
all alone. And when I ask about
fellowship and God’s command in Hebrews 10:24-25 I can almost hear some say, “Brother
Mickey, I’m not alone! All my 482 Facebook
friends, my 242 Twitter buddies, and my Blog followers are right here with me. And if I want to “see” someone or speak “face
to face” I’ll just Skype them.” Really? What can I say?
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