Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas to you and your family from up in the country! We enjoyed our children and grand children today, Saturday, December 24th as they made the short trip from Conway to give us a little bit of heaven on earth. I hope you will be experiencing a similar love with your family and friends. Christmas is on Sunday this year, tomorrow. At the Enola church of Christ our worship will be just as deep, just as loving, just as passionate, as always. We do not have to change a single element of our worship together. Every Sunday we celebrate and commemorate the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and eternal promise of the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Every Sunday we sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with all our hearts to the Lord. Every Sunday we pray to our Father about our needs and the needs of those we love while giving thanks for God’s continual provision. Every Sunday we study God’s word just like the church did in the Bible. Every Sunday we examine ourselves and remember the sacrifice of Christ in the Lord’s Supper. Every Sunday we share from the bounty of blessings we have received from the hand of God into the hands of our eldership to be directed and distributed for the cause of Christ in our area and throughout the world. What a wonderful blessing it is to be a Christian and a member of the Enola church of Christ.

Thank you for allowing me to be your minister and friend for the past 6 months. God continues to bless us as we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, just like Jesus spoke about in His sermon on the mountain in Matthew 5-7. We have some among us, our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering with sickness, pain, disease, relationship issues, temptations, trials, and testings. Let us put the lessons we have been taught over the past few weeks on prayer to work in our lives for ourselves and those around us who are suffering. I am praying for them. Join me in doing the same every day. Remember what Jesus said, “Ask…Seek…Knock…” When we ask, seek, and knock, He promises that we will receive, find, and the door will be opened to us. We do not always receive what we ask for. We do not always find what we are seeking. We do not always knock and have the door we knocked on open up for us. God promises to fulfill our needs according to His rich mercies. Too many times we stand in opposition to God in our personal lives and then wonder why our prayers and efforts seem to fail. May we stand close to our Father in word and deed so that His blessings toward us will shower down upon us like the recent rains we have experienced.

The coming year; 2012 will be one of the best yet. God is so good. Let us always be thankful.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Can you believe that Christmas is only a week away now with 2012 rushing in right after? Just think about all the changes that have taken place in 2011. Whew! I get dizzy just thinking about it. Cindi and I have experienced some drastic changes for sure. Some changes have been very positive: Cindi’s graduation from SC with her MBA, our move from South Carolina back home to Arkansas, a new ministry with the church of Christ at Enola, a new home, new friends, living closer to our children and grand children. I could go on and on. We have also experienced changes that have been sorrowful. I don’t have to make a list. God has provided for us all along the way. What will 2012 hold for us? Whatever comes our way, whatever challenges, changes, and chances we experience, God will provide for us what is needed. I am so excited about our future together as a congregation of God’s people. May we continue to grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through worship, BROADER THROUGH MINISTRY, and wider through evangelism. The Enola Church of Christ is doing just fine. We are growing in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

EVERYONE INVITED! The Burleson’s would like to invite the entire congregation to an OPEN HOUSE at our new home this coming Sunday afternoon, December 18th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. No gifts please. Your presence will be your precious gift to us. Just come by after lunch and visit with us. Check your bulletin this Sunday morning for our new address. We live right behind Phil and Learleen.

We will host the December Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at our house on Sunday, January 1st immediately following the evening service. We will provide the cupcakes, drinks, and utensils. You can bring your favorite finger-food if you would like. This is a slight change in our usual last Sunday in the month format due to Christmas being on Sunday this year. If you or a member of our immediate family has a birthday or anniversary in December, please come to the Burleson’s for a time of celebration. In January our get-together will be Sunday, January 29th for our January birthdays and anniversaries.

On Sunday morning we will once again ask the most important question in the world; “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” then analyze the question. Am I ready to be saved? Am I willing to be saved? Am I able to be saved? One might be ready, but unwilling, like King Agrippa. One might be willing, but not ready, like the Ethiopian nobleman. One might also be ready and willing, but not able, like Cornelius. Are you ready, willing, and able? No excuses. No rationalizations. No more waiting. Come and be saved.

On Sunday evening we will focus our attention on “Growth- What Does It Take – Growing Broader Through Ministry.” Our lesson text is found in Matthew 25 where Jesus describes that great judgment scene. He talked about how He was in need and people either helped Him or didn’t. Those who helped Him went to heaven. Those who didn’t were turned away. Wehen we serve others, we serve our Lord.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cindi and I are changing addresses once again, hopefully for the very last time, Lord willing. We will be moving to our new home just a short distance back toward Conway Saturday morning, early and will certainly appreciate the help that our brothers and sisters in Christ at Enola will be giving us. It’s hard to believe that I have been your minister for almost 6 months now. In some ways it is hard for me to remember being anywhere else. In other ways it seems that we have only just begun to enjoy all that God has in store for us here in our Enola home. Please pray for the sale of our house in South Carolina. We took a trip to SC the first of this week to sign a new six month contract with a realtor, rake leaves, paint two rooms, and see that everything there is ready for a new owner. We don’t know who the next owner will be. God does know and we ask that His will be done for us. He always provides what is needed.

This Sunday morning, December 11th we will begin a new three-lesson series entitled “What Must I Do to Be Saved? – An Analysis of the Question.” We will look at the question with three words: Ready, Willing, and Able. In order to be saved, one must be ready to be saved. In order to be saved, one must be willing to be saved. In order to be saved, one must be able to be saved. We always have some in our services who have not yet become Christians. It is my prayer that these lessons will help those who have not yet trusted and obeyed Christ to do so. Wouldn’t it be great to begin the new year as a Christian? I am here to help you.

On Sunday evening we will continue in our series “Growth, What Does It Take.” This Sunday evening we will consider the fact that we will grow stronger through worship. When we come together as the church of Christ, we sing, pray, give, commune with Christ in the Lord’s Supper, and study God’s word. In order to be strong we must worship God in spirit and in truth. We must worship Him with our heart, not just with our lips. We must worship God in remembrance and in self-examination. The church at Corinth were weak, sickly, and spiritually asleep. Why? They were not worshipping God in the right way. We will take a look at their situation and make sure that we worship God honorably.

Our Church Luncheon last Sunday afternoon was tremendous even in the pouring down rain all day long. In all my years of preaching I have never seen that much food in one place. Wow! I just stood there at the dessert table in awe at the beauty of such blessings. The best part of the luncheon was the beautiful fellowship we enjoyed together. Our Brother Greg Floyd is doing a fantastic job already as one of our new deacons planning and organizing new and various activities for the church that we might grow warmer through fellowship. To God be the glory in all that we do in His name.

Christmas is now only a few days away. The New Year 2012 follows. What shall we do? May we put into practice all that we are studying and learning from our Bible classes and from the pulpit! I will. Will you? We can do it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

December has arrived and with it the cold temperatures, 27 degrees up in the country and beautiful clear blue Arkansas skies. This morning, Thursday, December 1st, the frost on the grass looked like snow. A chubby Blue Jay was sitting in the bare crape myrtle in my back yard in the cold breeze. Every season offers both blessings and challenges. December reminds us that the year is coming to a close and a new year is on the horizon. December says, “Merry Christmas.” We think of family, friends, food, fellowship, and how blessed we are to live in America, the home of the brave and the land of the free. We will be shopping for special gifts to give to those we love and an extra gift or two for people we may not even know, orphans, widows, widowers, the lonely, the poor, the neglected, and the stranger. Some of us will be dropping hints about something special we might like to receive. I’ve hinted to Cindi a time or two about how much I really need a pair of cowboy boots. I’m thinking that we might need to stop by a western wear store just to look around. No problem. Jesus said it. Luke wrote it (Acts 20:35). Paul quoted it. “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

This Sunday, December 4th will be a very special time for the church at Enola and all who might join us for worship and fellowship. We will meet for Bible study at 10:00 a.m. like always then unite for worship together at 11:00. Immediately following the worship hour we will meet over in the fellowship building for a luncheon together. Every member will be bringing their best potluck dishes to share and enjoy. Every guest will be cordially welcomed to stay and enjoy the luncheon with us. As soon as we get everything cleaned up we will meet back in the auditorium for an afternoon service. We will then break for the day to spend time with family, friends, and neighbors. This will be my first such luncheon since becoming a member of the Enola congregation. I get excited just writing about it. God is so good to us. We are so very blessed. May we honor Him and show our gratitude to Him today and every day.

This Sunday morning our lesson is entitled “Am I willing?” Sometimes God is willing and sometimes God is not willing. Sometimes we are willing and sometimes we are not willing. When we pray, we should always pray with the knowledge, desire, and the words, “Not my will, but Your will be done, O Lord.” We will look at TRUST. Peter was willing, then wasn’t. We will look at OBEDIENCE. Jesus own brothers were not willing, then were. We will also look at SACRIFICE. The Pharisees were willing to a point, but were not willing to finish to the end. I hope you will be here for this lesson that will challenge your thinking and your life.

On Sunday evening we will continue in our series entitled, “Growth – What Does It Take.” We can grow. Growth takes proper food, reasonable exercise, and time. We can grow warmer through fellowship. We studied about fellowship last Sunday. We can also grow deeper through discipleship. What does it mean to be a disciple? How can we grow deeper this way. We’ll answer these questions from the Bible.

