Tuesday, July 9, 2013

VBS at Enola - July 21 - 24 - Y'all Come

     Hey, from the country.  We had a good Lord’s Day on Sunday.  Our attendance was down a little (124), but the summer always has us scattered a bit.  We’re having a good week; hot for sure, but looking forward to the coming activities that are just around the corner.  The Faulkner County Gospel Crusade is scheduled for Sunday evening, July 14th through Friday evening, July 19th at 7:00 p.m. each evening.  There will be a different speaker each evening.  Our theme is “The Home as God Would Have It.” The crusade will be held at the Reynolds Performance Center on the campus of UCA in Conway.   I have the privilege of preaching on Wednesday night.  My topic is “For Better or Worse.”  My lesson will include three of our couples at Enola:  Roger and Michelle Robinson, Rusty and Gina Goodnight, and Jim and Mary Montgomery.  I am excited about presenting the word of God during the crusade.

     Our VBS at Enola will be incredibly awesome this year.  VBS is scheduled for Sunday evening through Wednesday evening, July 21st through the 24th.  The Sunday session begins at 5:00 p.m.  Sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will begin at 7:00 p.m.  We will be studying the fruits of the Spirit.  I hope you will make plans to make the short drive from Conway on Highway 64 to the 8 Mile Store, then left on 36 for about 9 miles, then straight onto Highway 107 through Enola on the left.  You can’t miss our brand new sign.  If you’re coming from Vilonia, just take Simpson Road to 36. Watch out.  Simpson is mighty curvy.  Turn left for short distance then right onto 107.  Go about 3 miles to the church building on the left.  If you’re coming from Greenbrier, just come through the Bowie bottoms to 107 in downtown Enola. Turn left and watch for the building on the left.  VBS is not just for children.  We will have a different speaker each evening for the adults. 

     Our “Young at Heart” meetings on Fridays with the seniors are going very well.  We had another good crowd last Friday (23).  We all enjoyed answering patriotic questions and singing patriotic songs.  Larry Arnett grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for the group.  Several Christian brothers and sisters prepared the side items and desserts.   If you are young at heart come and be a part of our get-together on Friday at 10:00 a.m.  You’ll fit right in.

     Our Sunday morning sermon series is going very well.  We are examining our love and life and asking ourselves if we are putting God first.  F – Finances – Where am I spending my money?  I – Interests – Where am I spending my thoughts?  R – Relationships – Where am I spending myself?  This Sunday morning we will ask ourselves the S – Schedule – Where am I spending my time?  Am I making every moment count in my life?  Think about it.  Is God first when it comes to your time?

     We have a Ladies’ Fellowship and a Men’s Fellowship every month.  The women of the church meet every second Thursday at 7:00.  The men meet every third Thursday at 7:00.  In July the ladies will meet at the Burleson’s on the 11th.  The men will meet at the Burleson’s on the 18th.  We visit, discuss relative issues that we face in life, and turn to the Bible for answers, encouragement, and strength to grow in our faith in Jesus Christ.  We also take time to pray.  The church is growing and prospering.  God always keeps His promises.  We are so very thankful.

     We’re in desperate need of rain up in the country.  I would love to see a cloudy sky, hear the sound of thunder, smell the rain, and then see the rain coming down from God above.  God knows what He’s doing.  I know that.  The rain will come our way in God’s time.  We’re thankful for His providence, rain or shine.

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