Friday, December 28, 2018

Happy New Year - Almost!

December 28, 2018 – Hello to you my friends.  Sunday is the final Lord’s Day in 2018!  The Burleson's certainly have traveled a long way since this time last year.  Cindi and I are so very thankful to be members of the Lord’s church at Harding Street in our home town of Morrilton, Arkansas.  This time last year we lived in Louisville, Kentucky, 540 miles away from you and from our children and grandchildren.  I was preaching at Watterson Trail in J’Town.  Cindi worked as Director of Compliance and Risk Management in Jeffersontown, Indiana.  We had no idea of the changes that would take place in our lives in only 12 months.  Today we live in Morrilton, Arkansas in our own new house.  I am the new minister and one of the elders at Harding Street.  Cindi is an instructor and the Director of the Center for Insurance and Risk Management Studies at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway.  And most importantly, we live only 18 miles from our children and grandchildren.  I stand completely amazed and marvel at the ways and purposes of God in life.  What will 2019 hold for us, for my family and yours, for the church of Christ at Harding Street?  The answer to this question I cannot even fathom to imagine considering what I have just written about 2018.  I do know this.  God will provide the answers to our questions, the solutions to our problems, the healing to our hurts, and the strength, wisdom, and help when we need it.  In the sermon time on Sunday (30th) we will consider what we should focus as our PRIORITY ONE in this new year, 2019.  

Adam and Eve had their unique responsibilities in Genesis 2.  Moses and the Israelites were given the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20.  Solomon wrote about “the whole duty of humanity” in Ecclesiastes 12.  Micah wrote the three things that were most important to God in Micah 6.  Jesus was asked about the “first commandment” in Matthew 22.  He answered this question and then proceeded with the second and then taught about the intensity of His command in John 13.  What is our task today in this new year?  What should be our PRIORTY ONE in 2019?  Come this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. to see.  Simple.  To the point.  Come to Jesus.  Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.  Live in trusting faith in Him. 

Thank you for the confidence you have placed in Brother Bill Brice, myself, and Brother Charles Camp as your eldership.  We will give our all to live out the sermon you’ll hear preached today.  I hope that we will unite together as one congregation of the Lord’s people to Teach as Jesus taught, Love and Jesus loves, and Care with the same passion and principle that Jesus cares for His church and for the lost.  Everyone can use a little “TLC” every day.  Let’s make it our aim to show and share TLC everywhere we are with everyone we meet starting right now.

Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. right after the morning worship hour we have Bible study sessions for all ages.  Our children are learning so much from God’s word.  Our teens are learning about righteousness from Abel, courage from Caleb, faith from Timothy, humility from Ruth, discipline from David, duty from Esther, compassion from Joseph, friendship from Jonathan, responsibility from Josiah, sacrifice from Jesus, bravery from Joshua, and service from Samuel in a series entitled; “You Don’t Have to Be Old to Be Great.”  I’m teaching the class and please parents of our teenagers; make sure your teen has the opportunity to be a part of this very important study. 

God bless us as we finish out 2018 growing the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Harding Street Church of Christ is growing and looking forward to 2019

December 20, 2018 – Sunday is the day!  We will fulfill our plan at Harding Street to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  Lord willing, Brother Bill Brice, myself, and Brother Charles Camp will be appointed to serve the congregation as your elders.  During the Sunday morning sermon time Brother Bane will speak about the duties of the eldership to the church and the duties of the church to the eldership.  He will ask the three men who will serve as our elders and every member of the congregation at Harding Street to commit ourselves to loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to loving the church with the same passion.  He will ask us to dedicate ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word in the church and in our community.  He will ask us to endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.  And we will answer the call to this great commission with a resounding “I will.”  