The new Bible study quarter begins on Sunday and Wednesday with some teachers continuing and a few new teachers. If you are not involved in one of our Bible studies, this will be a great time to start. I hope you will. I certainly do benefit from our time together studying God’s word.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The official day we call “Thanksgiving” has come and gone, but hopefully our gratitude for life and all the rich blessings we enjoy every day from our Father will continue throughout the holiday season all the way into and through the New Year 2012. Cindi and I are so very thankful to be Christians and members of the Enola Church of Christ. It is difficult for me to believe that I have been your minister and friend for only five short months. It is my daily prayer and sincere desire to God for a lifetime of service to you and our Enola community.

Last Wednesday evening we had a great lesson from God’s word that reminded us of the languages of thanksgiving. We had several guests with us, here for the holiday weekend. This coming Wednesday, November 30th we will have our monthly singing. I always enjoy our time together singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Let’s make our monthly singing a priority in our schedule for this week.

Tomorrow, Sunday, November 27th I will preaching a lesson entitled “Thanksgiving – Today and Every Day.” I am thankful when I remember the past and all that God has done for me. I am thankful when I appreciate the present and all that God is doing for me. I am thankful when I decide to trust and obey God in the future and all that He has planned for me.

On Sunday evening our series entitled “Growing – What Does It Take?” continues. This Sunday evening we will look at how we can become a warmer, more loving and compassionate congregation through fellowship. The more we come together to worship, study, pray, work, and play the warmer we become. Of course fellowship has its requirements: 1) Walking in the Light, 2) Continuing in the Apostles’ doctrine, 3) United together in the grace and discipline of Jesus Christ. May God continue to bless every member of the Enola church of Christ with all that we need!
Don’t forget our Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at the Burleson’s tomorrow evening immediately following our Sunday evening assembly. If you are a member of your family has a birthday or an anniversary in November, come and celebrate with your fellow Christian family. We will provide drinks, cupcakes, utensils, and some finger-food snacks. If you would like to bring a finger-food snack, please do. We always have a wonderful time together. Also, we have planned a Congregational Luncheon on Sunday, December 4th following our morning worship hour. This will be my first luncheon with you. From what I hear, our Enola brothers and sisters can really cook. Please make plans to be here for this very special time of fellowship together. Remember: We grow warmer through fellowship.
Our elders will be meeting together to calculate our budget for the coming year. Please remember the Enola Church of Christ in your own budget for the rest of the year and into the coming year 2012. There is much to do to make an impact for Christ locally and in other parts of the world. Money is required. You know what Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” We all love to receive and receiving is a blessing. A greater blessing can be found in giving. Jesus is always right. But you know that already. God bless us all.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only a week away? Many will be traveling near and far to visit family and friends as the holiday season begins. Let’s make a very special effort to travel safe and sound. Be patient. You know the traffic will be heavier than usual. Be more kind to those around you. During the holiday season people seem to be more stressed out than usual. Remember Paul’s instructions to the church at Rome in Romans 12:1-2. We must not be conformed to the world. We must be transformed by God’s word. Drive within the speed limits. We are Christians. This means that we live our lives according to the rules and the law of the land. Try not to over-eat, over-spend, over-extend, and over-do. You and I both know what our income is and what our monthly bills are. When we do not stay within our budget, things can get very tight in January and February of the new year. School will be out next week. This means that children will be running around in our communities. Be more careful and more watchful as you travel to and from work. Of course, may we all remember to be more thankful for the rich blessings we enjoy every day from our Father who loves us! I hope you will take these suggestions into consideration as we enter the holiday season.

This Sunday morning our sermon is entitled “Committed to the Father through the Son – Really?” We will evaluate our commitment to God through His Son Jesus Christ. People are committed to many things. Every Christian must be committed not to the fad, or to the food, or to the fun, or even to the fellowship when it comes to our Christian life and living. We must be committed to the Father through the Son.

On Sunday evening we will begin a new series of sermons entitled “GROWTH – What does it take?” This Sunday evening, November 20th we will introduce the series and then take a look at lesson 1 – Growing Warmer Through Fellowship next Sunday evening, November 27th Lord willing.

We are having a very good study on prayer on Sunday morning at 10:00 with Brother Eddie Hawkins, one of our elders here at Enola. I believe that this study has helped us all to have a better understanding of the power of prayer. I teach the adults on Wednesday evening from the book of Romans. We are studying through the book and are currently in Romans 12. If you are not involved in one of our Bible studies, please know that you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to grow in your Christian walk with God. Jesus said that we do not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Come and grow with us. You will be so very glad that you did.

Don’t let the rain and winter weather keep you away from worship and fellowship with your fellow Christians at Enola. Our doors are open. Our elders are leading us toward God’s blessings. Our deacons are working with a vision for service and growth. Our preacher is on the job every day in prayer, study, and service in the community. Our teachers are prepared and excited about sharing lessons from God’s word with their students. God is blessing us on every side. We are thankful.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Remember to “Fall – Backward” on Saturday night before you retire to bed. Think about this small thing: setting our clocks back one hour in the fall and then ahead one hour in the spring. Just goes to show you what people can do when we are united together. It is true that Daylight Saving Time is primarily a North American choice and that the majority of the world’s population does not adhere to time changes. I didn’t realize just how much information was available on this subject. Check the internet and you will see.

Paul wrote about unity so many times in the Bible. Let me mention a couple.

“Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; that you speak the same thing; and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). Of course, Paul was writing about unity in the Lord’s church. No wonder people in the world today often look with distain at the church with so much disunity and discord. Please, Enola brothers and sisters, let us consider Paul’s pleading and live, work, play, and worship together in unity. This past Wednesday evening we sang hymn #358 in our books “O To Be Like Thee.” This song is tough. “O to be like Thee, blessed Redeemer; This is my constant longing and prayer. Gladly I’ll forfeit all of earth’s treasures, Jesus Thy perfect likeness to wear. O to be like Thee, O to be like Thee, Blesses Redeemer, pure as Thou art; Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.” We can have unity only when we can sing that song with the spirit and with the understanding.

“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3). When you read on down through verse 6 you will notice that there is ONE BODY (The church of Christ – Ephesians 1:22-23). There is ONE SPIRIT who has given us the Bible. There is ONE HOPE of our calling in Jesus Christ. There is ONE LORD, the Son of God, Jesus Christ. There is ONE FAITH. Not many faiths, ONE FAITH. There is ONE BAPTISM. This is the baptism that puts us in Christ and saves us, the new birth. There is ONE GOD. All other “gods” are silent, powerless, useless, and a waste.

This Sunday morning we will conclude our series “Counting Our Blessings – Naming Them One By One.” I count my blessings one by one when I understand how God blesses me, when I decide to live one day at a time, when I decide to live my life optimistically, and this Sunday; I count by blessings one by one when I decide to love life and see good days. I hope you are benefiting from this series. I certainly am.

I am enjoying our Sunday evening series very much: Lessons from Four Fishermen – Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Peter taught us about service. He said to the lame man, “What I have a give to you.” Andrew was quietly effective. We can be quietly effective too. This Sunday evening we will learn that, like us James often blundered, and many times misunderstood Jesus’ plan for him. Through it all, James stayed close to Jesus.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday here in beautiful Enola, Arkansas. We are growing in the love of the Lord every day.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Everything is going well in Enola, Arkansas. We have settled into autumn and winter is on the horizon. The leaves are really falling fast now in those gentle fall breezes. Can you believe that Thanksgiving is less than four weeks away with Christmas and 2012 just around the corner? Our hunters are busy nearly every morning in the woods on a deer stand waiting for that trophy buck. Brothers and sisters: Hunt whenever you can, but be at church when the church meets for worship, Bible study, and fellowship. When we are where we are supposed to be good things happen. When we are somewhere else, well, how can God bless us when we are going against His will? Just a gentle reminder of what a great honor it is for Christians to assemble together before God for worship. Let’s not miss a single meeting.

Last Sunday our elders presented four men to the congregation for our consideration as prospective deacons: Wayne Beene, David Berry, Brandon Breeding, and Greg Floyd. These men are fine Christian men and fully dedicated to Christ and His church at Enola. Next Sunday, November 4th these men will be appointed as deacons to serve beside our current deacons, Brothers Patrick Breeding and Sonny Wolfe.

Brother Brandon has been working on our new church website. As soon as we get everything organized we will launch it over the World Wide Web. You’ll be surprised just how much we will use our site every day for updates, news, and information. We plan on recording the lessons every Sunday and uploading them to our website for anyone to hear and consider. People traveling in the area will be able to look at our site, locate where we are, and plan their trip to be with us for worship. People moving into Faulkner country will be able to check out our website and the church as they make their choices where to work and worship. I will be uploading articles related to life and living to the website for the church and those who visit our site to read and consider. Our website is just another way the church of Christ at Enola can reach out to our community for the cause of Jesus Christ.

Cindi and I will host another Birthday and Anniversary Party at our house on Sunday evening, October 30th immediately following our assembly. We will provide the drinks, cupcakes, and utensils. If you or a member of your immediate family has a birthday or anniversary in October, come and be a part. If you would like, bring your favorite finger-food to share. We look forward to having you with us. Nothing complicated. Just a good time to get to know each other a little bit better.

This Sunday morning we will continue in our series “Counting Our Blessings – One by One.” We will look at how we count our blessings when we decide to live our lives optimistically. Paul decided. Then he learned. Finally he knew. These are the facts of life. If you would like to read ahead, read Philippians 4:8-13 to see just how it is. He wrote; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I can in Christ. So can you.

