Thursday, June 7, 2012

     God is.  He knows.  He cares.  I’m glad.  There are some who reject God.  They reject Him because they often don’t get what they want in life or maybe their plans sometimes fail to turn out like they hoped.  They say, “If God existed, then certainly He would give me everything I want.”  They say, “I prayed for a million dollars.  I didn’t get it.  So, the Bible is wrong, prayer is meaningless, and God doesn’t exist.  How silly!  How terribly childish, like the two-year-old I saw in Wal-Mart the other day who didn’t get the toy he wanted.  My, what a crying, kicking, yelling tantrum he threw in front of his mother and the rest of Faulkner County.  I hope his mother “took care” of him.  God always takes care of those who believe in Him and those who refuse Him.  It is so very true.  The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”  Faith in God is the substance of hope.  It is the evidence of what we cannot see…yet. 
     Our Sunday morning series “Useful and Fruitful” continues with the second obstacle that often hinders us from being useful and therefore fruitful in life:  FEAR.  We can overcome our fears through understanding, discipline, and experience.  Simon Peter had a very sad experience in his life when he allowed fear to keep him from being useful and fruitful as he warmed himself by the fire while Jesus was only a few feet away being very terribly tortured and sentenced to death.  Oh, how he wept when he heard the rooster crow.  May we determine to move past our fears through understanding, discipline and experience!
     On Sunday evening (June 10th) we will remember our mission to “let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.”  We will take a look at several examples of some in the Bible who pointed people to Jesus.  They let their light so shine and people saw Jesus.
     Our VBS at Enola has been scheduled for Sunday through Wednesday, July 29 – August 2.  Brother Brandon will be leading our program again this year.  Just say “Yes” when he gives us the opportunity to help.  Remember what Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
     We have several brothers and sisters in Christ who are traveling.  Please remember them in your daily prayers.  Pray also for some much needed rain in our area.  I look forward to seeing you on Sunday for Bible study at 10 and for worship at 11.  Have a great rest of the week and remember to live the Christian life the way you should.

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