COMING SOON… Gospel Meeting with Brad Harrub – June 24-26
VBS at St. Andrews Road – July 10-14
Recently there has been much talk about a California man’s prediction that the “Day of Judgment” would arrive on Saturday, May 21st at 6:00 p.m. Obviously, the Bible is right again. Jesus stated to His disciples in answer to their question about the end of the world and His promised return in Matthew 24:36: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, but My Father only.” Of course this is not the first time this man attempted to disprove our Lord Jesus Christ. He did the same thing in 1994. And even now, Mr. Camping stubbornly refuses to apologize for his pride and his rejection of Jesus’ words and states that the “Judgment Day” actually occurred as he predicted, except that the Day was a “spiritual judgment” and that the actual Judgment Day will arrive in five months. Wow! How foolish! Through the years since Jesus ascended to His Father many have carried out their deceptions or misconceptions about the return of our Savior. The Bible is God’s revelation once for all to the world. Believe Jesus. Don’t be fooled. Jesus will return just as He has promised. Prepare. Stay prepared. My grandfather, Noonen Burleson always said, “Boy: Plan to live and prepare to die.” Paul wrote “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).
Cindi and I made a trip to Arkansas last weekend to visit our family and to check on Ben, Lyndsee, and Lily. They have settled into their new home very well. They are worshiping with the Robinson and Center Church of Christ in Conway, Arkansas. The congregation there is currently seeking a man to work with their youth. Ben has submitted his name for consideration for the position. Please pray for God’s will to be done for them. Cindi is staying a few more days to work. I returned to Columbia on Tuesday. Thank you for your prayers for us.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and selection in submitting the names of those men you believe are qualified to serve as deacons at St. Andrews Road. The elders have our selection sheets and are prayerfully considering each submission and discussing the work of the church with those men. May God bless us as we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness!
Our Sunday morning series “Growing in Gladness” will conclude this Sunday with a lesson on how we can grow in gladness through our Bible classes. Are you currently attending one of our Bible classes on Sunday morning at 10:00 and on Wednesday evening at 7:00? If not, how about making a change. Get up a little bit earlier on Sunday morning. Come out on Wednesday evening. See for yourself just how much you can learn and grow in your knowledge of God’s word. Faith does come by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).
On Sunday evening our series “Christian Teenagers” continues. We are considering the many challenges our teenagers face every day and Biblical examples of young people who faced the same challenges and were victorious in maintaining their faith in God: Joseph - sexual purity, David – bullies, Daniel - eating and drinking what is sinful, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego - idols. This Sunday evening we will look at Esther and see how she refused to be selfish and determined to consider others, her family, and her nation above herself. I hope you are being encouraged and challenged by these lessons.
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