On Sunday evening we will learn another lesson from a fisherman, Andrew, the disciple who was quietly effective. I am learning so much from these four fishermen, Peter, Andrew, James, and John. I hope you are learning too.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

In our world today just about every person you meet has some sort of religious affiliation. On any given day you might hear any one of dozens of names given to various religious groups. What name should we, the followers of Christ wear? Check the Bible. What do you find?

“Then Barnabas departed to Tarsus to seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him back to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11:25-26).

“King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe. Then Agrippa said to Paul, ‘Almost you persuade me to become a Christian.’ And Paul said, ‘I would to God that not only you, but also all who hear me today, ight become both almost and altogether such as I am, except for these chains” (Acts 26:27-29).

“If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evil-doer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter” (1 Peter 4:16).

Three times in the New Testament we find that the followers of Jesus Christ, His disciples were called “Christians.” You would think that we could understand such simple terminology. Yet even in the Lord’s church I often hear some of my brethren refer to themselves as “church of Christ” as if we are just another group of people who have denominated themselves along with the rest of the “religious” world.

I do understand that the word “Christian” has been manipulated by the world to mean many things. Much of the time the word is used to mean a “good” person in terms of behavior. Sometimes the word “Christian” is even used as a negative label; “Oh, you are one of those “Christians.” Don’t be troubled. If you believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, if you have turned away from sin in repentance, if you have confessed the name of Jesus before others, if you have been baptized (immersed) with the understanding that in baptism your sins are washed away, then you are truly and wholly a Christian. Nothing more! Nothing less! We must add nothing to it nor take anything away from it. Nothing needs to be explained. “Christian” says everything that needs to be said. I am a Christian, a member of the church that belongs to Christ, His church, the church of Christ.

This Sunday morning (October 23, 2011) at Enola we will continue in our series entitled “Counting Our Blessing One by One.” We count our blessing one by one when we LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME. Too many people try to live three days every day, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Yesterday is past. Tomorrow is yet to be. Today is called the present. What precious gift from God today actually is! We must not neglect it, refuse it, or waste it.

This Sunday night we will take a look at the next lesson from one of four fishermen. We will study about Andrew and how he was quietly effective in his ministry for Jesus Christ. He was looking for the Messiah. Are we? He was evangelistic in his every-day life. Are we? He was always helpful in a quietly effective way. Are we? He was faithfully dedicated. Are we?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

We’ve had a good week of Christian living here in Enola, Arkansas. The fall weather is simply gorgeous with cool mornings warming up nicely through the evening. I hope you are taking full advantage of such wonderful blessings. Get up a little earlier to go for a morning walk. Walk outside just after sunset and look up at the stars. Sit on the deck for a few minutes early or late and enjoy a bit of nature: squirrels preparing for the winter, falling leaves, geese settling on or lifting off the lake if you are near the water or flying overhead toward a warmer climate. These simple experiences make life worth living. Some people never look up to see the evidences of God. They rarely look out past their own feelings and needs to see the beauties around them. They seldom look around them at the opportunities for joy and service to others. They have even more difficulty looking within themselves to see that they have become far removed from the balance of life.

As Christians, we can, we must live a different, better, balanced life. Every morning let us think of God, His majesty, His richness, His purposes, His blessings toward us. Let us speak to Him in prayer and remember the assurances we have in Jesus Christ. Let us read God’s word, the Bible to be reminded of our past, our blessings, our present duty to Him and to our fellow man, and our future in Christ. Let us do more than read the Bible. We must rightly divide it (2 Timothy 2:15), realizing that God communicated to people before the coming of Jesus Christ in different ways (Hebrews 1:1-2). Today we do not read to obey the Old Testament, the Psalms, nor the Prophets of old. The Old Testament was God’s word to those who lived before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We read to obey His Son, Jesus Christ in the twenty-seven books called the New Testament with words written down by nine inspired men chosen by God (Matthew, Mark, Luke (2), John (5), Paul (13), Peter (2), James, Jude, and the writer to the Hebrews). These twenty-seven books are the final revelation from God to mankind in these last days in which we live (Jude 3, Galatians 1:6-10, Luke 16:16). Now make no mistake about it. The Old Testament is valuable to us today. Paul wrote in Romans 15:4, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” The Old Testament was written for our learning, not for our keeping. The New Testament is ours today to read, respect, reflect on, remember, and respond to immediately.

This Sunday (10.16.11) at Enola we will begin a new series of lessons entitled “Counting Our Blessing One by One.” God blesses all of His creation every day with life and everything that is needed to live. There are blessings that only come from God to those who are in a right relationship with Him. We’ll see what the Bible says about God’s blessings.

On Sunday evening we will consider “Four Lessons from Four Fishermen.” Simon Peter teaches us about doing what we can with what we have. I hope the entire congregation at Enola will be here on Sunday evening for this special series of lessons. We all will be encouraged and challenged to come closer to God and to one another.

Cindi and I made a trip to Columbia, South Carolina last weekend. I preached in a gospel meeting at the Windsor Lake congregation on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Thank you for your prayers for us while we were away. Thank you to Brother Brandon and Brother Eddie for preaching and teaching for me in my absence.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How about this beautiful fall Arkansas weather? I can barely remember what 110 degrees feels like now. Consider the following thoughts from a lesson I preached recently at Liberty on Highway 64. My topic was “Jesus Keeps Blessing Me Over and Over Again – But How?”

God blesses His creation simply because He is the Creator and Father of all. He blesses us with life, sunshine and rain, gravity, the change of seasons, the air that we breathe, and the capacity to breathe. God made the world and everything in it. He gives to all life, breath, and all things. He has made from one blood every nation of men. In Him we live and move and have our being. Paul spoke these things to the Athenians. Luke wrote them for all to read and believe in Acts 17:24-28.

God extends some blessings only to those who are in a right relationship with Him, to those who love Him and are following Him. Consider Romans 8:28. “Now we know that all things work together for good…” This promise that everything will work out just fine is made to whom? To all creation? No. God promises that everything will work out just fine to those who love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Consider Psalm 1. God promises blessings to the one who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, to the one who does not stand in the path of sinners, and to the one who does not sit in the seat of the scoffer. He offers this blessing to the one who delights in the law of the Lord and meditates on that law day and night. Prosperity is promised to this one. Consider Psalm 23. All the blessings of this psalm: green pastures, still waters, soul restored, leadership in the paths of righteousness, comfort walking through the valley of the shadow of death, comfort in view of a rod and staff, provision in the midst of enemies, an anointed head, a cup that overflows, the surety of goodness and mercy every day, and heaven are promised to the one whose shepherd is the Lord. Consider Mark 16:16. Salvation is promised to those who believe and are baptized. I could go on and on with many more examples from the Bible of blessings promised and delivered to those who choose God through His Son Jesus Christ.

Jesus keeps blessing me over and over again because I live one day at the time. Too many people try to live three days at the time. They try to live today while at the same time reliving and regretting yesterday and also at the same time looking into tomorrow with fear and doubt.

Jesus keeps blessing me over and over again because I count my many blessings every day rather than focus on my sorrows. Ephesians 3:20-21 says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” I am richly blessed every day. We all are. Why not count those blessings and rejoice in them rather than look over those blessings to focus on my disappointments?

Jesus keeps blessing me over and over again because I have decided to be optimistic. Do you know that we usually feel, learn, find, and become what we expect to feel, learn, find, and become? Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

My grand daughter, Faryn made me a very special creation from construction paper, crayons, and tape. The words on the creation hanging from my dressing room mirror say, “God Morning.” Of course she meant to say “Good Morning.” She tried to add another “o” to “God” but I like the first creation better. Every morning should be and is a “God Morning.”

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Have you had a good week? These are very busy times for everyone. In these busy times please remember to set proper personal priorities. Jesus commanded every Christian to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and our every need will be met (Matthew 6:33). We must not allow worldly activities and events to overshadow the duties and privileges we have as Christians. Every Lord’s Day and at other times as well, the church meets for Bible study, worship, and fellowship. As a member of the church I have the duty and the privilege of taking my place among my Christian brothers and sisters to encourage and be encouraged in my faith. I promise that I will do my part as a gospel preacher to provide Biblical, challenging, encouraging, interesting lessons and sermons every week aimed at helping us all grow in our walk with God. Our elders are committed to God and to their responsibility to meet our needs and lead us ever closer to heaven. Our deacons are committed to their individual roles as special servants to the church. It is my prayer that every member of the Enola Church of Christ will make Christ and His church the #1 priority in their lives at home, at work, at school, in the neighborhood, everywhere. Ask yourself: Am I reading my Bible every day? Is prayer a priority in my life every day? Do I look for opportunities to help someone in some way every day? Do I meet with the church at every opportunity? Am I committed to doing what I can to help the church grow every day? Am I living the Christian life the way I should? Am I enjoying my life as a Christian? If you can answer these questions with a “Yes,” that’s great. If not, then make the change you need to make to be all you can be for Jesus our Savior and Lord.

This Sunday morning we will continue in our series “The Bible – God’s Inspired Word to Humanity” with a lesson aimed at helping us understand and appreciate the benefits of the Bible. God’s word makes us wise to salvation. God’s word promotes faith in the life of every believer. The Bible nourishes our spiritual life. The Bible teaches us God’s will and teaches us how to worship, how to pray, how to give, how to organize our lives, how to live and how to die. When we understand and appreciate these benefits, we will read and rely on the Bible more and more every day.

