Monday, July 25, 2011

Our VBS at Enola is really going great this week! We had a great crowd of 128 on Sunday night. Our theme this year is “Upside Down Under” and focuses on the transforming power of Jesus Christ in every life. We begin each evening promptly at 7:00 p.m. Our schedule is as follows:

Monday (25th) Lesson 2 – From Terrified to Trusting (Peter)
Tuesday (26th) Lesson 3 – From Selfish to Selfless (Zacchaeus)
Wednesday (27th) Lesson 4 – From Defiant to Devoted (Paul)

Every night we will meet for Bible study at 7:00 p.m. in our respective rooms. At 7:45 we will meet in the old auditorium for singing, skits, and announcement and of course a few words from Mr. Booster Rooster. We will wrap the evening up with refreshments in the annex. I hope you can be a part of our VBS every night. You’ll be so very glad that you did.

Can you believe that August is now upon us? Sunday is July 31st. Our teachers and students are getting ready for another year of school. Parents and children are gearing up for the back to school routine: up earlier in the morning, a good breakfast to start the day, homework, football, band, and other school related activities, to bed earlier if and when possible, and hopefully, everyone agreeing to being a bit more patient with one another. After a week or two the carefree days of summer melt away into plans for the fall. Do you remember God’s promises in Genesis 8:22? “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” God keeps every promise. I’m certainly glad.

This Sunday morning we will begin a new sermon series entitled “Becoming a Great Church.” Did you know that the church of Christ at Rome at one time was “spoken of throughout the whole world” (Romans 1:8) and that they “had become known to all” (Romans 16:19). Just what was it that was spoken of and just what was it that had become known. You’ll have to read the above texts to answer these two questions. Our question is this: When people speak of the church of Christ at Enola, what do they say? What are we known for? I hope that we are and will continue to be known for the same two characteristics that the Roman congregation was know for at the time of Paul’s letter to them. In this series we will take a closer look at what great congregations of the Lord’s church have, take inventory, and then make application.

Great churches have a spirit of love and unity.
Great churches have leaders who are people of character, good repute, and vision.
Great churches have a preacher who sets a high spiritual tone in word and in deed.
Great churches have a “mind to work.”
Great churches have plans for the future.

On Sunday evening we will continue in our series on the “One Things of the Bible.” This week we will look at Paul’s attitude toward the things in the past from Philippians 3:13-14. He wrote, “This ONE THING I DO…” What about it? Can we do the one thing that Paul was able to do? I look forward to seeing you every week. God bless us.

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