Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Where is the Love? You'll see it up in the Country!

     Whew!  This winter has been and continues to be a bear for us.  The past few days have been much better and closer to normal and for that I am thankful.  Several up in the country are sick with various ailments and viruses.  Maybe you have been sick too.  If so, hang in there.  March is just around the corner.  Then, the buttercups, spring flowers, and other foliage will be shooting up through the formerly winter-chilled soil.  Spring is my favorite time of the year, I think.  Of course, every season has its own beauty and adventures.  Can you do anything to make your body stronger against sickness and disease?  Are you getting enough rest?  What about exercise?  Are you moving as much as you should?  Have you thought about your diet?  I’m not talking about weight loss necessarily.  I am talking about eating foods that are healthy and nutritious.  What about your spiritual life, your heart, your soul?  Sin causes so much trouble for us all.  Sin can weigh on our minds and negatively affect how we feel about life and living.  Sin makes us sick too, sin-sick.   Jesus Christ, the Son of God offers salvation to anyone who comes to Him by grace through faith.  Forgiveness is such a wonderful gift from God.  We talk about salvation in Christ and many other life-changing principles from the Bible at every meeting of the Enola Church of Christ.  There is a group of Christians who meet together every Sunday, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening, and at other times during the week for Bible study, worship, and fellowship up in the country in Enola, Arkansas.  We call ourselves the Enola Church of Christ.  This is not a denominational name, but a Bible name (Romans 16:16), a name that the apostle Paul used in his letter to Christians at Rome.  We are simply the church: people called out of sin into salvation, of: belonging to, Christ: Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the one and only Savior of the world, the church of Christ.  We meet on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and on Wednesday evening at 7:00.  Our ladies meet every Monday evening at 6:30 for Ladies’ Bible Study.  The church is overseen by an eldership, just like the churches you read about in the New Testament.  We also have deacons who work in various capacities so that all we do is done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:50).  The church of Christ at Enola is blessed.  I am so glad to be the evangelist who stands before this great congregation each week to preach.  I am so glad to work and worship with such at wonderful loving group of Christians.  We would love to have you come and see the goodness of the Lord up in the  country.

     Our Sunday morning sermon series continues this week with Lesson One in the series “Where is the Love?”  We will be looking at six myths when it comes to love.  Think about it.  Is the following statements true?  If God really loved me, He would want me to be happy.  Well, what does “happy” mean?  Does “happy” mean:  I will never have to face any troubles.  I will never be sad.  I will never be faced with sickness and disease, disappointment, discouragement, depression, or death.  People will always like me.  Anything I need or want will be mine when I need it or want it.  Are you kidding?  Thinking like this is silly and sad.  Facing troubles makes us stronger.  When we’re stronger, we’re happier.  So happiness comes as a result of facing and overcoming the things mentioned above.  Some people will like us and some won’t.  Our purpose is not pleasing people, but pleasing God.  I want to be happy.  I must understand that happiness; true happiness will be mine for eternity only after this life in heaven.  We can do this.

     Our Sunday evening series is entitled “Expecting the Impossible – Diligence without Love.”  Jesus spoke about the storms of life in Matthew 7.  How can we face the rain (culture), the flood (crises), and the wind (change) day after day without love?  Answer:  We can’t.  With love all things are possible.  Also, in life we are faced with the devil’s tricks, temptations, and the cares of life, the deceitfulness of riches, and life’s pleasures that seek to choke out God’s word in our lives.  Jesus spoke about this in His Parable of the Sower, the Seed, and the Soil in Luke 8.  Love is our greatest motive and our greatest weapon.

     I hope you have a good week.  Proverbs 3 is certainly a great chapter for life.  Hope to see you soon.

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