This Sunday evening we will begin a new series entitled “The Way of the Cross.” Lesson one will be “The Requirements of the Way of the Cross.” Each letter in CROSS will provide our points: C – Courage, R – Reason, O – Obedience, S – Sacrifice, and S – Sincerity. We sometimes sing the song entitled “The Way of the Cross Leads Home.” Maybe we can sing this song (#343 in our books) before the sermon to get us started in the right direction.

I will be preaching at the Liberty Church of Christ on Highway 64 on Sunday afternoon, September 25th at 3:00 p.m. Our topic will be, “How Jesus Keeps Blessing Me Over and Over Again.” Please mark your calendar and plan on being present for this lesson. We can still make it back to Enola in plenty of time for our Sunday evening worship hour at 5:00.

Remember the Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at the Burleson’s on September 25th immediately following our Sunday evening worship assembly. Bring your favorite finger food and come out to celebrate our September birthdays and anniversaries. Drinks and cake provided.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Now this is what I’ve been waiting for! Cool breezes…royal blue Arkansas skies with feathery clouds ever changing shapes…the smell of fresh-cut hay…family and friends gathered together in the back yard…grilling out…watching football…ever being grateful for God’s rich blessings in my life. There are way too many people who have become so busy make a living that they never make a life. Life is too short, too volatile, too interesting, too exciting, too beautiful, too wonderful to miss and miss it we do when we spend our time fussing and fighting, regretting and being afraid, sorrowing and being depressed. Wake up. Look up. Get up. Live!

Our lesson on Sunday morning is entitled “The Bible – God’s Inspired Word to Humanity.” We will ask ourselves the question: What is the Bible to me? We will see what God’s word contains. We will see what the Bible teaches us. We will see the results of studying the Bible. We will see that the Bible is the traveler’s road map (John 14:6), the pilgrim’s staff (Matthew 7:24), the pilot’s compass (Psalm 119:105), the soldier’s weapon (Ephesians 6:17), and the Christian’s charter (Matthew 28:18-20).

On Sunday evening we will continue Sunday morning’s lesson with a look at what we find in the Bible: the Object, the Design, and the End. Did you know that the Bible can give life? It will be opened at judgment. The Bible will be remembered forever. No wonder the Bible is called the Book of books. It is indeed holy and written to us from God Himself.

If you are not currently involved in Bible study at Enola, please come at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning for a wonderful Bible study with Brother Eddie Hawkins, one of our elders. I teach the adults on Wednesday evening at 7:00. We are studying through the book of Romans. We are currently in chapter 9. Of course Brother Brandon and others teach our teenagers. We have Bible study opportunities for children too. Please take advantage of every opportunity you have to learn more about God’s ways and will for you and for the world.

I hear that our new congregational picture directories will soon be printed and ready for distribution. Make sure you check the bulletin this Sunday for special announcements concerning our picture directory. We would like to have every member of the church of Christ at Enola included in this publication.

SPECIAL NOTE: We are in the process of selecting additional deacons at Enola. Please pick up a selection sheet located on the tables in the lobby, read the instructions from our eldership, fill out the sheet with the names of those men you believe are qualified to serve as deacons, and turn in your sheet to one of our elders. This is not a complicated process. As soon as our elders have our selection sheets they will meet with the prospective men. They will then announce the names of those who will be put before the church for our consideration, and then after a day or two of consideration, they will be appointed as deacons. Let’s get involved with the work and service of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so that the church will continue to grow and prosper.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August is now history. Our teachers and students are well into their new school routines. Before too much longer we will begin to feel fall in the air (I hope). Traffic has really picked up in Conway and even in Enola. Be extra careful on the highways, especially around our schools.

Sunday was another good day for us at Enola with 147 members and guests assembled together for worship, study, and fellowship on Sunday morning and 90 in attendance on Sunday evening. Our offering continues to rise because we are simply and cheerfully returning to the Lord and His work as we have been prospered. Our youth met for a “Devo” at the home of Denis and Angela Curtis last Sunday evening. We hosted the August Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at our house. The church is alive and growing at Enola. Tell everyone you know.

Congratulations to BRYAN BEENE! Bryan and I have been meeting together for the past few weeks regularly to study and discuss the Bible and God’s plan for every person’s life. Last week he realized his need for Jesus Christ in his life, confessed that Jesus is the Son of God, and was that same day baptized into Christ for the remission of his sins. He is now a Christian. Please pray for Bryan as he begins his new walk with Christ. There will be mountains to climb and valleys to cross but through it all Bryan will have Jesus Christ as Savior and Guide. He will also have you and me as fellow Christians who will help him along the way. God continues to bless us in every way.

We will conclude our Sunday morning series “Becoming a Great Church” this Sunday with a lesson on WORK. Oh, no. Not that! Great churches have a mind to work (Nehemiah 4:6). Work doesn’t bother great congregations of the Lord’s church. Christians in great churches just know that work is a part of what makes us great. Too many churches are “worship societies” instead of soldiers fit and ready for battle or athletes prepared and peaked for victory or farmers patient and prepared for the harvest.

On Sunday evening we will consider the final “R” of “Every Christian Should… REFLECT. When people look at us, what do they see? What is it that we reflect? We are the salt of the earth. We are the light of the world. We are a city set on a hill. I hope this series has be both encouraging and challenging to you in your Christian life.

We have a very special treat on Wednesday, September 7th here at Enola. Bill Cline from Truth for Today will be with us to speak to us about all the great things that “Truth for Today” is doing in our world for the cause of Christ. Mark you calendar and make every effort to be here to hear this very special presentation.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday for worship, study, and fellowship. These are challenging times for all of us. Coming together strengthens us, encourages us, and helps us to stand firm in a sinful world.

Monday, August 22, 2011

We had a great day at Enola yesterday, Sunday, August 21, 2011 with 136 in attendance for worship on Sunday morning and 96 on Sunday evening. The offering toward the work of the church was $2152.00. The elders announced the need to appoint additional deacons and asked the congregation to present to them the names of qualified men to serve in this capacity. The plan is very simple. Just take a sheet of paper, make a list of the names of the men you believe meet the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-15, sign the sheet, and hand it to one of our elders, Brother Larry Arnett, Brother Eddie Hawkins, or Brother Andrew Shock. They’ll take it from there. They will meet with the men we present to them to discuss the work of the church and their desire to serve. As soon as they get a list of qualified men who desire to serve they will present these men back to the congregation for further consideration. After a few days of consideration these men will be appointed to serve with our brothers who are already serving as deacons, Brother Patrick Breeding and Brother Sonny Wolfe. I know they’ll be glad to have some much needed help with the work of the church. We are becoming a great congregation. God is certainly blessing us every day with joy, peace, and prosperity.

Last Sunday we looked at how important UNITY is to any endeavor. Unity is especially important if we are to become a great congregation of the church of Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). We must be united in His way, in His truth, and in His life. Paul pleaded with the church at Corinth by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to speak the same thing, that there be no divisions among them, that they be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10). He pleads with us today. Paul reminds every Christian of our calling to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. He wrote in Ephesians 4:4-6 to remind us that there is one body (the church), one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all who is above all, through all, and in all. Let us continue to work together in unity and harmony. Let us worship together in spirit and in truth. Let us fellowship together in peace and happiness. Let us always perfectly joined together in the same mind (our thoughts, our plans, our desires for ourselves and the church) and in the same judgment (the decisions we make, the actions we take).

This Sunday we will focus out attention on another attribute that Christians in every great congregation possess: GREAT LEADERSHIP. Great churches have leaders, elders that are men of character, reputation, and vision. When “little men” oversee the work of the church, little will be done. When “great men” oversee the Lord’s work, great things will be accomplished. God expects the eldership of His church to be men of knowledge, love, zeal, and faith. They must be men of vision who see what God can do. They must be men who are “given to work.” They must be men of respect, humility, and service. I look forward to sharing this lesson from God’s word with you. We have three great elders at Enola. May we all appreciate our elders more and endeavor to make their work a work of joy.

Sunday evening at Enola is very special. Our series is entitled “Every Christian Should…” Every Christian should REJOICE. Life is tough. People are rough. And sometimes it seems like we don’t have enough. Rejoice anyway. Rejoice always. Every Christian should REMOVE. We should remove sorrow from our hearts and evil from our lives (Ecclesiastes 11:9-10). HOW? We must present our sorrow and our sin to Jesus honestly, openly, and willing. He cares for us. Hebrews 12:1-2 is a great passage of Scripture to read, remember, and apply. This Sunday evening we will consider the next lesson in this series, “Every Christian Should REMEMBER.”

BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY FELLOWSHIP AT THE BURLESON’S – This Sunday evening immediately following our assembly. If you or a member of your immediate family has a birthday or anniversary in August bring a finger-food dish and come on over.

Monday, August 15, 2011

We had a great Sunday at Enola yesterday, August 14th. We had 143 present for worship and by the way our young people were dressed, you could tell that school is about to begin. They looked very good in their new school clothes and shoes. It is good to get back into to somewhat of a normal routine again after the summer. I’m looking forward to sitting in the football stadium again on Friday nights. I guess Cindi and I will be cheering for the Vilonia Eagles this year since Mount Vernon Enola doesn’t have a football team yet. I plan on watching the UCA Bears play on their purple and gray field. I drove by last weekend to see it. Whew! It’ll take some getting use to. And of course, I will be cheering for our Arkansas Razorbacks. I do still have a lot of Gamecock in me since three members of my family graduated from South Carolina.

