Friday, November 30, 2018

From my heart to yours. We're growing. God is good!

Can you believe it?  It’s December already.  The count down to Christmas and “Happy New Year – 2019” has begun.  Cindi and I are “in” (with an exception or two) our new house at 10 Winthrop Road.  Take Moose Street toward the river, past the “old hospital” now the residence of our senior citizens, first street to the left, then look for #10 on the right up in the trees.  We’re planning an open house before Christmas as soon as we get our things in place.  We want our Christian family to know how wonderful it is to be home in the beautiful town of Morrilton, Arkansas.

At the Harding Street congregation we are continuing in our plan to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  

SUNDAY, December 2 – All Recommendation Forms must be turned in to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson by evening service today.  Thank you to every Christian brother and sister for your prayers, consideration, and your dedication to see the Harding Street church of Christ be the light to the world we can be.

This week the ministers will then meet with the men the church has recommended to discuss their desire and qualifications.
Next Sunday, December 9 – I will be Louisville, Kentucky preaching on Sunday morning and afternoon, then officiating a wedding.  Brother Bane will announce the names of those who have been recommended.
(The church will have 2 weeks for prayer, consideration of those placed before the church, and discussion with ministers as to the qualification or disqualification of those recommended.)
Sunday, December 23, Lord willing – The Official Appointment of Elders of the Harding Street Church of Christ.  What a way to close out the year and enter the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication to the cause of Christ in the Morrilton area and into the whole world.  Together we can accomplish all that God has in store for us according to His own divine purpose.
This Sunday (2) Brother Bane will be preaching the great gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Let us focus our whole being on Jesus’ love for the world.  When we sing, let us sing like we mean every word we say.  When we pray, let us realized that we are speaking to God, the Creator of everything and that He wants to hear us and give us all that will make us better.  When we share in the Lord’s Supper, let us remember Jesus’ sacrifice while examining our lives.  When we give, let us do so cheerfully and generously.  And when Brother Bane preaches, let us hear and do what is good and right.  I’m so happy to be a member of the church of Christ at Harding Street.  Worship every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. with Bible Study following at 10:00.  Sunday evening at 5:00 and Wednesday evening at 7:00.  Come and see.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family - God is Good

From the Heart of your Minister and Friend – Mickey Burleson

November 23, 2018 – Hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend.  I try to make the holiday last as long as I can.  Oh, how good God is to all of us, richly blessing with every thing we need according to His will and purpose.  I am thankful.  I think the businesses in the area are sort of taking advantage of my own way of thinking.  “Black Friday” now begins on Friday before Thanksgiving and lasts and lasts.  Sometimes we get so wrapped up in buying and selling that we forget to be thankful.

Last Sunday (18th) we introduced our plan to lay a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders to serve and lead us.  We also looked at the qualifications of an elder.  I hope I didn’t complicate God’s expectations and directions too much.  We plan to appoint elders first then continue to the appointment of deacons.  Here is the plan in a “nutshell.”

Sunday, November 25 – Pick up a Recommendation Form from the table in the lobby, prayerfully consider the Christian men at Harding Street, and recommend any who would be good shepherds to guide us toward heaven.  We’re not looking for perfect men, just men who love God, love His church, and earnestly desire to honor Him in life and living.  Fill out the form and give it to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson.

Sunday, December 2 – All Recommendation Forms to be turned in to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson by evening service.

(Ministers will then meet with the men who have been recommended to discuss desire and qualifications.)

Sunday, December 9 – Announcement to the church of those who have been recommended.

(The church will have 2 weeks for prayer, consideration of those placed before the church, and discussion with ministers as to the qualification or disqualification of those recommended.)

Sunday, December 23, Lord willing – Official Appointment of Elders of the Harding Street Church of Christ.

God will lead us and show us the way.  Join me in praying for our future elders now, even before we know who they are.  Isn’t that what faith is all about; “For we walk by faith and not by sight.”  

