Saturday, July 20, 2013

VBS - July 21-24 at Enola - Come one...Come all

     We’re a okay up in the country; working hard, praying every day for our great state and our nation.   We all need wisdom and courage to think, speak, and live the way we should.  We need patience and strength in the face of so many obstacles that are blocking our path to heaven.  Jesus said it best in the Parable of the Sower in Luke chapter 8.  Life is often difficult, hard if you will.  When life is hard, we sometimes give in to the hardness of life and become hardened ourselves.  We say, “Well, since I’m not having a good day, why should anyone else.”  If we want to be the “good ground” that pleases God that bears the good fruit of righteousness, we must remain open and sensitive to every opportunity to give, to serve, and to show and share the tender loving care of Jesus Christ.

     There are so many rocks in the field that we are trying to plant.  The field is our heart and the hearts of those around us.  The seed is the word and ways of God.  Temptations are like rocks in the field that we are trying to plant.  We all deal with temptations.  Some don’t bother me at all.  Some trouble me all the time.  It seems that I am constantly moving the rocks or trying to plant around them.  One thing is for sure for me.  These temptations, the rocks won’t keep me from planting. 

     We’re trying to grow in faith and love, but there are so many thorns that are growing up around us.  These thorns are the cares of life, pleasures, and the deceitfulness of riches.  We all have work to do, bills to pay, spouses to please, children to raise, neighbors to get along with, quotas to meet, expectations to meet…I could go on and on about the cares of life.  Sometimes…many times we let these cares of life hinder or maybe even stop our progress to grow closer to the Lord.  If it’s not the cares of life, maybe it’s our desire to find pleasure in life, to be entertained.  We all need rest and relaxation from time to time, every day even.  Nothing wrong with that.  Pleasure can become a thorn if we lose sight of our priorities.  We all know that riches are deceitful.  We need clothes to wear, but do we really need a $100 pair of jeans or a $500 outfit?  We all need food, but do really need to spend so much on trips to Little Rock, Hot Springs, or Branson to eat?  We need a house to live in, but just how many square feet of space do we really need?   We need a way to get to work, to school, and to worship, but what is so wrong with the vehicle we have?  Does a 2013 model get us where we want to go better than a 2012 model?  You see.  These “thorns” that Jesus spoke about can really hinder our progress as Christians to grow closer to God and closer to living like Jesus would have us live. 

     We all need to become good ground.  Our hearts are softened when we realize how precious life is and what is really important; faith in God, family (our spouses, our children, our grandchildren, our Christian family, our friends and neighbors…people), and our friends.  Temptations can hinder us, but we know that temptations also lead us to patience and strength (James 1).  We all have to face the cares and pleasures of life and the deceitfulness of riches.  We meet with the church every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening, and at every other time we can to help us prioritize our lives so that these things do not hinder our progress as Christians. 

      Well, enough about that.  Our VBS begins tomorrow, Sunday (21st) at 5:00 p.m.  Our theme is “It’s a Blue Ribbon Life.”  We will be studying the fruits of the Spirit.  Our plans are to meet on Sunday at 5:00 then on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 7:00.  I hope you can make the drive up in the country to attend.  You’ll be so glad you did.  Just think.  When was the last time you saw cattle grazing out in the field.  You need a little country in your life.

     Hope you are doing okay.  I am.  You know preachers.  We can’t hardly wait for Sunday’s.  I look forward to Bible study with my fellow Christian brothers and sisters.  I look forward to the fellowship we enjoy at Enola.  I especially look forward to honoring God in worship.  See you on Sunday, Lord willing.

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