Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day - All you need is love!

February 14, 2019 – Hello…And Happy Valentine’s Day today! Love.  Oh yes!  All we need is love.  You know this is true.  What would happen today in your life and mine if we decided to love the way Jesus did, the way He taught, the way He asks us to?  Well?  Let’s do it.  Let’s love and see.

Sunday we will gather together at 906 Harding Street in Morrilton, Arkansas to remember Christ Jesus our Savior who loves us and gave His all for our salvation.  As we remember His sacrifice on this Lord’s Day let us take a serious and honest look at how we’ve lived our lives so that we may worship God in spirit and in truth.  If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).  It could be that our relationship with God is just the way it needs to be.  Great!  Just keep on keeping on; teaching, loving, and caring, just like Jesus.  Brother Bane will be preaching on the morning and I’ll be preaching on the evening.  Next Sunday, February 24th Brother Bob Turner will be with us to preach and then share some valuable information on the “Leadership Project” at the 10:15 Bible Class hour in the auditorium.

Congratulations to our three new deacons:  Marion Chenault, Brent Duvall, and Jason McCoy.  They will be appointed on Sunday just prior to the sermon to serve alongside David Blaylock, Tony Chenault, and Gary Watters.  To God be the glory in all that we do today and in the coming days to further the gospel of Christ in our Morrilton community and throughout the world.  Our task is to plant the seed of the word of God, to water the seed with faith, love, and hope, and then wait with prayer, patience, and perseverance for God to fulfill His promise to “give the increase” according to His will and purpose (1 Corinthians 3:6).  And this we will do!

We are so very happy to announce that Brother Don Atkins has decided to work and worship with us here at Harding Street.  Don has been with us for worship and fellowship for the past couple of months.  God is blessing us just like He promised by sending us laborers into His harvest.  What does Jesus say in Matthew 9:37-38?  Read it and see.  When we pray, God hears and answers.  I am praying for my Christian brothers and sisters; for those who have fallen away to return and for those who have not yet been born in Christ to hasten to trust and obey.  Do you remember the sermon I preached not too long ago on what it takes to grow?  Remember:  FOOD (God’s word spoken, taught, preached, and heard), EXERCISE (Putting into practice what we learn from God’s word), and TIME (Patient and steadfast).

LADIES:  There will be a COUNTY-WIDE Ladies Meeting concerning our upcoming LADIES’ DAY this Tuesday, February 19 @ 6:00 p.m. in the Annex at Harding Street.  This meeting is for all ladies at Harding Street (We’re hosting this year) and also ladies around the county.

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