It was great to see Brother Buz Heffington back with us this past Sunday evening. Every week we have guests among us. Please see that our guests know how much we love and appreciate them. We can do this very simply. Just walk up to them, present your right hand of fellowship, and introduce yourself. There are visitor cards in the back of every pew and some in one of the tables in the lobby. Please see that our guests fill out one of these cards. You can see that the card gets to one of our elders.

This Sunday we will continue in our series: “Becoming a Great Church.” Think about it. Great congregations of the Lord’s church are united in purpose and plans. Ephesians 6:1-6 teaches us about the “oneness” that God expects from every Christian and every congregation. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church about unity. “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). We often sing about the “common love” that we share as members of the church of Christ. Are we united under that banner of the cross of Jesus Christ our Savior? I look forward to sharing this lesson with you from God’s word.

On Sunday evening our new series of sermons is entitled; “Every Christian Should…” There are many things that we can do, but what should we do? Every Christian should REJOICE. Life is tough. People are rough. And it seems that we sometimes don’t have enough. Yet we are called to “Rejoice always, to pray with ceasing, and to giving thanks in everything because this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). This Sunday evening we will look at the next “R.” If you would like to reach ahead, read Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 and see what Solomon asked of every young man.

Our eldership announced their plans to appoint additional deacons to serve the congregation at Enola. Please be praying for our elders and the congregation as we seek out qualified men to serve as deacons. Be listening for the elders’ instructions coming soon. I know that our two hard-working deacons; Brothers Sonny Wolfe and Patrick Breeding will be very glad to have some help. More workers mean more planting, more watering, and with the blessings of our Father more increase.

We meet every Sunday morning for Bible study at 10:00 and then for worship together at 11:00. We return for the evening worship hour and Children’s Bible Hour at 5:00 p.m. We also meet on Wednesday evening for Bible study at 7:00 p.m. Now that school is back in session it might be a little bit more difficult to come out for our evening meetings together. Come anyway. You can do it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Still hot and very dry – 108 today in Conway…105 in Enola. Be careful working out in the heat. I’m especially concerned for our high school and college athletes. Parents: Watch out for your children. They don’t always know when enough is enough. Unfortunately, some adults have trouble knowing this as well. Life is precious. Enjoy every moment, but do so with a view of eternity.

School begins in just a few days. This means additional traffic in the mornings and late afternoon. We must schedule a little extra time in our travels for the change in routine. Also, we must be more patient, kind, and generous toward others. Let’s show the world, our family, friends, and neighbors that we are different because we are Christians.

This past weekend was the “tax-free” weekend in our area. Cindi and I tried to do some shopping for our grandchildren but after about 20 minutes of traffic, crowds, and chaos we gave up, ate lunch and went to Little Rock to the circus. Ha! We left one circus to go to another circus. Our grandchildren watched the circus while Cindi and I watched them.

Sunday was a very special day for the church of Christ at Enola. It was a great joy to see Brother Andrew Shock appointed to the eldership. We are blessed with Brother Larry Arnett, Brother Eddie Hawkins, and now Brother Shock as our shepherds here at Enola. I am thrilled to serve under their leadership as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. May we all endeavor to live our lives in such a way that their task to oversee the congregation of the Lord’s church at Enola will be joyous, peaceful, and fulfilling! The writer to the Hebrews in Hebrews 13:17 says; “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

Next up: The appointment of additional deacons to serve the congregation at Enola. Please be praying for your minister (me), our eldership, our current deacons, and the entire congregation as we move forward to the appointment of additional deacons in the coming days. We have several men who are qualified and ready to serve in this capacity. There is much work to be done. May God bless our efforts together for the cause of Christ.

This Sunday we will continue in our series: “Becoming a Great Church.” In John 13, verse 34 and 35 John wrote down Jesus’ teaching concerning the love Christians must have for one another. We will look at these two verses with three things in mind: 1) A commandment is a commandment, not a suggestion; 2) This commandment to love was “new” in that the standard was new, and 3) The result of our keeping Jesus’ command is literally awesome.

This Sunday evening I am very excited about our new series of sermons entitled; “Every Christian Should…” There are many things that we can do, but what should we do? Every Christian should R____________, R____________, R____________, and R____________. I hope you will be here for every one of these lessons aimed at helping each of us walk closer to the Lord.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August in Arkansas! Blue skies, sunshine, 102 in the shade, and no rain in sight. But, hey, fall is just around the corner. Before you know it, you will walk outside expecting another hot day and be surprised by the feeling of fall in the air. Isn’t fall wonderful? Orange, yellow, red, and silver leaves waiting God’s command to return to the earth, frost on the pumpkin, the smell of a fire burning in the fireplace, children up and out early to school, and football. I’m thankful for every blessing of life.

Thank you so much for coming over to our house this past Sunday evening for the July Birthday and Anniversary Celebration. We had a great time of fellowship together. Our August Birthday and Anniversary Celebration is schedule for Sunday evening, August 28th at the Burleson’s. We will provide the drinks, cake, and utensils. You can bring a finger food of your choice if you would like. If you or a member of your immediate family has a birthday or an anniversary in August, this get-together is for you. This month we are planning a singing for those who can stay a little while longer.

Our sermon series in August is entitled “Becoming a Great Church.” Last Sunday we introduced the series with a lesson about the church at Rome. When Paul wrote the letter to the Romans, he wrote about their faith that was spoken of throughout the whole world (Romans 1:8). He also wrote about their obedience that was known by all (Romans 16:19). A great church doesn’t just happen. On Monday Brother Frank Breeding and I drove out to Brother Hershel Palmer’s house to relieve Brother Palmer of some of his purple hull peas and a couple of mush mellows (cantaloupes), with his whole-hearted permission, of course. Brother Palmer has a beautiful garden, the result of many hours of faithful patient dedication to God’s plan of sowing and reaping. The same is true of the church of Christ at Enola. We must dedicate ourselves to God’s plan; to having and maintaining a spirit of love and unity. Our elders, our deacons, our ministers, our teachers, and every member must be people of faith and integrity in word and in deed. We must have a mind to work and do our work for the glory of Jesus Christ with a smile on our faces. We must dream big dreams and have plans for the future, next year, 5 years, all the way into eternity. We will be talking about these things over the next four Sundays, Lord willing.

This Sunday evening we will be concluding our series “Six One Thing’s in the Bible.” Our lesson will be taken from the Old Testament; Joshua 23:1-16. Joshua is about to die (He was 110). In verse 14 Joshua reminds the Israelites of God’s never-ending power to keep His promises.

“Behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth. And you know in your hearts and in all your souls that NOT ONE THING HAS FAILED of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.”

Joshua then warns the people of the coming days of pain, sorrow, and woe brought upon them by God because of their refusal to keep His commandments. We can rest assured. When God makes a promise, He keeps it. Not one thing ever fails of all the good things which the Lord our God speaks concerning us as we walk in the light of His word (1 John 1:7). We may have to climb many mountains and cross over many valleys as we journey toward heaven, but all along the way God’s promises of strength, wisdom, and provision prevail over our struggles. I am thankful.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Our VBS at Enola is really going great this week! We had a great crowd of 128 on Sunday night. Our theme this year is “Upside Down Under” and focuses on the transforming power of Jesus Christ in every life. We begin each evening promptly at 7:00 p.m. Our schedule is as follows:

Monday (25th) Lesson 2 – From Terrified to Trusting (Peter)
Tuesday (26th) Lesson 3 – From Selfish to Selfless (Zacchaeus)
Wednesday (27th) Lesson 4 – From Defiant to Devoted (Paul)

Every night we will meet for Bible study at 7:00 p.m. in our respective rooms. At 7:45 we will meet in the old auditorium for singing, skits, and announcement and of course a few words from Mr. Booster Rooster. We will wrap the evening up with refreshments in the annex. I hope you can be a part of our VBS every night. You’ll be so very glad that you did.

Can you believe that August is now upon us? Sunday is July 31st. Our teachers and students are getting ready for another year of school. Parents and children are gearing up for the back to school routine: up earlier in the morning, a good breakfast to start the day, homework, football, band, and other school related activities, to bed earlier if and when possible, and hopefully, everyone agreeing to being a bit more patient with one another. After a week or two the carefree days of summer melt away into plans for the fall. Do you remember God’s promises in Genesis 8:22? “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” God keeps every promise. I’m certainly glad.

This Sunday morning we will begin a new sermon series entitled “Becoming a Great Church.” Did you know that the church of Christ at Rome at one time was “spoken of throughout the whole world” (Romans 1:8) and that they “had become known to all” (Romans 16:19). Just what was it that was spoken of and just what was it that had become known. You’ll have to read the above texts to answer these two questions. Our question is this: When people speak of the church of Christ at Enola, what do they say? What are we known for? I hope that we are and will continue to be known for the same two characteristics that the Roman congregation was know for at the time of Paul’s letter to them. In this series we will take a closer look at what great congregations of the Lord’s church have, take inventory, and then make application.