Please continue to pray for your elders as we seek God’s wisdom and guidance in shepherding the church in the ways of Christ Jesus our Savior.  Please be patient and helpful as we learn and grow closer to God and to one another in the most holy faith.  There is much to do and God always provides the means, the plan, and the people to accomplish His purpose for us in the near and distant future.  One of my elders once spoke to me about time and patience.  He said, “Brother Mickey, there is so much to do and there is simply not enough time today to get it all done.  If we don’t get everything done that needs to be done today, then we will find a stopping place and begin again tomorrow.  If Jesus returns between now and then, well, what we didn’t get done won’t matter anyway because we’ll be with Him in heaven. And if Jesus hesitates in His return, then we’ll just pick up where we left off and continue on.  So, let’s just smile, work together, and do what we can do while we can do it.”  Sounds good to me!  What about you?

Brother Buzz Toland will be with us Sunday evening (23rd) at 5:00 p.m. to report on all the good work we are doing together sharing the gospel of Christ in the mission field.  Please do your very best to be here this evening to hear the good news and show him our continued support.  Come a little bit early this evening at 4:30 for a very special 20 minutes of singing.

There is a small “mailbox” located in the lobby on your left as you enter.  This “mailbox” is for our church mail.  Let’s say you would like to give a Christian brother or sister a “thank you” note, a birthday card, a sympathy card, a card of encouragement, or some other communication.  You can save time and money by just bringing the card with you and leaving it in the appropriate slot; ab, cd, etc.  Also, please check the “mailbox” when you arrive for worship and Bible study for your mail.  This is a temporary box.  We’re having one built that will serve us even better. 

Men:  There is a “Wednesday Evening Devotional” sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the lobby.  Please go by and sign up to give a short devotional lesson or thought on a Wednesday evening of your choice.  We need to hear from you.

Teens:  We are having a Teen Get-Together at the home of Mickey and Cindi Burleson, 10 Winthrop Road in Morrilton on Saturday evening, December 29th from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  Food, singing, games, Alabama/Oklahoma NCAA Semifinal Game watching, and just being together as we close out 2018 and plan for a brand new year.  Hope everyone can schedule to be there.  We plan on doing this every month in 2019.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

We're almost there. Have a terrific weekend.

December 15, 2018 – Can you believe that Christmas is only 10 days away?  My dad told me about time and how it is.  The older you get the faster time seems to pass by. Plan to stay after Bible class tomorrow for a special Birthday potluck lunch together in the annex.  God is blessing us.  Together we can do so much more.

Congratulations to Katie Chapman upon her obedience to the gospel of Christ on Sunday, December 2nd.  We will present her baptismal certificate and a book “Now that I’m a Christian” after the worship hour on Sunday morning.  Please let her know how proud we are of her commitment to Christ Jesus. She is one of our champion teens.

We are continuing in our plan at Harding Street to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  We have three men who are now in view to become our next eldership; Bill Brice, myself, and Charles Camp.  The congregation has done an outstanding job in prayer, consideration, and recommendation of these three men.  Please continue to pray for these men as they also pray for God’s wisdom like Solomon did in I Kings 3, for guidance like Moses did in Exodus 18:1-23, and for strength like Jesus did in John 17 when He was about to give His life for our salvation.  May God bless our efforts to further the cause of the gospel in Morrilton, the great state of Arkansas, and throughout the world.

Next Sunday, December 23, Lord willing we will appoint the new eldership of the Harding Street Church of Christ during the sermon time on Sunday morning.  Brother Bane will officiate the appointment on behalf of the church and ask each Christian brother who will serve as an elder to dedicate himself to faithful patient service and faithful steadfast leadership in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Plans are to begin the process of recommending and appointing deacons as soon as we enter the new year, 2019.  

There is much to do.  Jesus spoke to His disciples in John 4:34-35 and said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.  Do you not say, ‘There are still four months, and then comes the harvest’?  Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.”  Just this morning (13th) I was walking down the sidewalk in town trying to get the first thing done from my “to do” list when I heard someone call my name.  I looked up to see one of our Christian sisters who has fallen away from her once firm and committed faith in Christ Jesus.  We talked for a few minutes about this and that, work, my mission to tackle the things on my list, my return to Morrilton, then we spoke about what is most important; the faith.  I don’t know if our meeting will accomplish what I would like it to but I do know that she now knows that someone is praying for her and that there is a pathway from where she is to where she can be all because Jesus walked that path.  My desire and prayer is to walk the pathway that Jesus walked in my thinking, speech, and actions.  How about you?  Are you walking in the footsteps of Jesus?

