Friday, December 19, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my Friends

2014 is quickly coming to a close and the New Year 2015 is just on the horizon.  This week many of us will be traveling to visit family and friends for Christmas.  Be careful out there on the highways and byways of life.  Stop.  Look.  Listen.  Be patient with those around you.  I hear that Christmas is one of the most stressful times of the year.  Why?  Well, I’m thinking that too many of us spend more than we should.  We often don’t get enough rest.  Our normal routine is affected by shopping, traveling, and visiting.  And more than anything else, we forget what the holiday season is about; Christ Jesus coming into the world to teach us and to show us what love really is. 

The sermon this week on Sunday morning (21st) is entitled “Why did my Savior come to earth?”  Our text is taken from Luke 4:16-20.  Jesus had just been baptized.  He had endured the devil’s temptations.  He had returned to Nazareth, His hometown.  It was Saturday.  He entered the synagogue as His custom was and was handed the Old Testament to read.  He turned to Isaiah 61:1-2 and read this passage.  He then said these words to those who were present there; “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”  He was telling the truth as He always did, but those who heard His words were filled with anger and attempted to kill Jesus then and there.  They didn’t and couldn’t because His time had not yet come.  Isn’t it amazing that Jesus fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy could be so disturbing to those who were watching and waiting on this very prophecy to be fulfilled?  Our world today desperately needs to hear gospel preaching.  We need healing for our brokenness.  We need freedom from the chains of sin.  We need to see, to understand God’s will for us.  We who are downtrodden and oppressed need liberty.  We need Jesus in our lives today and every day.  It is my sincere desire every day to show and share God’s love embodied in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  How about you? 
2015 can be the greatest year yet for you and your family.  Consider your life, what you have done, good or bad and what you are doing now.  Consider where you are.  Are you where you should be, where you want to be, where you need to be?  Consider who you look to for authority, inspiration, pleasure, and guidance.  Consider all the possible “why’s” as to how you got where you are.  Now decide if the person you are is who you need to be.  If the person you are is the person you need to be, great.  Keep on keeping on.  However, if the person you are is not the person you need to be, then make a decision to make a move.  Remember that the longest journey begins with but a single step.  Jesus extended the greatest invitation ever in Matthew 11:28-30.  He said, “Come to Me.”  How about it?  The church of Christ meets at 9607 Watterson Trail in Jeffersonville, Kentucky every Sunday morning at 9:30 for Bible study and then at 10:30 for worship together.  We meet at other times too for worship, fellowship, study, and prayer.  End the year with a revival and begin the coming year stronger than ever before.

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