Great churches have a spirit of love and unity.
Great churches have leaders who are people of character, good repute, and vision.
Great churches have a preacher who sets a high spiritual tone in word and in deed.
Great churches have a “mind to work.”
Great churches have plans for the future.

On Sunday evening we will continue in our series on the “One Things of the Bible.” This week we will look at Paul’s attitude toward the things in the past from Philippians 3:13-14. He wrote, “This ONE THING I DO…” What about it? Can we do the one thing that Paul was able to do? I look forward to seeing you every week. God bless us.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It’s VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL time here in Enola and we’re just about ready. Every teacher will be busy this week getting everything ready. Our VBS begins this Sunday evening, July 24th at 5:00 and then Monday through Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. We will sing, prayer, study the Bible and generally have a great time together. You know that VBS is not just for kids. I will be teaching an adult Bible study every night. I hope the entire congregation at Enola will make time in their busy schedules to be here to study God’s word.

This Sunday morning we will conclude our sermon series entitled “We Are More Than Conquerors” and ask ourselves; “Where am I going?” If you are standing at the crossroads of life looking right, left, forward, and backward, which choice will you make? Will you turn to the right? Will you take a left turn? Will you move straight ahead? Will you turn around and go backward? Think. Isn’t it true that your choices depend upon where you’re going? If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you make the right choice? Does it even matter? However, if you do know where you’re going, the choice is vital to your journey and much easier to make. You will make the choice that gets you closer to your destination. Too many people in our day simply do not know where they are going in life. A question to ask ourselves: Where will I be next month, next year, in 5 years if I keep living the way I’m living? Will I be happy? Will my faith in God be stronger? Will I be closer to Jesus Christ because of my choices? What about my family and friends? Will they be drawn closer to Jesus Christ because of my choices? Will my Heavenly Father pleased with my choices? Will my choices take me one step closer to my goals and eventually to heaven? May God bless us with wisdom, faith, and vision to lift our eyes toward God, being guided His word that is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path in life (Psalm 119:105).

Cindi and I will be hosting a monthly birthday and anniversary fellowship at our house in July on Sunday evening, July 31st immediately following our 5:00 worship hour. This fellowship is for any member of the Enola congregation who has a birthday or an anniversary in July along with their family members (within reason – Ha!). We will provide the cake and drinks. If you would like to bring a “finger-food” dish of your choice, please do. This is just one more way we can get to know one another a little bit better. The more the merrier!

Cindi and I made the trip to Morrilton and the Downtown congregation on Monday night to support their Singing Seminar with Brother Burt Jones from Ohio. It was good to see the brethren there again and learn more about how we can better worship God in spirit and in truth through our singing. Let’s make a special effort to support our fellow Christian brothers and sisters in the area when they are hosting events such as this.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning and Sunday evening as well as on Wednesday evening for worship, Bible study, and fellowship. Make it your aim to never miss a service.

Monday, July 11, 2011

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL @ Enola Church of Christ – Enola, Arkansas
Sunday, July 24th - Wednesday, July 27th – Everyone is cordially invited!

Our annual summer Vacation Bible School is almost here! Brandon Breeding is doing a fine job getting everyone and everything ready. ADULTS: We will have four special lessons for you too. It will be a special honor for me to teach during the adult sessions. Of course our children and teens will have very special sessions of Bible study too with some great teachers. Please make plans to be here every evening for VBS.

Wow! Arkansas is HOT! And we really need some rain. Let’s be praying to our Father for showers of blessings. He is for us. He always provides for our needs. He holds us accountable for His provision. He loves us. We are not alone.

This Wednesday evening we are in for a very special time of study, fellowship, and consideration. Our special guest is Jyothi Raju Gaddapati of All India Christian Federation, Inc. a Christian organization that is seeking to help all our fellow Christian brothers and sisters in India who are so terribly oppressed. Brother Jyothi will be sharing valuable information with us about how we can help our fellow Christians in India. I hope the entire congregation at Enola can be present to hear Brother Jyothi.

Cindi and I are slowly becoming adjusted to our new home in Enola. Most of the boxes are unpacked. Some are stored away. Our living room furniture will arrive on Tuesday morning, Lord willing. I really haven’t had to do much outside work because of the hot summer weather. We are still somewhat tied to South Carolina because we have a house for sale there. Please pray for us that our house will sell soon so we can put down our roots here in Arkansas. We are waiting for our house to sell there before we can close on our house here. We are slowly getting to know our fellow Christian family here. Please be patient with us as we put names with faces. I’m not as young and quick-thinking as I use to be.

July Birthday and Anniversary Get-Together at the Burleson’s – Sunday evening, July 31st immediately following our evening worship service. If you or a family member has a birthday or anniversary in July, please come over to our house for finger-foods, drinks, and cake. Cindi and I will provide the drinks and the cake. If you can, bring your favorite finger-food snack and join us for a time of fellowship. Our plans are to host a birthday/anniversary fellowship every month on the last Sunday night in the month. This is just one way we can get to know each other better as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Our lesson series continues this coming Sunday morning – “We are more than Conquerors.” We have answered the question “Who am I?” Now we will take a look at Question #2 – Who am I trying to please?

On Sunday evening we will continue looking at the Six One Thing’s in the Bible.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It’s me again, back into my somewhat normal schedule of studying, writing, preaching, visiting, spending as much time as I can with the grandchildren, and blogging. Cindi and I made the move back to Arkansas from our home for the past five years in Columbia, South Carolina. We moved to Enola, Arkansas, out in cattle country about 20 miles outside of Conway three weeks ago. Life is good, slow, quiet, and peaceful. Country life is definitely different from city life. This morning at 7:00 a.m. my neighbor’s dog, Molly was lying in the middle of the road enjoying the beautiful morning and only slowly moved from the oncoming lane when a farmer in a pickup truck loudly sounded his horn. Can you believe the nerve of some people? A couple of days ago a deer was grazing on some of the grass in my front yard while at the same time a rabbit was enjoying the back yard.

Yesterday I was set to repair the drain under our bathroom sink. I thought I had everything I needed. You know how it is. Lowe’s in only a mile or two away, right? Wrong! More like 20 miles away! Now we have a country store just up the road from our house, so I jumped into my Dodge to see if they had the 1 ¼ inch fitting I needed. Nope! Only 1 ½ inch fittings. There were three older gentlemen sitting on the bench just outside the store. One of them asked me if I was able to get what I needed. We talked for a minute or two and he said, “Follow me. I think I have just what you need.” I did. He did. The drain is working just fine now. I asked him what I owed him. “Not a thing” he said, only come by and visit with us sometime.” I will.

The church of Christ in Enola is a group of about 150 Christians who are very kind, loving, and hard-working. The population of Enola is 188 according to the sign posted on the highway as you drive into town. I am honored to be a member of the congregation. I am especially honored that they have asked me to work alongside of them as their minister and friend. God has always provided for Cindi and me in every way. We are thankful. I am thankful.

I am especially thankful to be closer to my daughter, my son, and my three grandchildren. When we were in Columbia, SC we were about 800 miles away from them. I missed too many birthdays, too many soccer games, too many dance recitals, too many teachable moments, too many hugs and kisses, too many scraped knees that needed a bandaide, and too many questions that needed answers, answers that can only come from a grandfather. Yesterday I spent a few hours with my two oldest grandchildren. We sat on the back porch for at least a half an hour just watching two humming birds fighting over the nectar in the hummingbird feeders.

To my fellow Christian brothers and sisters at St. Andrews Road in Columbia, SC, thank you for allowing me to work with you for the past five years. God blessed us all tremendously with physical and spiritual blessings. He is still blessing us even though we are apart. I will be at St. Andrews Road this weekend to perform the wedding ceremony of my dear friends, Jerry Satterfield and Shirley Dockray. I will also be preaching at both assemblies at SAR on Sunday. What a joy it is to be a Christian and know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

COMING SOON… Gospel Meeting with Brad Harrub – June 24-26
VBS at St. Andrews Road – July 10-14
Well, I guess by now just about everyone in the neighborhood has heard that I am moving back to Arkansas to be closer to my family. I plan to be here with you this Sunday, June 12th for the morning and evening service. We have been busy packing and plan to load the truck on Monday, June 13th and leave out on Tuesday, the 14th. If you can help us load anytime on Monday, your help will be greatly appreciated. We really don’t have a lot to load. We will be back in Columbia Friday, July 1, Lord willing and plan on being with you on Sunday, July 3rd for worship and fellowship.

The past five years have been simply wonderful for me at St. Andrews Road. We have had too many victories to count and a few sorrows that have brought us closer to God and to one another. God has blessed us. The congregation is strong and well-equipped for whatever God has in store for you. We have planted, we have watered, and God has given the increase and will continue to do so in the near and distant future. Please stand along side our elders as they continue the task of appointing additional deacons to serve the church and also as they begin the search for a new minister. My thoughts and prayers will ever be with you. Please pray for us.

This Sunday morning and Sunday evening our lessons will be on the subject of FAITH. I will present “8 Practical Definitions of Faith” for your hearing and consideration, four definitions in the morning and the remaining four at the evening service. I have preached sermons on faith many times before, but these two lessons will give us all a new perspective on what it means to walk by faith and not be sight. These are difficult times for too many of us. We need to believe and keep believing in God, that He is and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Please plan on being here for these two lessons from God’s word.

