Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thankful to God for His Greatness and Provision Every day

Hello again, this time from the city.  Well, I’m not really in the “big” city of Louisville even though my address is Louisville, Kentucky.  We are in a town called Jeffersontown, Kentucky, “J’Town” for short, just a short distance from Louisville city-center.  I hope you are fairing well where you are.

Thanksgiving is now only 14 days away.  And we have so much to be thankful for.  If only I could find the words to say “Thank you” to God, to my family, and to my friends, for their love and their friendship.  But try as I might, there are no words to say what needs to be said.  I am so very thankful.

We are talking about how we can become a great church on Sunday mornings at Watterson Trail.  Now know that God’s “great” and our “great” are sometimes two very different things.  The Lord spoke to Samuel in 2 Samuel 16:7 about this.  God told Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him.  For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  We do know that greatness is not ours by accident.  Becoming great is the result of desire, faith, planning, hard work, discipline, and patience.  The church of Christ at Rome (Romans 1:8, 16:19) was great because they had faith was spoken of throughout the entire world and their obedience had become known to all.  The church of Christ at Philippi was great because of their generosity.  In Philippians 4:14-16, Paul writes about their partnership with him in the ministry of the gospel.  Our sermon series “Becoming a Great Church” asks us to consider our Christian life and decide to become great for our great God.  Last Sunday we spoke about love.  Without love nothing else matters.  When we love each other magnificent things happen.  Love is a command that must be obeyed.  Love is a standard that must be upheld.  We show who we are when we love God and one another.  This Sunday (16th) we will focus our attention on another prerequisite for becoming great:  unity.  Oh boy!  What did Jesus say?  A house divided against itself…well you can probably finish this statement yourself.  We must be united in the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Jesus Christ.

We have an afternoon service every Sunday at Watterson Trail at 1:30 p.m.  We meet for Bible study at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday and for worship hour at 10:30.  We take a break for lunch then come back for the afternoon service.  Our lesson series in entitled “God is Able.  Are We?”  This Sunday we will take a look at how good God is at helping us during the hour of temptation.  Our enemy, the devil does not want anyone to become a Christian.  When a person fights through the battle of doubt and faith and becomes a Christian, the devil tries everything he can to tempt the Christian to return to sin.  When a Christian refuses to return to sin, then the devil will try to sell complacency and boredom.  When this trick doesn’t work, the devil doesn’t stop.  He then uses the “deadly d’s”:  doubt, disappointment, discouragement, depression, despair, and even death.  The devil is one mean individual and I’m not buying what he’s selling, now or ever.  God is able to help us in the hour of our temptation.  We must call on His great power in our time of need.

If you are in the Louisville area and what to learn about and live a better life, come and see what the Christians who meet at Watterson Trail have that you need.  I am ready, willing, and able to help.

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