Monday, February 3, 2014

Let go. Let God. Live. Love. We can do it!

     Can you believe that it’s February?  January 2014 is history and boy, did it bring in the cold icy weather and then just leave us with it.  We’ll make it through one day at a time.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.  I just love Solomon’s proverbs.  This one is in chapter 3.  Reading the Bible is so inspiring.  Read it and see for yourself.  If your faith is weak, reading God’s word brings and strengthens the faith of every reader.  Of course Jesus told us in His Sermon on the Mount that reading without heeding accomplishes very little in transforming our lives.  Jesus said something simple and significant in John 14:15.  “If you love Me, keep my commandments.”  How about it?

     I enjoyed the concluding lesson in our series “The Pathway of Peace.”  Let go.  Let God.  Live. Love.  Do you love?  Really?  Well, love is patient.  Are you?  Love is kind.  Are you?  Love is strong.  Love is faithful.  Love is hopeful.  Love lasts.  Love doesn’t envy and is not boastful, puffed up, rude, selfish, and thinks no evil.  What about you?  Love never fails.  Boy!  I have a lot to do in my life to be the man I need to be for God, for my family, for the church, for others, and for myself when it comes to love.  Day by day, I plan on being a more loving person.  What a positive difference we all can make when we love, truly love.  Jesus showed us how.  Let’s follow His lead.

     Our Sunday evening series is challenging for sure.  Are you expecting the impossible?  Well, if you are expecting growth without diligence, you are indeed expecting something is just will not happen.  We looked at Psalm 126 where David writes about sowing and reaping.  We want the TROPHY.  Of course every Christian’s trophy will be heaven, to hear Jesus say, “Well done you good and faithful servant.”  In order to hear Jesus words of eternal salvation we have a TASK to accomplish in our lives.  Our task is to sow seed day by day by living the Christian life publically and privately.  In order to complete the task, we have been given the TREASURE, the seed.   Jesus told us about the seed in Luke 8.  It is the word of God read and heard, followed and obeyed, faithful in and taught to others until, well, Revelation 2:10 tells us just how long we must be faithful if we are to receive the crown of life.  God’s word literally transforms the life of every person who trusts and obeys (Romans 12:1-2).  TEARS are just as much a part of living the Christian life as laughter and happiness.  Jesus wept (John 11:35).  So do we at times.  The task, the treasure, and the tears results in triumph and the trophy.  In Psalm 23:6 we read, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”  Now that’s what I’m talking about!

     Take care of yourself.  Live every day full and free.  Let go.  Let God.  Live.  Love. 

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