REMEMBER: Brother Brad Harrub will be with us for a “Christian Evidences Seminar” on Friday, June 24th through Sunday morning, June 26th. Check out the bulletin board in the lobby and our website for additional information on this vital series of lessons on Christian evidences.

Our young men will be conducting the evening worship hour on Sunday, June 19th (Father’s Day). Brother Hutchison and our young men always do a fine job leading the service. We have the finest group of young people in the world. Be here to support them.
I leave you with one of my most favorite passages of Scripture:
1 “My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands;
2 For length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart,
4 And so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil.
8 It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.”
Proverbs 3:1-8

Saturday, June 4, 2011

COMING SOON… Gospel Meeting with Brad Harrub – June 24-26
VBS at St. Andrews Road – July 10-14

Recently there has been much talk about a California man’s prediction that the “Day of Judgment” would arrive on Saturday, May 21st at 6:00 p.m. Obviously, the Bible is right again. Jesus stated to His disciples in answer to their question about the end of the world and His promised return in Matthew 24:36: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, but My Father only.” Of course this is not the first time this man attempted to disprove our Lord Jesus Christ. He did the same thing in 1994. And even now, Mr. Camping stubbornly refuses to apologize for his pride and his rejection of Jesus’ words and states that the “Judgment Day” actually occurred as he predicted, except that the Day was a “spiritual judgment” and that the actual Judgment Day will arrive in five months. Wow! How foolish! Through the years since Jesus ascended to His Father many have carried out their deceptions or misconceptions about the return of our Savior. The Bible is God’s revelation once for all to the world. Believe Jesus. Don’t be fooled. Jesus will return just as He has promised. Prepare. Stay prepared. My grandfather, Noonen Burleson always said, “Boy: Plan to live and prepare to die.” Paul wrote “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Cindi and I made a trip to Arkansas last weekend to visit our family and to check on Ben, Lyndsee, and Lily. They have settled into their new home very well. They are worshiping with the Robinson and Center Church of Christ in Conway, Arkansas. The congregation there is currently seeking a man to work with their youth. Ben has submitted his name for consideration for the position. Please pray for God’s will to be done for them. Cindi is staying a few more days to work. I returned to Columbia on Tuesday. Thank you for your prayers for us.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and selection in submitting the names of those men you believe are qualified to serve as deacons at St. Andrews Road. The elders have our selection sheets and are prayerfully considering each submission and discussing the work of the church with those men. May God bless us as we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness!
Our Sunday morning series “Growing in Gladness” will conclude this Sunday with a lesson on how we can grow in gladness through our Bible classes. Are you currently attending one of our Bible classes on Sunday morning at 10:00 and on Wednesday evening at 7:00? If not, how about making a change. Get up a little bit earlier on Sunday morning. Come out on Wednesday evening. See for yourself just how much you can learn and grow in your knowledge of God’s word. Faith does come by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).

On Sunday evening our series “Christian Teenagers” continues. We are considering the many challenges our teenagers face every day and Biblical examples of young people who faced the same challenges and were victorious in maintaining their faith in God: Joseph - sexual purity, David – bullies, Daniel - eating and drinking what is sinful, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego - idols. This Sunday evening we will look at Esther and see how she refused to be selfish and determined to consider others, her family, and her nation above herself. I hope you are being encouraged and challenged by these lessons.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

COMING SOON… Gospel Meeting with Brad Harrub – June 24-26
VBS at St. Andrews Road – July 10-14

I hope you are having a great week showing and sharing the love of Christ at home, at work, at school, and in your neighborhood. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) that every Christian is “the light of the world.” He commanded: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (5:14-16). The purpose for our living the Christian life, the purpose for every good work is that our Father in heaven may be glorified.

Think about it. Suppose we live our lives some other way, not in “good works” but in ways that are doubtful, fearful, and sinful. Suppose we try to hide our Christian life from others. Do you remember Simon Peter and how he denied Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior not once, not twice, but three times before the cock crowed? Do you remember how he denied Jesus the third time with cursing and swearing and thus hid the light of Christ from those who needed to see it (Matthew 26:73-74)? It is indeed a tragedy when Christians have the opportunity to show and share by their good works the ways of God to His glory and because of doubt or fear or sin let the opportunity slip away from them.

Now suppose that Christians practice what they profess. Suppose you and I really and truly believed and obeyed Hebrews 11:6: What would people say about Christians and about God if every Christian decided to come to God, believe Him, and diligently seek Him? What would people say about Christians and about God if every Christian lived Romans 8:28? All things work together for our good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. What would people say about Christians and about God if every Christian really believed and obeyed 1 John 3:22? And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

Our Sunday morning sermon series “Growing in Gladness” continue this Sunday with a lesson aimed at helping us to grow in gladness through hearing God’s word preached. When we hear the gospel preached we are blessed, we grow stronger in our faith, we become more fruitful in our daily lives, and we obtain and maintain a better understanding of the fight against the enemies of the cross of Christ. I look forward to sharing this lesson with you. We only have one more lesson in this series. I hope these lessons have been an encouragement to you.

Thank you for your patience with me this past Sunday evening. Sometimes I prepare a little too much material for one session. Our Sunday evening series: “Christian Teenagers” is especially needed today. In this particular lesson we are using five unique Old Testament examples to help us understand the challenges our teenagers face every day: #1 – Joseph, maintaining sexual purity, #2 – David, confronting bullies, #3 – Daniel, refusing beer, wine, and alcohol, #4 – Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, rejecting idolatry, and Esther, being unselfish. Please make plans to be here every Sunday evening for these most important lessons. You will be so very glad that you were here with your children and teens.

Monday, May 9, 2011

COMING SOON… Gospel Meeting with Brad Harrub – June 24-26
VBS at St. Andrews Road – July 10-14

Spring is quickly coming to a close and summer is on the horizon (June 21st). As summer approaches many of us will be planning for some time away with family or maybe a few days away in the mountains, at the beach, or to some other point of interest. As we make our plans, let us remember that the work of the Lord continues at home while we are away. Let us also remember that we are Christians and as such should think soberly, speak gracefully, dress modestly, and act honorably wherever we are, at home or away. I’m definitely not trying pour cold water on our summer plans, but just sincerely reminding every Christian to live every day in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Our series “Growing in Gladness” continues this Sunday morning with a lesson aimed at helping every Christian to grow in gladness through giving. Jesus was right (Acts 20:35). We just need to trust Him, obey His word, and follow His example in our giving and living. We will look at five examples from the Bible: Zacchaeus, the poor widow, the Christians at Jerusalem, Barnabas, and the churches of Macedonia to determine how we should grow in gladness through our giving.

Sunday evening we will begin a new series entitled “Christian Teenagers” and ask: “Is It Possible to Be a Teenager and a Christian at the Same Time?” This week we will look at Biblical examples (Old Testament and New Testament) of teenagers and other young people who lived their lives on a higher plane than their peers and show that every teenager can do the same, even today. The choice is ours. I hope every parent and every member of the youth group at St. Andrews Road will be here to hear this series of sermons from God’s word.

The monthly area Men’s and Preachers’ Meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, May 17th at 10:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Brother Bill Young will present our program on “The Relationship of Faithful Deacons to the Congregations They Serve.” Please plan to be here for our meeting together. We will break in June and July for the summer and resume our monthly meetings in August on Tuesday, the 16th, Lord willing. Our studies on “Deacons” have been very helpful to me and to those in attendance.

Speaking of deacons: Have you prayerfully and carefully considered the men at St. Andrews Road in preparation for selecting and appointing those who are qualified to serve as additional deacons? Go by the bulletin board in the lobby and check out the time-line for the appointment of deacons, pick up a selection sheet from one of the tables, follow the instructions, and give your completed selection sheet to one of our elders. There is work to be done. Let us appoint laborers to the work.

Wednesday evening at St. Andrews Road is very special. If you would like to grow in your knowledge of God’s word and as a result grow in Christian faith, then meet with your fellow Christian brothers and sisters on Wednesday night at 7:00. You will certainly be blessed.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

COMING SOON… Gospel Meeting with Brad Harrub – June 24-26

We had a wonderful Ladies’ Day last Saturday. Every detail was perfectly planned, elegantly organized, and simply set in motion to the delight of every one who attended. Thank you: ladies for all you do to show and share the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you: men for giving up a Saturday to help our ladies with lunch. May God bless our efforts with a fruitful harvest!

May is “Graduation Month” for our students. Congratulations to every graduate! We will host a “Senior Banquet” on Saturday, May 21st at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall to honor our St. Andrews Road graduates. This banquet is for our seniors, their families, and anyone else who would like to attend. A sign-up sheet has been placed on the bulletin board in the lobby. The cost for the banquet is $10 per person. Please check the bulletin board for further information or see Allen or Belinda Hutchison.

Our monthly Men’s and Preachers’ Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17th at 10:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Brother Bill Young will present a program on the relationship of faithful deacons to the congregation they serve. We will take a summer break in June and July and resume meeting in August, Lord willing. This meeting is for preachers, elders, deacons, and any Christian brother who would like to attend.

Our Sunday morning series will continue this Sunday with a lesson entitled: “Growing in Gladness through the Lord’s Supper.” Our lesson text can be found in I Corinthians 11:23-34. We will consider how the Lord’s Supper is a remembrance of the past, a proclamation of the future, an examination of the present, and a communion together with Christ. I hope you will accept the challenge to grow in gladness by meeting together with your fellow Christian brothers and sisters for worship, study, and fellowship. We often sing hymn #229 by Brother Tillit S. Teddlie entitled “The Lord’s Supper.” Please, if you could and would, let this song be on your mind as you prepare to commune with Christ and His church this coming Lord’s Day.