Our sermons today and this evening will focus once again on “Growth – What does it take.”  We’ll consider Growing Broader through Ministry this morning and Growing Wider through Evangelism this evening.  God bless us.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

From the Heart of your minister and friend, Mickey Burleson

November 15, 2018 – Can you believe that next Thursday is Thanksgiving? Morrilton, Arkansas is certainly beautiful this time of the year.  As you travel I-40 west from Little Rock about 50 miles north and west on the Arkansas River at the foot of Petit Jean State Park you’ll come to the only “Morrilton” in the United States of America.  As you exit I-40 just look up to the top of the ridge and see God’s handiwork of just about every color; green, gold, silver, yellow, tan, and brown.  Make a slight right turn and drive about a mile.  On the right you’ll see our beautiful Morrilton High School with Devil Dog Stadium and our new Devil Dog Arena.  Look left and you’ll see our property at 906 E. Harding Street; the meeting place of the Harding Street Church of Christ.  I can almost watch the Devil Dog’s play football from my office.  What a prime location for preaching the gospel and showing and sharing Jesus’ grace to the world.
Cindi and I will close on our new house in Morrilton this week and plan on moving right in. We plan to host an open house for the church sometime early December, Lord willing. I have a mighty long list of “honey-do’s.”  What do they say?  “The longest journey begins with but a single step.”

The ministry at the Harding Street Church of Christ is moving forward with God’s rich grace and provision.  This Sunday (18th) I will introduce our plan to lay a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders to serve and lead us to ever greater service.  We will also look at the qualifications of an elder.  We plan to appoint elders first then continue to the appointment of deacons.  Here is the plan in a “nutshell.”
This Sunday, November 18 – Distribute Elder Recommendation Forms – Forms are located on the table in the lobby.  Turn in forms to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson.  Forms will be kept confidential.  Instructions are on the Recommendation Forms.  Only signed forms will be considered.
(The church will have 2 weeks for consideration and filling out forms.)

Sunday, December 2 – All Recommendation Forms to be turned in to Brother Bane or Brother Burleson by evening service.
(Ministers will then meet with the men who have been recommended to discuss desire and qualifications.)

Sunday, December 9 – Announcement to the church of those who have been recommended.
(The church will have 2 weeks for prayer, consideration of those placed before the church, and discussion with ministers as to the qualification or disqualification of those recommended.)

Sunday, December 23, Lord willing – Official Appointment of Elders of the Harding Street Church of Christ.
We’ll see how it goes.  God is so good to us. Our only desire is to serve His will and purpose.  Take a look in your Bible in Titus 1 and read about Titus’ commission from the Apostle Paul: “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you…”  Paul then gives Titus the Holy Spirit’s list of characteristics that would qualify a man to serve as an elder of the church of Christ.  Now just change “Titus” to “Mickey” and “Crete” to “Morrilton.”

Thursday, November 8, 2018

From the Heart of your minister and friend...

November in beautiful Morrilton, Arkansas...We had a terrific Sunday last week (4th) with 147 members and guests assembled together for worship, study, and fellowship.  We had almost 100 to stay for Bible class at 10:00. And what about that celebration lunch we enjoyed together?  What a sight to behold!  Such wonderful blessings of food and fellowship, laughter and happiness!  Thank you for your kindness and your generosity.  Cindi and I cannot begin to tell you how honored we are to work with you as we travel this pathway of life together toward heaven.  We’re making big plans. Come and see.

CHRISTIAN MEN & FAITHFUL MEMBERS OF THE HARDING STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST:  We are in need of qualified Elders and Deacons to serve the church of Christ at Harding Street.  

Christian Brothers:  Please check out a couple of passages in the Bible (I Timothy 3:1-15 and Titus 1:5-9 – Qualifications of Elders and Deacons) and be ready to say, “YES” to the call to service and leadership here at Harding Street. Read the list of qualities every Christian man should endeavor to have. Examine yourself through the eyes of Jesus our Savior.  Note that "Perfection" is NOT mentioned in God's list of qualifications.  If you find that you are lacking in any of the characteristics listed, begin today to make corrections and then plan to take your place alongside your fellow Christian brothers to serve the church of Christ at Harding Street as an elder or a deacon.  WE NEED YOU!  I can just “see” it now; qualified men standing before the church accepting the call to service and leadership as elders and deacons ready, willing, and able to show and share the gospel of Christ in our Morrilton community.  And know that you have two experienced gospel preachers, Brother Bane and Brother Burleson to stand with you all along the way.  To God be the glory in all that we think, say, and do.  He will show us the way.  He will provide.