There is a small “mailbox” located in the lobby on your left as you enter.  This “mailbox” is for our church mail.  Let’s say you would like to give a Christian brother or sister a “thank you” note, a birthday card, a sympathy card, a card of encouragement, or even a Christmas card.  You can save time and money by just bringing the card with you and leaving it in the appropriate slot; ab, cd, etc.  Also, please check the “mailbox” when you arrive for worship and Bible study for your mail.  Please, let’s make an extra effort to build each other up in the most holy faith by sharing words of love and encouragement.  Our “mailbox” is just one way to accomplish this very thing.  Do you remember what Jesus said in Acts 20:35? Jesus said it.  Paul quoted it.  Luke wrote it:  “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  Oh, how true it is.  See for yourself.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

There is much to do. There is work on every hand. Here am I send me.

December 6, 2018 – Christmas is only 19 days away.  Then “Happy New Year – 2019” is next up.  What will the new year hold for you and me, for us at Harding Street church of Christ?  I’m thinking about all the wonderful times we’re going to have as a Christian family; the tremendous opportunities for service, fellowship, and growth that will be presented to us and the many and various challenges that await us, challenges that will strengthen our faith, revive our hope, and lead us to a deeper and fervent love for one another and for our Savior Jesus Christ.  I’m thinking about, praying for, and planning for the many people who will walk through these doors at 906 E. Harding Street to hear the gospel, see that gospel lived out in our community by the church, and then want to have what we have.  I’m praying for you and me, that we will look at the world through the eyes of Jesus to see their need for salvation in Christ and show and share His invitation with them.  We can do this.  One day at a time.  And of course, LORD WILLING.  Jesus promised His return.  He didn't say when.  So we must plan for tomorrow and prepare for and stay prepared for His return, maybe today.

At Harding Street are continuing in our plan to establish a solid foundation for the church in the appointment of elders.  

This Sunday, December 9 – I will be in Louisville, Kentucky at the Watterson Trail congregation preaching on Sunday morning and afternoon, then officiating a wedding.  Brother Bane will announce the names of those who have been recommended by the church to be the next eldership at Harding Street at the morning worship hour.

(The church will have 2 weeks for prayer, consideration, and discussion as to the qualification or disqualification of those recommended.  REMEMBER – God has given us the qualities we should look for in the elders who will lead us and serve us.  There are no perfect men.  We are looking for men who love God, His church, His word, the saved and the lost.)

Sunday, December 23, Lord willing – The Official Appointment of Elders of the Harding Street Church of Christ.  During the sermon time on Sunday morning we will officially appoint those you have recommended and approved to the eldership at Harding Street.

Plans are to begin the process of recommending and appointing deacons as soon as we get the eldership appointed.  “There is much to do.  There is work on every hand.  Hark!  The cry for help comes ringing through the land.  Jesus calls for reapers, I must active be.  What wilt Thou, O Master?  Here am I, send me.  Here am I, Lord, send me.  Here am I.  Ready at thy bidding, Lord send me.”  You probably recognize this hymn # 693 in our books.  Like me, you have probably sung this hymn many times.  We must not only sing this hymn, but believe it and apply it to our lives.  Will you, will I “be active” and answer Jesus’ call for help with a resounding, “Here am I, send me?”  I will.

Come by the teen class room when you have a chance and note the new decorations on the wall in the corner.  Katie Chapman started something new and exciting.  She was the first to place here handprint on the wall along with her name and the date of her baptism, December 2, 2018.  The other class members followed suit.  To those who have not made your decision yet to confess Jesus as Lord and Savior and put Him on in baptism:  Just keep listening, reading, thinking, and moving forward.  When the time is right for you to believe and obey Christ, just do it.  I am ready to help you.