Thursday, February 7, 2013

Skylanders Adventure - I'm learning!

     Hello from up in the country, Enola, Arkansas and the Enola Church of Christ.  God is blessing us with so many rich blessings every day.  Of course, the rich blessings we enjoy are the consequences our acceptance of Christ’s invitation to salvation by grace through faith.  He said “Come to Me and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke and learn from Me” (Matthew 11:28-30).  Paul was exactly right when he wrote about God and how we live and move and have our very being in Him.  I’m sorry for those who live away from God.  They try to find the goodness of life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) but day by day find only emptiness, hopelessness, frustration, and failure.  They may find a moment or two of worldly pleasure that soon fades away.  They are missing out on so much that could be theirs.  God is.  People may ignore Him.  They may deny Him.  They may not believe it Him. They may resist Him.  They may reject Him.  They may pretend that their lives are “just fine.”  Truth is:  God still is.  God, just like the truth, forever confronts us every minute of every day.  Oh, that we may once and for all finally sigh, smile, look up to heaven, open our hearts, nod our heads to say, “Okay, okay!  I see.  I know.  I believe.  I am so sorry.  You are and Jesus is.  I’m ready to be in You through you Son, Jesus through baptism.”  It is especially sad when a person comes to Jesus, then after a little while returns to the life of sin.  My, my!  God’s word teaches us that leaving Christ to go back into the world of sin is like a dog turning to lap up his own vomit or like a pig that has been washed returning to wallow in the mud.  As for me and my house, we will be like Joshua of old, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).
     This Sunday morning we will conclude our series of lessons “Adjustment:  What is God asking us to do?”  Last Sunday we looked at a few Old Testament examples of some who had to adjust their lives to God’s purpose.  This Sunday we will take a look at a few New Testament examples.  Think about what Joseph and Mary had to do in order to fulfill God’s purpose for them.  What about the apostles?  And Paul, did he have to make any adjustments in his plans.  I look forward to sharing this lesson with you.
     On Sunday evening we will look into the Bible to see that Jesus is the King of Gentleness.  In everything aspect of Jesus’ life, He was always meek and gentle.  My grandson’s favorite video game right now is “Skylanders.”  He has several Skylanders figures and plays the game very well, much better than me for sure.  He is very patient with me as we play the game together on Xbox.  As we played the game this week, our conversation led us to consider what Jesus would look like as a Skylander figure.  We had such a good time imagining what He would look like.  Would Jesus be a “giant” or a very small figure?  What color would He be?  What weapons would he have?  Would He just speak and the enemies would just disintegrate?  Would He wave His hand and “BOOM” the enemies would be defeated?  Would He have a shepherd’s staff (He is the Chief Shepherd) or a sword (After all His word is the sword of the Spirit).  I am so very thankful that Jesus Christ comes up in so many of our conversations.  May God help me to better appreciate just how rich I am!  No.  I don’t have much money.  And while our house in the country is not a mansion, it is affordable and comfortable and “home.”  I love it when I pull my Dodge into our driveway and hear my grandchildren say, “Hurray, hurray!  We’re here at PopPop and Nana’s!”
     Have a good rest of the week.  Being a Christian and living the Christian life is the only way to live.  I pray that you are really living!

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