Wednesday, July 13, 2016

We are ONE Nation Under God, Relatives, Family...

Hello and welcome!  We are the United States of America, a nation of people always living, working, growing, changing, hoping, and surviving in a chaotic world by God’s amazing grace.  Are there issues that need to be resolved?  Yes.  Has there ever been a time in history when we didn’t have issues that needed resolution?  Do we have problems as a nation of people?  Certainly!  We have been…We are and will remain a work in progress as human beings created in the image of God Himself. 

Jesus said that a kingdom, city, or house divided against itself will not stand (Matthew 12:25) and He is so right.  Even humanity’s real enemy, Satan will not stand if he is divided against himself.  And so, unity then becomes the real goal for every nation, city, or family. 

It seems that lately many in our nation have adopted an “us versus them” outlook toward each other, toward others, and toward the world in general.  Fact is; we are all one.  We are family; brothers and sisters with one Father, God.  Read the Bible and see what I mean.  Paul was in Athens in Acts 17:22-31 seeing the many “objects” of the Athenians’ worship.  After congratulating the people for their religious aims, he taught them about the one and only true and living God and His relationship to them and their relationship to each other.  God is Lord of everything since He made everything.  He is spiritual and doesn’t need the people to build Him a house to dwell in.  He is perfectly capable of handling every situation and so doesn’t need people to “help” Him since He “gives to all life, breath, and all things.”  God made from “one man” every man on the earth.  And so, we all are brothers and sisters, cousins, relatives, family.  Think about it.  Every person you meet is your relative, a brother or sister, auntie or uncle, niece or nephew or cousin.  To me this fact changes my way of thinking, speaking, and acting toward others.  How about you, brother?

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