Monday, February 25, 2013

Homecoming at Enola - March 3, 2013

     HOMECOMING with the Enola Church of Christ is scheduled for this coming Sunday, March 3rd and we’re very excited about the opportunity to be together with family, friends, and neighbors for Bible study, worship, and good fellowship.  Brother Bobby Coker will be our very special guest preacher and will take some time to share an encouraging message from God’s word.  He tells me that his message will be short and sweet.  You know how preachers are, don’t you?  Short is relative.  Sweet!  Well, what else could Brother Coker be?  We will be enjoying a fine “potluck” lunch together prepared by THE best cooks in the country at noon.  You won’t believe the spread the Christians at Enola can put on.  I am the most blessed preacher in the country. 
     Almost every week I meet men and women who are Christians and have fallen away from the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I pull into the new Valero in Vilonia to get some gas, I see a Christian that I know has lost their way, and the conversation goes something like this:  Me: “Hey.  How’s it going?”  Them:  “Okay.  How about you?  You keeping brother so and so or sister so and so in line?”  Me:  “Fine.  Ha.  You know that’s sometimes hard to do.”  Me:  “Haven’t seen you in a while, since the funeral (or wedding or the family reunion or some other event).”  Them: “Yea, well, you know how it is.”  Me:  “You know how short life is, what you need to be doing, what your mom (or dad or husband or wife or son or daughter) would want for you.  I’ve been hoping that you might wake up one Sunday morning and maybe decide to come on back.”  Them:  “Hey, maybe one day I will.  You never know.”  Me:  “We are always praying for you and your family, especially that you will come on back to Christ and the church.  We need you.  We’re having a very special day this coming Sunday, a Homecoming.  That would be a great time for you to come on back and start over.  Brother Coker…remember him…he’ll be preaching.”  Them:  “Really.  That sounds great.  Maybe we’ll come out.  We’ll see.”  Me:  “And hey.  We’re having at delicious lunch for everyone too.”  You and your family are invited.”  Them:  “Okay.  Have a good one, preacher.”  Me:  “Hope to see you on Sunday.”  Them:  “Maybe, we’ll see.”  We can only pray, invite, remind, and hope that those we know and love will accept our invitation and be forever changed by the gospel of the Jesus Christ.  This is my life’s ambition, every Christian’s commission.
     Have a good week!  Remember those who are sick.  Pray for them and as you have opportunity, be an encouragement to them.  Give of your time, talents, and treasures.  Look for ways to serve God by serving your fellow man.  Help out when you can.  Be more patient with your family and friends.  We all need a break from time to time.  Be kind and gentle.  Smile more often.  Wake up every morning and say, “This is the day that the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.”  Have a positive expectation.

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