Our weather has been really been a bear recently; 18 one day and then 70 a few days later. I am so happy that the ice and snow is further north. Winter will soon give way to Spring and I’m glad about that. God knows what He’s doing. It will be so good to see the flowers popping up and the trees budding out again in just a few weeks, Lord willing.
The Harding Street congregation is doing just fine, continuing in the Way of Jesus Christ in simplicity and steadfastness, holding strong to the faith that is in Christ. It seems that the world around us continues to move further and further away from these three principles: continuance, simplicity, and steadfastness. (Consider what recently took place in the halls of government in the state of New York.) Is faith in God so difficult to “get?” What does Hebrews 11:6 tell us about faith? And what about repentance? When we sin; saying “I’m sorry” and changing our hearts, minds, and actions is common sense and Biblical truth (Acts 2:38). Is God asking us to do something that we just cannot do? I don’t think so. And what about confession? Either we deny Jesus as the Christ or we confess Him as the Christ. There is no in between (Matthew 6:24). And baptism? No matter what people say or teach to the contrary, baptism is required simply because Jesus declared it to be (Matthew 28:18-20). And is true sincere Christian living so difficult to grasp? Why do some feel as though these basic principles are from some bygone era and should be discounted as “old-fashioned” and irrelevant in this, our modern-day society? Fact is: The Bible is indeed a very old book; but still relevant, still vibrant, still alive, still convicting, still needed, still true in this day in which we live. And here at Harding Street we will ever read it, respect it, rely on it, teach it, and preach it until our Savior comes again.
Brother Bane and I will change things up a little bit this month. Brother Bane will be preaching on Sunday morning today, the 10th and the 17th. I’ll be preaching Sunday evening tonight, the 17th and the 24th. We will have a guest preacher on Sunday, February 24th for the worship hour and Bible class in the auditorium, Brother Bob Turner. Brother Turner will be visiting with us to preach and then share some very important information with us about a “Leadership Project” that we might get involved in, a ministry that is designed to help us develop leadership within the church. We’ll see how it goes. In March I’ll be doing all the preaching on Sunday AM and PM, Lord willing.
Remember that TODAY is the final day to turn in your “Deacon Recommendation Forms.” We hope to appoint some additional deacons to help David, Tony, and Gary with the ministry of the church. The elders will be meeting with those you have recommended and plan to announce the names for further consideration on Sunday, February 10th, Lord willing.
Check out the new Harding Street website – www.hardingstreetcoc.com. We’re still working on it so be patient as we learn what and how to do what needs to be done. God is blessing us.