Friday, September 9, 2011

Now this is what I’ve been waiting for! Cool breezes…royal blue Arkansas skies with feathery clouds ever changing shapes…the smell of fresh-cut hay…family and friends gathered together in the back yard…grilling out…watching football…ever being grateful for God’s rich blessings in my life. There are way too many people who have become so busy make a living that they never make a life. Life is too short, too volatile, too interesting, too exciting, too beautiful, too wonderful to miss and miss it we do when we spend our time fussing and fighting, regretting and being afraid, sorrowing and being depressed. Wake up. Look up. Get up. Live!

Our lesson on Sunday morning is entitled “The Bible – God’s Inspired Word to Humanity.” We will ask ourselves the question: What is the Bible to me? We will see what God’s word contains. We will see what the Bible teaches us. We will see the results of studying the Bible. We will see that the Bible is the traveler’s road map (John 14:6), the pilgrim’s staff (Matthew 7:24), the pilot’s compass (Psalm 119:105), the soldier’s weapon (Ephesians 6:17), and the Christian’s charter (Matthew 28:18-20).

On Sunday evening we will continue Sunday morning’s lesson with a look at what we find in the Bible: the Object, the Design, and the End. Did you know that the Bible can give life? It will be opened at judgment. The Bible will be remembered forever. No wonder the Bible is called the Book of books. It is indeed holy and written to us from God Himself.

If you are not currently involved in Bible study at Enola, please come at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning for a wonderful Bible study with Brother Eddie Hawkins, one of our elders. I teach the adults on Wednesday evening at 7:00. We are studying through the book of Romans. We are currently in chapter 9. Of course Brother Brandon and others teach our teenagers. We have Bible study opportunities for children too. Please take advantage of every opportunity you have to learn more about God’s ways and will for you and for the world.

I hear that our new congregational picture directories will soon be printed and ready for distribution. Make sure you check the bulletin this Sunday for special announcements concerning our picture directory. We would like to have every member of the church of Christ at Enola included in this publication.

SPECIAL NOTE: We are in the process of selecting additional deacons at Enola. Please pick up a selection sheet located on the tables in the lobby, read the instructions from our eldership, fill out the sheet with the names of those men you believe are qualified to serve as deacons, and turn in your sheet to one of our elders. This is not a complicated process. As soon as our elders have our selection sheets they will meet with the prospective men. They will then announce the names of those who will be put before the church for our consideration, and then after a day or two of consideration, they will be appointed as deacons. Let’s get involved with the work and service of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so that the church will continue to grow and prosper.

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