I came across this article in my files and thought we could use a bit of humor as we think about the personal duties and privileges we each have as members of the church of Christ at Harding Street.  The article is entitled; Why * d*dn’t b*y that comp*ter…

Wh*le look*ng for a comp*ter for the off*ce, * fou*d one that was cheaper than all the rest.  *t looked l*ke all the others except one th*ng, two letters on the keypad wo*ld not work.  The other twenty-fo*r letters worked j*st f*ne.  *t had all the n*mbers and p*nct*at*on marks, but for some reason, * j*st co*ld not make myself cons*der *t.  Yo* m*ght th*nk *t was wrong not to s*ggest we b*y th*s part*c*lar comp*ter, after all, *n the Lord’s ch*rch yo* can always f*nd a few members who do not work and are absent *n the*r attendance.  Everyone knows that *t really makes no d*fference whether every member works or not.  There *s always someone else who can *s*ally make *p the d*fference.  *nder these c*rc*mstances * do not th*nk yo* wo*ld have wanted a comp*ter w*th a keypad on wh*ch all the keys wo*ld not work. 

Why then do expect our Lord to be sat*sf*ed when all the keys *n H*s ch*rch aren’t work*ng?  *n case yo* are wonder*ng how keys not work*ng w*ll ca*se so m*ch tro*ble, j*st look what happens when “U” and “I” are not work*ng!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Greetings from the Harding Street Church of Christ...

November in Morrilton, Arkansas
It certainly is good to be home. Remember to “fall backward” on Saturday evening before your retire.  Fall is such a beautiful season…the changing of the leaves, the aroma of fall in the air (and turkey in the oven too), football (The Devil Dogs are headed to the state playoffs!), thoughts of the holiday season on the horizon…simple things that remind us of God’s power, His promises, and His provision for all who love Him and live according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  I am so very thankful to be the minister at the Harding Street Church of Christ.  Harding Street is located at 906 E. Harding Street, Morrilton, Arkansas 72110 directly across the street from Morrilton High School's Devil Dog Stadium.  Today marks a new beginning for me and I pray for every Christian brother and sister.  Working with Brother Bane and every member of this great congregation will be a great honor for me as we all unite together under the banner of the gospel of Christ.  Great things are ahead for us.  May we all appreciate God’s riches and let Him know just how thankful we are to be His children, today and every day.

Please be patient with me while I adjust to a new and better way of life.  I am usually pretty quick to put a name to a face, but sometimes…well, you probably know how it is.  Before long we’ll be running on all cylinders.  I plan on being in the “study” at the church building every morning, Monday through Thursday at 9:00 a.m.  I can be there earlier for coffee or for breakfast if you’d like to pick me up or if you just want to stop by to visit.  Of course my schedule can change depending on who might be in need.  My cell number is on the bulletin board or you can just ask me for it.  Again, thank you to every member at Harding Street for your love, your support, and your desire to share in all that God has in store for us in the near and distant future.

I’ll be preaching the entire month of November on our theme: “Growth – Just What Does It Take?”  I will introduce the series this Sunday morning (4th) then follow up with these lessons:  Growing warmer through fellowship, Growing deeper through discipleship, Growing stronger through worship, Growing broader through ministry, and Growing wider through evangelism.  Of course, on the Sunday before Thanksgiving I’ll share a lesson or two on gratitude.  I am thankful for you. 

Speaking of gratitude; I heard about a lady who boarded a bus.  There were no seats available until a gentleman stood up and kindly offered her his seat.  She was so surprised by his gesture that she fainted on the spot.  After she regained consciousness she said “Thank you” to man who offered her his seat and upon hearing her gratitude, he fainted.  I don’t know if this is true or not, but as Christians let us do more than talk about gratitude, let’s show the world we live our gratitude to God and to others by our actions.  Today and every day, say “Thank you” and truly be thankful.