Tuesday, May 29, 2012

     Hot, hot hot…Dry, dry, dry…That’s how it is here in the country.  Our prayers go up to our Father for some much needed rain.  He hears our prayers and will answer according to His will and purpose.  Everything will be okay.  Jesus has told us in the His Sermon on the Mount about God’s care for us and the rest of His creation.  Jesus asks us to consider the lilies of the field; their beauty and the fact that God takes care of them, the birds of the air, their growth and the how they never need to worry about anything and then consider our own needs and note that God knows what we need and how to provide for our need.  No need to worry.  God will provide in time.
     A huge thank you to Brandon and everyone who helped in any way last Sunday with our Graduation Banquet!  What a wonderful day we enjoyed!  I am so very happy to be a member of the Enola Church of Christ.  I am so happy to be your minister.
     When you pull into our parking lot, you will notice that we are in the midst of reorganizing and repaving our parking areas.  Be careful and patient as we continue to improve our service to the church and to our guests.
     We began a new series of sermons last Sunday entitled “Be Useful and Fruitful.”  Jesus was always useful and fruitful in His life.  He still is.  He is our example in every way.  This coming Sunday, June 3rd our lesson will center on the first of four obstacles that keep us from being useful and fruitful in life and living:  EXCUSES.  Our Bible text is from Exodus 3 and 4.  Moses tried to excuse himself from being useful and fruitful in God’s purpose for him.  As a minister I often hear my brothers and sisters try to excuse themselves from their work for God.  How is it that a Christian can sit in a deer-stand or in a boat on the lake on Saturday, but not be able to sit in a church pew on Sunday?  How is it that a Christian can make the drive into Conway on Friday or Saturday to get their hair and/or nails done but not be able to make the short drive to church on Sunday for worship?  How is it that a Christian can drive his tractor around the farm, but not be able to come to Bible study and worship on Sunday?  How is it that a Christian can get up when the rooster crows on Monday and be at work on time and yet cannot get up in time for church on Sunday?  And our assemblies begin at 10:00 o’clock!  Enough on that.  I will try by very best to make our lesson on Sunday morning a positive one.  You know me!  Always looking up!
     We will conclude our sermon series “God is Able” on Sunday evening when we take a look at the final four reasons I want to go to heaven.  Just think about heaven: no sickness, no pain, no sorrow, no tears, no temptation, no fear, no bills, no leaving, no death; only peace, joy, happiness, and fulfillment in every way.  And the singing!  Wow!  …Ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands singing with perfect voices.   We will have perfect knowledge.  No faith required.  We will see God.  Our hope will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ finally and completely.  Love forever remains just like Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:13.
     May God help us to continue on from where we have been to where we are to where we will be in the coming days as we live and work and wait for His return.  I look forward to our time together this Wednesday evening when we meet for Bible study and then to Sunday, the Lord’s Day when we meet for worship.

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