When we meet in sweet communion where the feast divine is spread;
Hearts are brought in closer union while partaking of the bread.
Precious feast all else surpassing, wondrous love for you and me,,
While we feast Christ gently whispers: “Do this in My memory.”

“God so loved” what wondrous measure! Loved and gave the best of heav’n;
Bought us with that matchless treasure, yea, for us His life was giv’n
Precious feast all else surpassing, wondrous love for you and me,,
While we feast Christ gently whispers: “Do this in My memory.”

Feast divine, all else surpassing, precious blood for you and me,
While we sup, Christ gently whispers: “Do this in My memory.”
Precious feast all else surpassing, wondrous love for you and me,,
While we feast Christ gently whispers: “Do this in My memory.”

Monday, April 25, 2011

  • Our annual Ladies’ Day has finally arrived, SATURDAY, APRIL 30th. This is a “ladies only” event planned by our ladies for ladies. I hope our ladies and their guests enjoy this very special time of study and fellowship. Thank you to every one of our ladies for the work you have done toward the success of our Ladies’ Day.

  • This Sunday morning we will continue in our series “Growing in Gladness” and study about the place of prayer, the power of prayer, and how we can grow in gladness through prayer. When the church meets for worship and fellowship, prayer is an integral part of our assembly. We begin every assembly with prayer. We close every assembly with prayer. Throughout our assembly we pray. This is the way our assembly should be. If we are not careful we can be distracted and lose focus. Let’s make sure that the time we spend in prayer is purposeful, powerful, and meaningful to the church and to God. When I was a boy my mother would “see to it” that my head was bowed, that my eyes were closed, and that my mind was focused when someone was leading the church in prayer. Mothers are different. They can be totally in tune to prayer and at the same time watch out for and correct little boys who are not. Thank God for mothers.

  • I am excited about our lesson this Sunday evening. We are looking at our salvation in various ways. We are saved by grace through faith. There is something to do to be saved. This “something” must be done. I must do whatever God commands in order to be saved. This Sunday evening we will ask the question: Will many be saved or few? The false idea that many, if not all will be saved regardless of their belief or lifestyle is comforting (and frightening). And our modern worldly culture views those who espouse this belief as tolerant and loving (How can I say “I love you” and allow you to believe a lie and be lost?). Yet, Jesus taught the very opposite of this view of salvation. After our study from the Scriptures we will see that Jesus taught that few, not many will be saved. He taught that there is only one way to be saved. There is only one truth. There is only one life. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He taught that no one comes to the Father except by Him. Jesus taught that only those who trust Him and obey Him will be saved. I hope you will consider the Scriptures and believe and obey Jesus Christ. He said, “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins” (John 8:24).

  • May is graduation month for many of our graduates. The Burleson household will certainly breathe a sigh of relief this year. My wife, Cindi will graduate from USC with her Master’s degree in Business Administration. My son, Ben will graduate from USC with his Bachelor’s in History. My daughter-in-law, Lyndsee will graduate from USC with her Bachelor’s in Psychology, and my grand daughter, Faryn will graduate from Morrilton Primary School from Kindergarten. My daughter received her Master’s in Education from Arkansas Tech University in August of last year. I am so very proud of my family for their dedication to education. I can still hear my mother’s words to me, my sister, and my two brothers, “One of the most important things to me in life is to have my children graduate from college.” She dropped out of high school in the tenth grade to marry my dad. When my sister was a senior in high school, my mother took night classes and later received her GED. Going to school is hard work. Finishing, graduating requires planning, preparation, dedication, patience, strength, money, faith, and a strong commitment to a brighter future for yourself, your family, and society as a whole. Congratulations to every graduate! May God bless you as you begin your next adventure, further education or a career of your choosing! I think this “career of your choosing” is called a job. Another word for it is WORK.

Monday, April 18, 2011

  • Our annual Ladies’ Day is now only one week away, scheduled for this coming Saturday, April 30th. Our special guest speaker will be Mimi Tate from Kaughman, Texas. Our theme is “Behold the Bridegroom is Coming!” You will be so very glad to be here for this very special event just for ladies. Men: We can certainly help our ladies by serving lunch to those who are present.

  • This Sunday morning we will continue in our series “Growing in Gladness.” Too many Christians have lost the true joy of worship and so, do not assemble with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as often as they should or could. Still other Christians may never miss an assembly, but they seem to have lost the joy that once filled their hearts and minds through worship. Last Sunday we discussed how we can grow in gladness through our assemblies. Preparing for worship, remember those present for worship, plugging-in to each aspect of worship, and putting into practice what we experience in worship determines our growth in gladness in our Christian lives.

  • This coming Sunday we will take a look at “Growing in Gladness through Singing.” Psalm 100:2 says, “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.” James asks, “Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms” (James 5:13). Paul writes in Ephesians 5:18-20: “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Again he writes in Colossians 3:16 concerning singing: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” As you can see from just these few passages from the Bible, singing is a big part of the life of a Christian. Think about it. About one third (20 minutes) of our Sunday morning worship hour is spent singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. This is the way it should be. Notice also that throughout the New Testament you will not find a single passage that commands, suggests, or infers that God desires or allows mechanical instruments of music in addition to singing.

  • Many Christians have lost the joy of singing? Some sing with little or no emotion. Some simply do not sing at all. I am not saying that we should be undisciplined in our assemblies or that our assemblies should be indecent and disorderly. I am saying that singing has always been, is, and ever must be a priority in our worship assemblies if we are to be pleasing to our Father in heaven. How can we rekindle our growth in gladness through singing? Maybe if we understood the purpose of singing and then looked at some principles that will help us appreciate singing more, then we would begin again to grow in gladness through singing.

  • We are very blessed at St. Andrews Road to host the annual “All Night Singing” every year in August. We also allow our young men to lead our Sunday evening worship assembly three or four times during the year. This is good. But is this enough? If we expect to have good song leaders in the near and distant future we must allow ample opportunities for our young men to stand before the congregation to lead a song or two. If we expect our worship to God in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to survive and thrive in these modern times, we must give the more earnest heed to growing in gladness through singing.

  • I am excited about the sermon this Sunday evening. We will look at the Lord’s instructions to those who ask “What must I do to be saved?” Hear the instructions. Believe God. Repent of any and every sin. Confess who Jesus is. He is the Son of God. Be baptized to have your sins forgiven. Live the Christian life every day, one day at the time until Christ returns to take you home to heaven.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

  • Don’t you just love this time of year: the warmer weather, flowers everywhere, (The azaleas are especially beautiful this year.), soft rain falling outside, and dreams of summer vacation and graduation. Of course there are negatives: tax time, stormy weather and pollen, stress over grades, and of course whether or not the budget will allow for a summer vacation. My grandfather always said, “Son, you have to take the bad with the good.” The “facts of life” are, well, the facts of life. My trip to Arkansas last weekend was refreshing.

  • My grandchildren have really grown in every way since Christmas. Thank you for allowing me to be away for a day or two to see them. Thank you to Brother Caleb Colley for preaching two fine sermons last Sunday while I was away. We are blessed.

  • Our annual Ladies’ Day is now only two weeks away, scheduled for Saturday, April 30th. Our special guest speaker will be Mimi Tate from Kaughman, Texas. Ladies; you don’t want to miss this very special event planned just for you. See the front of your newsletter for details on our Ladies’ Day. If you can help, please sign up on the bulletin board in the lobby. Men: We have a special invitation to come out on Saturday and serve lunch to the ladies. We always have a good time serving together.

  • We will begin a new Sunday morning series of sermons this Sunday, April 17th. I have entitled this new series “Growing in Gladness.” David said in Psalm 122:1, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord.’” Too many Christians have lost the true joy of worship and so, do not assemble with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as often as they should or could. Still other Christians may never miss an assembly, but they seem to have lost the joy that once permeated their hearts and minds through worship. Our topics will include: Growing in Gladness through: Singing, Prayer, The Lord’s Supper, The Offering, Hearing God’s Word Proclaimed, and Bible Classes. It is my prayer that these lessons will help us all to refocus our minds and our priorities on the wonderful blessings we receive when we come together for worship, study, and fellowship. Through a better understanding of worship, we will be able to say, “Worship? Hurray! Let’s get ready now and leave a little early so we won’t be late.”

  • Our elders are getting everything in order to begin the process of selecting and appointing additional deacons to serve the congregation at St. Andrews Road. Be listening for the details forthcoming. Be in prayer for our elders, for those who will be selected, and for the entire congregation as we set the stage for future growth in Christ in the Midlands.

  • Have you been thinking about becoming a Christian? That’s great! What are you waiting for? There is no better life than the Christian life. What do you need to do? Believe in Jesus Christ. Repent of any and every sin that has caused you so much trouble. This means to sorrow for your sin and commit to turn away from sin. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God and Savior of all. Be baptized into Christ. In baptism we put on Christ. We have our sins washed away through baptism. Jesus will add you to the church, His church. You will be a Christian, saved, free from sin, a new person, a member of the body of Christ, the church of Christ. I am always available to help you.