Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Do you know my Jesus? Have you heard He loves you?

Hello again from up in the country, Enola, Arkansas and the Enola Church of Christ.  We’re enjoying a wonderful August.  Everyone is excited about getting back into the old school routine here in just a few days.  Well, almost everyone.  Our teachers would probably like to have a few more summer days.  Our students are ready for a new school year.  Parents are too.
Our theme for Sunday Morning at Enola is “Paul’s Greatest Desire.”  We have already studied about Paul’s desire to “gain” or “win” Christ and his desire to be found “in” Him.  This Sunday morning we will look at Paul’s desire to “know” Christ.  Now, how can we know anything?  And just what does it mean to “know” Christ?  I hope you can come out on Sunday morning at 11:00 to study with us.
Our theme for Sunday Evening at Enola is – “A Sinning Son and a Loving Merciful Father.”  Sin has a beginning.  Sin takes us on a journey to a far country, a country that is away from God.  In sin we waste ourselves, our time, our treasures, and our talents.  This Sunday evening we will look at the humiliation of sin.  Can you ever see yourself eating something really disgusting?  It is true.  When a person gets hungry enough, even bugs, rats, and even pig food begins to look delicious.  Sin does this to a person.  I am so happy that God is greater than our sin, that He is ready, willing, and able to forgive any sin and welcome any sinner out of the far country and back home.
This song is on my mind this morning.  “Do You Know My Jesus” by W.F (Bill) Lakey and V. B. (Vep) Ellis in our hymn book # 553 at Enola.
Have you a heart that’s weary, tending a load of care;
Are you a soul that’s seeking rest from the burden you bear?

Where is your heart, O, pilgrim? What does your light reveal;
Who hears your call for comfort when naught but sorrow you feel?

Who knows your disappointment, who hears each time your cry;
Who understands your heartaches, who dries the tears from your eyes?

Do you know my Jesus?  Do you know my Friend?
Have you heard He loves you, and that He will abide till the end?

Please think on this hymn today and know that there is One who loves you.  He loves us all.

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